Ethics Commission Dismisses Complaint Over Equestrian Center Hiring

February 9, 2012

The Florida Commission on Ethics announced Wednesday that it dismissed a complaint filed against several Escambia County officials over the hiring of Forest Gibbs as marketing coordinator for the Escambia Equestrian Center.

The complaint by Escambia County resident Jim C. Hunt was filed against Commissioner Wilson Robertson and three members of a hiring committee that originally gave the job to Gibbs. Those staffers were Assistant County Administrator Larry Newsom, Human Resources Supervisor Barbara Keyser, and Chief of Recreation and Special Services Michael Rhodes.

The ethics commission dismissed the complaint due to lack of legal sufficiency.

Gibbs held the Equestrian Center job for about two weeks in October until being fired by County Administrator Randy Oliver following a complaint that  Robertson influenced his hiring and landed Gibbs a $63,000 salary, which was  higher than was advertised.  The commission, including Robertson, called for a state investigation into the process. The State Attorney found no wrongdoing.

Gibbs  filed suit in Escambia County Circuit Court against Commissioners Kevin White, Marie Young and Grover Robinson claiming that he was qualified and they improperly removed him from his new job. The suit does not name Escambia County as a defendant.  Gene Valentino, who was not at a county meeting in which the board considered the matter, is also not being sued.

Gibbs is seeking unnamed damages in excess of $15,000 plus legal and court costs from White, Young and Robinson.

After re-advertising the position,  Pamela Mauldwin of Milton was hired as Equestrian Center manager. She will begin her job on February 28.


15 Responses to “Ethics Commission Dismisses Complaint Over Equestrian Center Hiring”

  1. Howard on February 10th, 2012 7:55 am

    @David Huie Green
    David Let’s see, though.” Does Alabama tax income not made inside the state of Alabama? Not that it matters, since I don’t. Residency is a strange animal. I’m reminded of the person who ran for office in Alabama while holding some other office in Florida and claimed to be resident of both states depending on what was convenient.”
    If you live in Florida and work in Alabama you must pay Alabama State Income tax.If you live in Alabama and work in Florida u must also pay state income tax.
    Yes. No person shall operate, register or maintain registration of, and no owner shall permit another person to operate, register or maintain registration of, a motor vehicle designed to be used on a public highway unless the motor vehicle is covered by a liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 32-7A-4, Code of Alabama 1975.
    This is the Law in Alabama.
    But I guess somebody missed the point why would an ECSO Deputy who is a sworn officer to uphold the law be living in Alabama running a Florida tag, and driving County owned vehicles without paying for the gas to run out of State? I do know that Mr. Mac was told about this but nothing has ever been done. I wish I could ride around on somebody else money not paying for gas….. Just though Id let some of u Floridians know where your dollars are going.

  2. Jane on February 10th, 2012 4:06 am

    I think from reading the comments, it is obvious what people here think of the County officials. It is a shame that these people continue in the government here if everyone dislikes the job they are doind (or not doing). Why aren’t they voted out if everyone dislikes them so much?

  3. irs on February 10th, 2012 3:55 am

    Can you imaigine the fuel the county would save if they would make county vehicles stay on the compounds after hours.if you look at the models people drive.these arent cheap vehicles at all.gibbs wouldnt be driving no little ford ranger either.most have big 4×4s.its stupied to have so many county vehicles.they should buy smaller to save fuel but why that would look cheap for the officials to drive.the county does not try and save money at all.the only thing they save on is no raises for the workers.remember voters at election time you need to remember this.i bet they wouldnt let just anybody sell a pile of asphalt on side the road either.

  4. NotAgain on February 9th, 2012 10:38 pm

    REGARDING: “No, no, no. The folks who live in Florida and drive with Alabama tags are doing so to avoid getting insurance.”

    Are vehicles registered or operated in Alabama required to be covered by a liability insurance policy?

    Yes. No person shall operate, register or maintain registration of, and no owner shall permit another person to operate, register or maintain registration of, a motor vehicle designed to be used on a public highway unless the motor vehicle is covered by a liability insurance policy in accordance with Section 32-7A-4, Code of Alabama 1975.

    NotAgain for avoiding inaccuracies regarding state laws

  5. molino jim on February 9th, 2012 8:16 pm

    Dismissed with NO investigation. I know that Gibbs and family are reported to have a “lot of money”—but maybe he wanted a hobby after being out of a job for over a year and a half.

  6. Dishearted on February 9th, 2012 12:41 pm

    And the BOCC makes appx $75,000+++ perks for a part time JOB. does anything supprise you when it relates to county leadership..

  7. David Huie Green on February 9th, 2012 12:30 pm

    “And they still run Florida tags on their on cars so they don’t pay State income tax in Alabama”

    No, no, no. The folks who live in Florida and drive with Alabama tags are doing so to avoid getting insurance.

    Let’s see, though. Does Alabama tax income not made inside the state of Alabama? Not that it matters, since I don’t. Residency is a strange animal. I’m reminded of the person who ran for office in Alabama while holding some other office in Florida and claimed to be resident of both states depending on what was convenient.

    David for split personalities
    no I’m not
    yes I am
    you two cut it out
    who asked you to join in

  8. Howard on February 9th, 2012 9:28 am

    You people over in Escambia County should look real hard at the folks that work for the county and drive county owned cars over here to there homes in Baldwin County. And they still run Florida tags on their on cars so they don’t pay State income tax in Alabama. Ans some are ECSD cars also!

  9. jeeperman on February 9th, 2012 9:26 am

    PSUEarl is correct.
    The Ethics Commission merely rejected the complaint at their front door because the complaintant did not dot the I’s and cross the T’s the exact right way.
    If Robertson was 100% positive that he did nothing wrong, he would file a complaint on himself the correct way and then the Ethics Commission would have to investigate. If he thinks he is in the right, he should have no problem doing that, correct ?

  10. PSUEarl on February 9th, 2012 7:38 am

    Dudley, Gibbs lives in Alabama and they were going to give him a county vehicle to drive because he lived so far… You never know how many emergencies could crop up at an equestrian center that would require him to rush there from his home in Alabama…

  11. PSUEarl on February 9th, 2012 7:33 am

    They said they did not find enough evidence of crimal wrong doing… LOL… isn’t that the States Attorney’s job not the Ethics Commission? Gene Valentino was fined by the Ethics Commission several times, but was not found to have violated any criminal codes… What’s the difference?

    For all you that think Robertson did nothing wrong and this proves it… This proved nothing and that’s what their finding says… They decided not to investigate so they found nothing… What a complete joke!

    And for Gibbs, he could not even get the job that was tailored for him to a tee… The only thing the job description didnt have in it was his name… Exactly how many other advertised county management jobs do not require a degree from an accredited university or college?

    Can somebody tell me when Gibbs and Robertsons pile of asphalt has to be within code on Nine Mile road? It was found as a code violation some time ago and nothing has been done to correct it… In fact I think there is less fencing now then originally…

  12. Dudley Herrington on February 9th, 2012 6:40 am

    Well, I guess WE find that there was no problem with the hiring of Forrest Gibbs,
    and I think he would have done the “BEST” job of promoting the Equestrian Center. I have always felt like we have the best TALENT, here in Escambia
    County, and here we go again hiring outside .
    Well I hope to see this Great Equestrian Center we have reach it’s potential.
    We have many Horse Lovers in Escambia County and it can be Promoted.
    Thanks for trying,
    Dudley Herrington

  13. charlie w. on February 9th, 2012 4:29 am

    This is the good ole boy clique at its “best”. Election time is coming and the voters will have a chance to voice their thoughts. I know mine, good bye roberson!

  14. rmd on February 9th, 2012 3:22 am

    The whole bunch is crooked.They should give the woman the same pay as gibbs.the comminsiomer should have been fired in the first people is gona watch out for the other.its a shame tax payers cant control what goes on in this county.they need to be getting jobs in this county instead of worrying about the marial time park and the beach.thats all you hear about.the crime in this county is getting worse than a big city.we need more cops to protect the county than getting more officals in office.look at the forecloseres around here.if there were more jobs crimes would go down.drugs are taking over this county cause people are trying to make a living.

  15. Everett on February 9th, 2012 1:17 am

    The article reads

    “The suit does not name Escambia County as a defendant”

    Of course he isn’t going to sue the county. He’s not going to bite the hand that feeds him and his dad.

    Good luck with collecting from the commissioners.

    I’m really disappointed in Robertson because he didn’t try to get the female employee hired the same pay as Gibbs. She should sue Robertson and the county for “gender bias pay discrimination”.

    With all the money the Gibbs family has why would Forrest Gibbs want to settle for some nickel and dime equestrian job? Retirement (county) benefits would be my only guess. You only have to work for the county 6 years to be eligible for retirement.