Escambia Man Gets 35 Years In Federal Drug Conspiracy

February 7, 2012

Erick D. Smith, 30, of Pensacola, was sentenced to 35 years in prison late Friday afternoon for his conviction on charges relating to a conspiracy to distribute cocaine in Pensacola, announced United States Attorney Pamela C. Marsh, Northern District of Florida.

The federal indictment alleged that Smith and Telly J. Hill were involved in the distribution of large amounts cocaine as well as the possession of firearms in the Lincoln Park area of Pensacola.

During Smith’s trial last year, the jury received evidence regarding several cocaine transactions involving Smith and other men from Foley, Alabama. The jury also viewed fingerprint evidence and telephone records linking Smith to the transportation of cocaine, as well as hearing testimony regarding the seizure of tens of thousands of dollars, casino records documenting Smith’s habit of gambling his ill gotten gains, and the seizure of several vehicles which he utilized during the course of the conspiracy.

Chief United States District Judge M. Casey Rodgers sentenced Smith based on the facts surrounding the case, Smith’s perjury during the trial, and his prior state felony convictions. In December 2011, co-defendant Hill was sentenced to life plus 10 years consecutively, for his role in the conspiracy and a drive-by shooting he committed in as part of the drug organization’s operations.

U.S. Attorney Marsh praised the work of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives as well as the Pensacola Police Department and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

“The Department of Justice and this office will continue its close partnership with law enforcement to vigorously pursue the strongest sanctions against those who plague our communities with drug and gun violence,” said Marsh. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney David L. Goldberg.


4 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 35 Years In Federal Drug Conspiracy”

  1. David Huie Green on February 8th, 2012 12:41 pm

    “we all know alcohol & tobacco are also bad but they’re legal, who gets to chose what who can do? ”

    That should be obvious from context, our government formed by our elected officials get to choose what is illegal. Trafficking in cocaine is trafficking in death, it will kill people other than its buyers. It will kill those who are killed to pay for it but it will also kill those who are killed by those in altered mental states.

    Tobacco usually just kills those who use it.

    Alcohol annually directly and indirectly kills tens of thousands, but our elected officials listened to the voters and made it legal again. Even so, there are certain actions associated with it which are still illegal, such as driving under its influence or giving it to minors.

    AS TO:
    “I lost a friend because a person was talking on a cell phone and ran him over, he violated his right of way and Killed was only a $166. ticket for taking a life because he was sober, if he would have been D.U.I. it would have been 20 years in jail.. why do sober people get a free pass on their negligence?”

    Sorry for your loss. As to why — people are negligent and sometimes kill. DUI killers decided to drink in the first place, decided to drive in the second place and killed in the third place. Three strikes. Further, it is quite possible a DUI won’t even remember who he or she killed. The cell phone killer will probably remember it for the rest of his or her life and suffer guilt. Hence, not completely a free pass.

    David for less guilt

  2. Jane on February 8th, 2012 8:24 am

    Selling drugs is not a business…it is a crime. More drug addicts=more crime to buy more drugs.

  3. tearra middleton on February 7th, 2012 7:33 pm

    My baby father is not a bad person he took care of his business and his kids.Its sad that the federal would give this much time to anybodyn its a shame a person would have to spend their hole life behinds bars. The federal need to cut the times down i know its a crime but still 35 years to life thats sad.

  4. paul on February 7th, 2012 4:00 am

    I do think cocaine is a bad drug, but it’s kinda odd that we all know alcohol & tobacco are also bad but they’re legal, who gets to chose what who can do? cigs/weed/alcohol/coke/caffeine are All drugs but as long as lobbyist push their products and money is being made it’s all okay. I think somethings wrong with our system. I lost a friend because a person was talking on a cell phone and ran him over, he violated his right of way and Killed was only a $166. ticket for taking a life because he was sober, if he would have been D.U.I. it would have been 20 years in jail.. why do sober people get a free pass on their negligence?