Escambia Deputy Arrested

February 25, 2012

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office lieutenant was arrested Friday afternoon.

Roger Grice was charged with two misdemeanors by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Grice was charged with two different misdemeanor counts of fraud. FDLE has not released details on the arrest.

The Escambia Sheriff’s Office said the charges do not involved Sheriff’s Office property and the alleged offenses did not occur while he was acting in a law enforcement capacity.

He has been moved to an administrative position pending the outcome of the case.

Grice has been with the department more than 20 years. file photo.


27 Responses to “Escambia Deputy Arrested”

  1. whatever9 on March 2nd, 2012 8:32 am

    Im not sure what to think anymore. Several LEO have been arrested since Morgan took office. In some way, shape or form they have all been on Tv or in the paper. Putting a name and face out there in the public like that is a way of saying GUILTY. Regardless if the charges have any substance. ?Makes you wonder…. doesnt Law Enforcement in Escambia County have real crimes to procesicute? I mean, drug dealer selling to kids, bank robbers, sexual offenders, murders or homicides? They are still occurring right? I dont see their picture on the news or in the paper in big BOLD print. Also, FDLE works with the ECSO…. why are they saying FDLE investigation… FDLE is gonna take time out of the MAJOR crimes to investigate a local guy with 2 misdemeanors? I dont buy it. Sounds like politics to me. I dont trust the powers that be in Morgans camp. They are all shady, they just know how to play stupid. Grice was a Nesby follower, then a Morgan follower….Key word FOLLOWER… Im thinking he mustve pissed someone off. Regardless… he is now labeled. If he is innocent or guilty. I just hate to see my tax dollars being wasted on these petty charges… when we got guns in the hands of kids and drugs in schools! I believe Morgan and the whole lot of them should go… now! Just my opinion.

  2. Barbara Arnold on February 28th, 2012 3:35 pm

    It amazes me that when most people are charged with a crime the details are printed in the News Journal and reported on channel 3. Not so with Roger Grice. There have been small blurbs on both, not the detailed reporting anyone else could expect. Just who made the decision to shield Roger Grice from public scrutiny? Give us the facts! This website has more details than either channel 3 or the newspaper. Keep up the good work.

  3. 0734 on February 27th, 2012 10:34 pm

    Roger is a good man! I’ve known him for 31 years.. Innocent until proven guilty and I know he’s innocent…

  4. Patriot on February 27th, 2012 3:53 pm

    In response to Molino Mom:
    It IS public record, what lead you to believe that it isn’t?

  5. Molino Mom on February 27th, 2012 12:52 pm

    If the deputy has already been charged, why isn’t this part of public records?
    Doesn’t matter the outcome.
    Just sayin’ ..

  6. molino jim on February 26th, 2012 2:30 pm

    Please remember—-this is something that was NOT JOB RELATED. Also he was charged, give the courts time to find out what happen and if he is even guilty. It’s like when a person is charged by a grand jury, all they hear is one side of what happen (just the states case) and when it goes to court there is no truth in the case and it costs the person who is charged the cost for a lawyer. If guilty do what needs to be done—- if not guilty how many will post anything on here. I recall the music teacher who was arrested for touching a young girl. She later admitted she had lied so she could be moved to another school where her friends were. Commenter wanted him hanged, after the fact all most no one had any thing to say.

  7. bigk on February 26th, 2012 1:55 pm

    I was asked to give details but only thing I can say is State Attorney had FDLE investigate case not ECSO internal affairs. And as you know plea deals are made and Grice will be allowed to retire. My statements are as a taxpayer I feel the deputies in this county are great but need leadership. They are human and human nature dictates someone giving them direction which I feel is lacking with the current administration. They should be proactive not reactive in fighting crime as they seem to be now. Military veterans know that how your troops act is a direct result of leadership. I feel that the resources I and other tax payers pay for are not being utilized to get the best bang for the buck. Buildings that cost millions instead of renting at a far less cost , collecting garbage not fighting crime , not having enough detectives to solve our property crimes and not strongly fighting the gang/drug issues. The Sheriff himself at a town hall meeting said the gang issue is at an acceptable level in Esc County. What level of criminal activity is acceptable? Ask yourself as a citizen of this county if you feel safe right now , I don’t. If you ran a business and an employee did not do a good job you would replace that person for one you felt could do the Job. The Sheriff works for the citizens of this once great county. I just feel it needs to be run by a certified law enforcement officer (Morgan is not) that has experience in running law enforcement agencies (Morgan had none before being elected). Check all the other counties in this State and see who they have running those departments , Certified Law Enforcement Officers. But I feel the citizens in this county will choose in August and the county will once again start fighting crime with a new Sheriff. God Blees all.

  8. motherof2 on February 26th, 2012 9:57 am

    WOW , it amazes me that there has been several deputies getting arrested in the last few weeks. and those few are making it hard to trust our other deputies out there that are trying to protect us . i think there should be deeper investigations on who gets hired into our police depts. you have some that are in to child pornography, fraud, assault, dui, etc. i respect some police officers that are out there making a living for there family and risking there lives but others are just there. thank you for the ones that do their jobs and not getting in to trouble.

  9. Molino-Anon on February 26th, 2012 9:42 am

    Yeah this is misdemeanor counts of fraud, not felony fraud like with the cancer scam and those people are getting off with hardly anything. So misdemeanor fraud… I doubt he’ll have to do anything, other than push some papers for a few weeks.

  10. Jane on February 26th, 2012 5:33 am

    1. The Sheriff is not to blame for someone else’s actions.
    2. The person charged should not be publicly assumed guilty until we know what it was he did.
    3. I am quite sure other officers have been in trouble under other sheriff’s administrations, so let’s not say “it is all Sheriff Morgan’s fault”!

  11. bigbill1961 on February 26th, 2012 12:04 am

    bigk accusingly asked “How many more deputies under Sheriff Morgan are going to get arrested?”

    Here we go…let’s blame the Sheriff. bigk, please explain in detail why the Sheriff would be at fault.

    The two deputies that have been arrested are responsible for their own actions, should they be found guilty. The Sheriff’s responsibility is to make sure that a thorough investigation is conducted, and to maintain the integrity of the Sheriff’s Department. Stop blaming the Sheriff and stop judging the ESCO based on the actions of one or two men.

    bigk, are you perhaps on the campaign committee for Mr. Powell?

  12. Patriot on February 25th, 2012 11:30 pm

    Bigk posted: “Trust me when I say Grice got lucky thats all he was charged with. Do we want 4 more years of this administration?”

    Rather than “trusting you”, why don’t you fill us in on what you know?

  13. bigk on February 25th, 2012 8:49 pm

    How many more deputies under Sheriff Morgan are going to get arrested? Deputies’ actions dictate the leadership hmmmmmm. Trust me when I say Grice got lucky thats all he was charged with. Do we want 4 more years of this administration?

  14. David Huie Green on February 25th, 2012 8:41 pm

    I was just thinking about the phrase “innocent until proven guilty” and realized it implies a person WILL be proven guilty since it includes the word “until”.

    It looks like it would be reasonable to say “innocent unless proven guilty” or even more accurately “legally innocent unless proven guilty”. After all, a person is actually guilty or innocent no matter what a court decides. The difference is that we don’t really know — unless we just make up our minds without all the facts — so we have a justice system to decide the official answer for us.

    Just a thought.

  15. LEO on February 25th, 2012 8:34 pm

    Kevin if you are interested, police officers face not only prosecution, but also punishment in their job. I agree cops should be held to a higher standard, but cops are prosecuted and punished much more severely than criminals. Take into account most if not all cops are first time offenders. Think of the mistakes you have made and see if it was newsworthy. Not only will he have to await trial, but most likely he will be on unpaid leave until he has a chance to prove himself innocent if that is the case. How many other jobs do not let their people work when they are “innocent til proven guilty.”

  16. 429SCJ on February 25th, 2012 7:00 pm

    The key word is charged, and innocent until proven guilty, by a court appointed jury of one’s peers. Let the jury see the evidence and hear Lt Grice’s side of the story. This all proably just a misunderstanding. I have never even heard of officer Grice, but it seems people speake highly of him and that is where my opinion rest.

  17. For LEOs on February 25th, 2012 11:44 am

    TL you are right he is a good man.

  18. molino jim on February 25th, 2012 10:17 am

    @ TL and others. I’m with you 100 %. I some times wonder if those who are so anti- LEO’s have a mug shot or two in their back ground.

  19. TL on February 25th, 2012 10:07 am

    If this is the same Officer Grice that was the resource officer at Tate in the early to mid 90’s, then I knew him and his kids. He’s a good man and has a good family. The story does say misdemeanor charges of fraud. Cut him some slack, he’s human like the rest of us. Show some compassion. Don’t be the judge and the jury for something or someone until you know all the facts. Just because he’s LOE doesn’t mean he won’t get a fair punishment.

  20. Quote on February 25th, 2012 10:07 am

    “Kevin Enfinger on February 25th, 2012 9:34 am but the court system will let him off because hes a law enforcement officer and in their eyes their mistakes are excusable. But if it was one of us it would be prison or jail time”

    Apparently you don’t keep up with the news… It is an everyday occurance that a thug/hardened criminal gets probabtion or even dismissed charges. How about not slamming LEO until you know what you’re talking about!!!

  21. Kevin Enfinger on February 25th, 2012 9:34 am

    but the court system will let him off because hes a law enforcement officer and in their eyes their mistakes are excusable. But if it was one of us it would be prison or jail time

  22. William on February 25th, 2012 8:31 am

    >>mugshots are public record in fl

    Not for law enforcement and their families.

  23. me on February 25th, 2012 8:30 am

    mugshots are public record in fl…just type their name in and mugshot behind it

  24. William on February 25th, 2012 8:13 am

    >>>A few months ago you had a write up about a Escambiba county law fired for running drivers lic and back ground check you did not put a name on it i ask you why didnt you put his name you wrote me back and said we dont list name if they work for law inforcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You got that a little backwards. Here’s the story:

    The deputy’s name is in that story. You (last comment on the page) asked why his picture was not posted. I answered that was because mugshots are not public record in Florida.

    This story does not contain a mugshot — it has a photo of the deputy that we took as he walked Juniper Street in Walnut Hill some months ago. It’s our photo, not one released by law enforcement.

  25. JM on February 25th, 2012 7:59 am

    Misdemeanor Fraud? Doesn’t sound like much, but then again he should
    have known better. They would have arrested one of us!

  26. B.Bunny on February 25th, 2012 7:48 am

    Omg…another one? Sad,sad day for L.E.O’s

  27. Question! on February 25th, 2012 7:32 am

    A few months ago you had a write up about a Escambiba county law fired for running drivers lic and back ground check you did not put a name on it i ask you why didnt you put his name you wrote me back and said we dont list name if they work for law inforcement!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT you listed this mans name and i do not know him! just asking!