Ernest Ward Middle School To Be Rebuilt; New $16.5 Million Facility Planned

February 3, 2012

A brand new $16.5 million facility is in the works for Ernest Ward Middle School that could open as early as 2013. The new facility will replace the entire Ernest Ward campus, with the exception of the current gymnasium and football stadium.

The Ernest Ward rebuild is part of a sales tax funding plan to be presented to the Escambia County School Board in February. The plan also includes $21.5 million to rebuild A.K. Suter Elementary School and $5 million for projects at every other school in the district. (Click here to read about the other projects.)

In 2010, the school board approved $480,000 for a new Ernest Ward cafeteria that will also be included in the new school facility.

“Suter and Ernest Ward are the oldest facilities in the county,” Escambia School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said. “With the Ernest Ward rebuild, you will have high performing schools with very adequate facilities across the north end of the county.”

The oldest buildings at Ernest Ward, including the main classroom wing, were constructed in 1945.

For a photo gallery from the current EWMS campus, click here.

“It’s about time,” Escambia County School Board District 5 member Bill Slayton said. “The superintendent and I have talked about the need since we were elected. This has been my number one priority once the funding was in place. Since we are using sales tax money, this is a case of money being raised in Escambia County and being put right back into Escambia County.”

Architectural design work on the new Ernest Ward facility will begin after the project gets a final go ahead from the school board in late February. The new school, Thomas said, will be completely state of the art, including smart boards and related electronics in each classroom.

In February 2010, the school board approved $480,000 for a new Ernest Ward cafeteria. Design on the cafeteria is currently underway in such a way that it will be part of the new school campus.

Students will be on site during the construction of the new school; it will be built either in front of or behind the current facility. Once the new building is complete, the current building will be torn down, and portables and modular buildings  currently on the campus will be removed.

Most of project work in 2012 will include the design and permitting stages. Construction, Thomas said, will likely be underway by 2013.  Students could be attending classes in the new building by the 2013-2014 school year in a best-case scenario, Thomas said, but that could easily be postponed to 2014-2015 by any permitting or construction delays.

“This will be a win-win for the community,” Slayton said. “This will pump millions into the economy and save jobs in Escambia County. It’s long overdue.”

For a photo gallery from the current EWMS campus, click here.

Pictured: Ernest Ward Middle School in Walnut Hill. photos, click to enlarge.


34 Responses to “Ernest Ward Middle School To Be Rebuilt; New $16.5 Million Facility Planned”

  1. August on February 23rd, 2012 3:18 am

    Oh and can we get a brick :)

  2. August on February 23rd, 2012 3:16 am

    Think we can all have one last reunion before it goes? I will miss it but things must move on. Progress :)

  3. concerned on February 5th, 2012 1:56 pm

    Please think about this. If the old school is preserved as a Historical site, who will pay for the upkeep. It is you and I, theTAXPAYER.

    Tear it down, every brick/block, and build a new one. I graduated from EWHS and I do not need a building to remember my good times. Thank you,
    Mr. Thomas.

  4. barbara s on February 5th, 2012 7:49 am

    I remember when we played in the gym that was a airplaine hanger. That was some good old days. I also graduated from EW and my mom went there and all 5 of my children went there. EW is a great school for any children to go to. Remember we live in the county, not town, it does take a while to get to school. I glad to see some improvement on the north end. Because we also should have some more of these roads paved, We have roads that no one lives on but its who ownes the other end, if it get paved.

  5. just tired on February 5th, 2012 7:39 am

    It seems so funny to me at how just two years ago, EWMS was in much better shape than the site at the Carver School, now all of a sudden it is really run down. I’m just sitting back and observing. Hmm, what will it be next? And by the way you all know that it’s time for Malcolm Thomas’s re-election–nice timing for the school.

  6. Josh G on February 5th, 2012 6:51 am

    Lots of memories. Too bad the old school building has to be torn down and can’t be used for some type of community facility, technical training or the likes. Maybe it’s beyond repair at this point.(?)

  7. Lady on February 4th, 2012 2:40 pm

    I was moved to E.W. school when this one was first built.
    We were being schooled in the old gynnasium in Walnut Hill because the school across the street had burned. We sat in classrooms with holes in sheetrock and the boys would shoot spit-balls thru the holes at us. Those were really fun days and memories but we were all so excited when the new E.W. was built and we moved in. It was beautiful. I went there until graduation, my children went there until graduation, my grandchildren went there and graduated from Northview after a high school was built over there. It holds many memories but it is so old and I thank the Good Lord that the “powers to be” are going to replace it with a brand new building. Our memories are with us foreever but this will be an asset to the community. It’s time Escambia County realizes we in the North End need more. Now we have to get our tax office back up here even it its only a couple days of week. Folks lets start sticking together and get things moving north that we need. There should have never been a court system in downtown Pensacola but more centrally located around 9-mile road. Sorry to be on my soapbox but we’ve got the ball rolling for the north-end,let’s keep it going. THANKS TO ALL TO HAD A HAND IN GETTING THE NEW SCHOOL!

  8. David Huie Green on February 4th, 2012 11:27 am

    “Now why couldn’t some of these same points be made b4 the century high school or carver k-8 was being closed..”

    In a public hearing, my wife pointed out to the school superintendent that the Ernest Ward buildings would have to be replaced soon, Molino Park was built to handle a K-8, Century was built to handle a K-8, and that it would make more economic sense to upgrade Bratt to a K-8.

    He responded that Ernest Ward had a history.
    History’s important.

    David thinking it’s only money

  9. sad on February 4th, 2012 9:23 am

    I, too, am sad that Walnut Hill will be losing a part of history.

    However, I’m a HUGE fan of………..if you don’t like it, you think the school is too far to travel, you don’t like the location, etc…..feel free to TAKE YOUR CHILD OUT and send them somewhere else!

  10. Serina on February 4th, 2012 6:13 am

    First of all, to everyone complaining about century, maybe if the town produced business of some sort or possibly wasnt such a high rising crime rate there would be a school there. But lets face the facts, it is a ran down town with drugs coming out of every corner. Secondly, to everyone complaining about the location of Ernest Ward, If it is such a big deal please by all means move your child to where ever is closer rather that be jay, flomaton, or molino. If I remember correctly one of our schools also faced the danger of being shut down but unfortunately it was carver instead. On another note, I surely do hate that Ernest Ward is getting torn down, so many wonderful memories for almost every generation of my family including my 74 year old grandmother. But I remember attenting ernest ward around 2001 or so and it was falling to pieces then! I am so happy that the kids of our future and our community now will have a facility fit to serve them in their edcation, with the technologies to go along with it! This truly is great news for our students! Welcoming this new school and new opportunities for ALL of our children with nothing but joy and smiles!

  11. Jus wonder'n on February 3rd, 2012 10:28 pm

    Now why couldn’t some of these same points be made b4 the century high school or carver k-8 was being closed.. Instead of building a new school close it and shuffle the children some where else.. Or is that done only 2 the schools that the county dont want to be bothered with

  12. Hmmm... on February 3rd, 2012 4:15 pm

    Change is the biggest thing most people can’t understand or accept. This will be a great opportunity for the students…no matter the outcome and ultimate decisions made. I attend EWHS in the 90s and I hate to see a huge part of the communities history be demolished. However, if it is for the good of the student – bring it on!!! I would like to walk down that long hall one more time for a trip down memory lane before it is gone.

  13. Really? on February 3rd, 2012 3:34 pm

    You people that suggest that the school should be moved are missing an important point — instead of $16.5 million, a relocated school would coast MILLIONS more, probably around $25 million.

    If you relocated the school, you would also have to pay for many things that already exist at the current location in Walnut Hill:

    – property
    – site work
    – electrical, water infrastructure
    – sewage treatment plant
    – fiber optics for data
    – a football stadium (EMWS has a middle shool football program)
    – a gymnasium
    – parking lots

    All of those things are already there and won’t cost a dime more in Walnut Hill. it would be millions $$$ elsewhere

  14. ewalum on February 3rd, 2012 3:28 pm

    I attended Ernest Ward years ago before the consolidation. There are several valid points being raised here. The current location is definitely not centrally located enough to accommodate the geographic area that its students now live in. Although I’m glad to hear the the students will get a new facility, I really wish they would build it in a different, more hospitable-to-all location and leave the current structure standing. I know a 65-year old building isn’t ideal, but it with a little remodeling it could still have a lot of life in it–I’d love to see some money raised to refurbish it and use it as a community center. It could be a place for adult education classes, exercise classes, volunteer programs, a larger venue for community events such as dances, reunions, charity events, etc. It just seems like a waste to tear it down and rebuild a newer building in that space when putting the new school closer to everyone and keeping the old school would solve more problems and create more opportunities.

  15. No Excuses on February 3rd, 2012 2:29 pm

    To the blogger who asked the question about the lottery – this is it in a nutshell. When the lottery was voted in, the money was supposed to go along with State appropriated money for our educational system. Instead, our politicians took the State appropriated money and sent it elsewhere (who knows where) and the lottery money was used to replace it for educational purposes. The school systems statewide were left worse off than before – we were duped and should never have voted the lottery in. We had more with the State appropriated funds than we now do with the lottery funds. We only get a percentage of those anyway, not 100% of the proceeds.

  16. Century on February 3rd, 2012 9:43 am

    Being a life long Century resident and knowing the shake down the folk from the north end of the county get from County government we are lucky to get anything. Century once a flurshing town with all three schools, Hospital and all the other county services now is left with absolute nothing. Still with over 2000 residents the County deams is unworthy of any of their services. With Excambia County its all about the money and the money runs one way—-toward the south end and no return. Get all you can West side Escambia and consider youselfs lucky.

  17. David Huie Green on February 3rd, 2012 9:40 am

    “What bothers me is where did all the Lottery money go? I remember when the Florida lottery was proposed, – - – A lottery would more than fund the school system in Florida. What happened??

    Sometimes politicians lie. (very rarely, but it DOES happen.) Once they get the money, it’s THEIRS not ours any more.

    David considering rare events

  18. Mom 0f 3 on February 3rd, 2012 9:37 am

    I graduated from EWHS and my mom graduated from EWHS. I currently have children attending EWMS and the school is in desperate need of replacing. I have a lot of memories within the walls of the building and they will stay with me forever. When I go to the school now I see a broken down old building that makes me sad. I hope this project is successful and a new building is built so that our children can make new memories in a new school. It’s not a North end verses South end to me……. We need a new school so lets support it no matter where it is. Hats off to Mrs. Perry, Mr. Thomas and everyone involved for making this vision happen.

  19. Well on February 3rd, 2012 8:57 am

    Some of these comments sound like North End versus Southern North End.

    It is a needed project and no it will never be the right thing to everyone.

  20. FormerBratt on February 3rd, 2012 8:48 am

    I agree with Randon. A piece of history will be gone. On the other had I am glad that students will get a state of the art facility with modern updates. I would love to visit the school before it is torn down. Just one more walk down memory lane. EWHS Class of 1991.

  21. Really? on February 3rd, 2012 8:12 am

    “South of Barrineau Park Rd to the County Scool system. So there is land to use to build.”

    That would never work. That would put the school on the far southern boundary of the district rather than anywhere remotely near the middle. Some of the kids in the EWMS attendance zone would then be bused 35-40 miles across the district.

  22. resident on February 3rd, 2012 8:07 am

    Oh, not to mention I have heard by a gentlemen that has donated a large partial of land for a school South of Barrineau Park Rd to the County Scool system. So there is land to use to build.

  23. Resident on February 3rd, 2012 7:32 am

    The school needs a bigger facelift. I hope that with the new school comes with different administration and school boundry changes. Yes, the people in the North part need a new school, but it is condusive to the upper Northern part. Ransom is getting over crowded by leaps and bounds because the students that are in between Earnest Ward and Ransom are left hanging. When your child has to ride a bus for over an hour with High School stiudents something is wrong. The boundry lines need to be changed. Why does the county not put the middle school where it was supposed to have been 8 years ago with Molino Park. The community was told they were getting a middle school. This commumity is growing by leaps and bound, not the upper part.

  24. A Plus In History on February 3rd, 2012 7:20 am

    Randon, sometimes you have to give up a part of history and consider the safety and well being of our kids. If not, we’d still be in the old log cabin school that’s now just west of EWMS at the Ruritan.

    Good job Escambia School Board!

  25. j on February 3rd, 2012 7:18 am

    Well, I guess us Century folks knew it would be just a matter of time. I agree with idea of building brand new out by Northview. Should have done that when they first built Northview.

  26. A on February 3rd, 2012 6:27 am

    It’s about time! I feel better sending my student to a school that while might not be on the cutting edge of technology will atleast be able to stand on same platform that some of the elementary schools are on. Our middle school has been ignored long enough. We have a great elementary school and high school out here, now we’ll have a middle too.
    Random~You can preserve history and move forward at the same time. There’s a time to remodel and a time to rebuild.

  27. ? on February 3rd, 2012 6:26 am

    Sure needs it our kids from century k-8 was sent from a new brand new school to one that was falling apart go figure. So about time at least now the kids will have a better place to learn

  28. oak grove on February 3rd, 2012 5:55 am

    I remember Oak Grove School being torn down. It was very sad, but at least we have the park for some mermories. If the completely distroy Ernest Ward what memories are left for alot of all of our communities ? Why can’t they just add on and update Ernest Ward. It is a landmark for alot of people. It holds a lot of memeroies as an Elementry thru High School for our communty. The school is probably a safer shelter than Northveiw.

  29. molino25 on February 3rd, 2012 5:49 am

    This school really needs to be improved, everything is outdated. I am not concerned with history, but the safety of the students.

  30. Oversight on February 3rd, 2012 5:44 am

    I agree that a new school is necessary, but rebuilding at the current site is the wrong location when considering population centers. Move it across the road from Northview or further south to Molino near Molino Park. At least the Molino location would discurage the free ride Alabama students who lie to get into the school because they don’t want to go to Atmore’s public schools.

  31. matt on February 3rd, 2012 5:43 am

    Yes, I agree it will be sad to lose such a piece of history for this area, but just imagine the substantial educational impact this new technology based school will have on these new middle schoolers! This is going to be one of the greatest things to happen for these kids while they attend that school. I was a student there in 2001 and it was evident even then that the school needed a major overhauling. Glad education is finally taking priority!

  32. David Huie Green on February 3rd, 2012 5:17 am

    planning on putting it together fast

  33. SHO-NUFF on February 3rd, 2012 1:56 am

    Great News!
    What bothers me is where did all the Lottery money go? I remember when the Florida lottery was proposed, it was sold on the premises that we would have top-notch and brand new schools across the entire state. A lottery would more than fund the school system in Florida.
    What happened??

  34. randon on February 3rd, 2012 12:52 am

    Well there goes a part of history.