EREC Washington Youth Tour Winners Named

February 16, 2012

Two Central High School students have won the Escambia River Electric Cooperative Youth Tour to Washington contest.

Lauren Griswold and Logan Rowell will represent EREC on the Washington Youth Tour in June. While in Washington, Griswold and Rowell will see the sights, learn about the nation’s capital and rural electrification while making new friends from across the country.

Students from across the EREC service area interviewed with an independent panel of judges. Contestants were judged on their knowledge of EREC and the history of rural electrification. Personal attributes of each candidate such as character, academic ability, personality and leadership abilities were also considered.

Pictured: Central High students Lauren Griswold and Logan Rowell, winners of the EREC Youth Tour to Washington contest. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


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