County Gives 30 Acres To Muzzle Loaders

February 17, 2012

The Escambia County Commission Thursday night voted to give the Escambia River Muzzle Loaders the 30 acres where they operate and allow the group to extend their shooting hours.

The vote was the final approval needed to give the land to the non-profit ERML group to release the county of any liability associated with the shooting range and avoid an environmental cleanup.

Neighbors of the range on Rocky Branch Road have spoken out in opposition to the range and its practices for years. They claim ERML committed to spend $250,000 to improve the range’s safety and reduce noise. But neighbors said the upgrades have never happened. Neighbors have also claimed that the Muzzle Loaders want to purchase additional property to expand the range — and shoot in the direction of neighboring homes.

Changes approved in spirit by the commission Thursday include:

  • The range will be open extended hours from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. during the April 1 to September 30 period. Previous hours were 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m.
  • A safety officer must be present whenever the shooting range is being used.
  • The range will remain closed on Mondays, unless it is a national holiday other than Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter Sunday.
  • Lighting can be installed around the shooting platform only.

The Escambia River Muzzle Loaders is located on Rocky Branch Road, north of Quinette Road near the Escambia River.


19 Responses to “County Gives 30 Acres To Muzzle Loaders”

  1. gun lovers on February 21st, 2012 5:15 pm

    Thanks Heather!! Means a lot to us gun lovers to have someone like you on our side.
    With you on our side, how could we go wrong?
    Maybe they can make enough room to build a motel or two, or three ;)

  2. walnuthillgirl on February 21st, 2012 10:39 am

    Well im so glad you got more land.Because I know people that live in the community and they do cause trouble and tell lies make up stories and run there mouths.Because if they will do it to there own family they will do it to anyone.They poke there nose where it dont belong.Good Luck Gun Lovers.

  3. T on February 20th, 2012 11:45 am

    Continuous crying , making up stories and calling people names only equal one thing.I will continue to make my weekly trip to the range as I always have and absolutely nothing can stop me.You can try to divid us by saying its only few of us you have a problem with ,but we all know your true intentions .You try to have other believe your homes are riddled with bullet holes ,that you can’t go outside and your kids are in danger that is absurd ,any good mother or father would have moved long ago if it was true .Anyone can use google maps and see no homes anywhere near the range,this is all about traffic .I learned gun safety at that range from my grandfather and father.I have taught my kids gun safety at that range and will one day teach my grandkidds there also.You can spout off ” I’m gon’a sue or I’ll have my legal rep handle this” ,how many time has everyone heard that absurd sounding trash ,it scares no one.So keep on making up all the stuff you want,the county is done with you as they have just shown.It must suck to continually lose,but you must be used to it at this point in your life because you keep on and on and nothing has changed and nothing will and you just can’t seem to get it.So come on and post some more vitriol comments and see if anyone but the four or five of you care.I am now moving on ,as you should MOVE on and will not be responding anymore.STILL WINNING!!!

  4. MH on February 19th, 2012 5:08 pm

    @Char. To clarify this is not a hunting range. In my opinion it isn’t even a muzzleloader range as the name would imply. The majority of weapons fired at this “muzzleloader” range are pistols and rifles. I can tell you are sincere and in no way do I mean to sound rude but for us there is no longer a win-win scenario
    for us. If the members of the range are interested in being good neighbors than just do what they’ve already agreed to do. Make the improvements that will cut down the noise and eliminate bullets from leaving the range………and as far as for you “T” you are erml’s worst enemy and you don’t even realize it. Your arrogant and abusive attitude is typical of a small % of the members we’ve had to deal with over the years. Fortunately the majority of the erml’s members are courtious and respectful. Especially when we would pull them out of the ditches after they got stuck coming in and out of the old dirt road.

  5. Cheryl on February 19th, 2012 4:57 pm

    Well now, my feelings are hurt. Awful bad. Beacause no one from ERML’s representative’s have come by my home and offered to buy it. Unlike a few of my neighbors. If you really want to buy out “the bad seed”, come see me. I would love to sell you my home for the “right price”. Let’s talk…. T McK.

  6. Char on February 19th, 2012 9:57 am

    @Pensacola Ed

    NOW that was a nice post. I like what YOU said about being a good neighbor.
    Unfortonately it sounds like not every one that uses that hunting range
    wants to be a good neighbor, other wise this would be a win-win situation
    for the home owners since they got a NEW PAVED ROAD. Instead it
    sounds like there are still some very scared home owners who do not
    feel safe in their own yards……That is not a WIN-WIN situation, but
    discussion might lead to solution.

    How further could this be made SAFE and then that SAFETY BE
    ENFORCED? Any other IDEA’S?

  7. T on February 19th, 2012 9:54 am

    Well Ed you must have been delusional when you tried to read what I said becuase nothing you said has anything to do with what I said.But I do agree everyone must now work together to make this the best and safest range around.

  8. Char on February 19th, 2012 9:32 am

    Well then maybe some people need to go find out what the county and city
    plans are for that road, I believe that is public information is it NOT?

    If the road department of the county and the commissioners came up
    with something stinky and didn’t tell the home owners that’s not very nice.

    I still think GOOD LAWYERS should be consulted. The EPA thing was
    done before the hunters owned it, so I would think there IS something
    that can be done.

    There are a lot of good lawyers out there in America WHO care about
    people who work, pay taxes and contribute to society and have problems
    of this sort by people who are supposed to be working hard on every-one’s
    behalf, not just the select few. Some lawyers don’t like our lives being
    ruined or the health of our children AND THAT is why their are EPA LAWS.
    Some lawyers will take the case pro-bono. if they feel it is JUST.

    It may take talking to several so don’t give up.


  9. PensacolaEd on February 19th, 2012 7:47 am

    T – I think you need a reality check, you’re sounding delusional. Anything the Range does MUST go through the Development Review Committee (DRC)Process. The head of the DRC previously sided with the neightbors by requiring riccochet eyebrows on the north-facing ranges, and “no-blue-sky baffles on the Ranges that ERML wanted that actually had them shooting east and west, toward the neighboring homes. Any development plans must comply with the NRA Range Source Book, and must also pass the “sniff” test of common sense. We have accepted the fact that the Gun Range is here to stay, as evidenced by the previous 20-year lease that we supported, and that improvements will be made. ERML just needs to remember that those improvements are not just about packing as many shooting stations as possible into this 20-acre parcel, but they are about reducing or removing the possibility of rounds escaping the range and making sure ERML is a good neighbor.

  10. T on February 18th, 2012 11:56 pm

    With all the new federal laws protecting gun ranges passed in the last few years,this range is fully protected now that it is out of the countys hands.The EPA can do nothing about lead on gun ranges that is the law.The complainers can keep fantasizing in their heads until they explode,but nothing can be done now.If you believe the county paid for the road and bridge for the few houses down there…..I wish I could see your face when you find out whats really going to happen down that nice new road .

  11. Tina on February 18th, 2012 5:14 pm

    Thanks CHAR!! Well said

    and “BILL” you are abouty 25 years behind, so go get caught up in the history of this and then come back with your “advice”

  12. PensacolaEd on February 18th, 2012 3:38 pm

    Bill, the problem is not just a matter of noise, it’s a matter of SAFETY. Many of the neighbors with adjoining property, and those in the Hunt Club leasing property to the north are not allowed to have the enjoyment of property they have every right to be on, for fear of getting struck by one of the many stray bullets that escape this range every day. Why does ERML have the right to full enjoyment of property they don’t even own, when landowners cannot even safely walk or ride their horses on their own property? The neighbors, the County and ERML went through 2 years of arbritration, and ERML made a commitment to spend $250K to improve the safety of the range, to date they have done nothing but hire a Range Safety Officer. The Conveyance of this land to ERML without meaningful safety restrictions just means that sooner or later, somebody is going to be injured on the property north of the range. Larger berms with riccochet “eyebrows” will not only improve the ssafety of this facility, it will also help to make it quieter.

  13. Char on February 18th, 2012 12:15 pm

    So when it is not equal for everyone to be safe in the home of their choice
    it is their own fault. Sounds a lot like first come first serve. and our rules
    are the only ones that apply.

    Now the county GIVES the property away, but only after they improve
    the road and new bridge leading to it but……hummm. AM I WRONG

    According to Bill maybe some of you are entitled to your money back
    from the county because YOU DON’T COUNT. IF you don’t count

    If I lived on that road and didn’t count, I would be getting together with
    the rest of the no good no-accounters and see a lawyer, but not one
    from HERE. I certainly would be asking about that envromental mess
    the county is so anxiious to get rid of and see why you were not told
    about that before you bought your homes. Might what to make a
    call to EPA and few other agencies.

  14. Bill on February 18th, 2012 10:29 am

    For all the people that live near the range and complain about the noise. Did you not check out the area where you bought your house first? If you knowingly moved into the area and did not bother to find out the range was there, that is your fault and you have no right to complain. If you moved into the area and knew the range was there, you also have no right to complain. Assume responsibility for your actions and quit complaining.

  15. well on February 18th, 2012 8:59 am

    But on the bright side you have a new paved road and a bridge.

  16. Tina on February 18th, 2012 7:01 am

    It sure does REEK of Good-Ole Boy (and GIRL) politics!
    and I would like some FREE property too!

    But, I just have a feeling this aint the end of the story for ERML……..hmmmmmmm

  17. PensacolaEd on February 18th, 2012 4:51 am

    Yeah, this whole thing REEKS of Good-Ole Boy politics.And I wish somebody would check the facts, the property is only 20 acres, which is entirely TOO SMALL for a safe gun range. This is why there are still bullets escaping the range onto the neighboring properties.

  18. REF on February 17th, 2012 11:40 pm

    Ummmm I like to shoot guns too escambia county will you please donate thirty acres to me also… All these years of tax dollars goin to support it an they just give it away..

  19. PSUEarl on February 17th, 2012 4:03 pm

    Where do I sign up for my free land? Why can’t the school board give LuTimothy the worthless, crumbling, eye-sore of a school that he wants to renovate? There’s a huge disconnect in this county…