Convicted Molino Federal Drug Offender Sentenced On State Charges

February 4, 2012

A Molino man already sentenced to federal prison on drug charges has been sentenced to eight years prison time on state charges.

Matthew Micheal Ramsey, age 39 of Duxbury Avenue was sentenced last year to 20 years in federal prison for conspiring to obtain pseudoephedrine in order to manufacture methamphetamine, obtaining pseudoephedrine in order to manufacture methamphetamine and conspiring to manufacture the methamphetamine itself. He was among a dozen people indicted in a federal undercover operation dubbed “Operation Blister Pack”.

Ramsey was back in court this week on state drug charges where he received an eight year prison sentence from Judge Michael Allen. The sentence will run concurrent to Ramsey’s federal prison time, according to court records.

Ramsey was one of three people arrested on state charges after deputies discovered a meth lab at a home in Cantonment back in February 2011.

Deputies found Ramsey with an active methamphetamine lab inside a residence at 1115 Muscogee Road. He was charged with possession of methamphetamines with intent to sell, trafficking in methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of listed chemicals with the intent to manufacture a control substance.

Ramsey is currently in the Escambia County Jail awaiting transfer to a federal facility.


13 Responses to “Convicted Molino Federal Drug Offender Sentenced On State Charges”

  1. Anita DeLuca on February 25th, 2012 9:56 am

    I have read all these comments and what Matt done was wrong, but we have rapist, child molestors, and murderers running the streets after only serving a few years in prison. I think that is very wrong. Im not defending what Matt done, but I know Matt and before this devilish drug got a hold of him he had a heart of gold and would give you the shirt off his back. Its just sad to know our law inforcement lets all the dangerous people run the streets after only a slap on the hand.My prayers go out to Matts family who is also hurting over this.

  2. Char on February 8th, 2012 2:03 pm

    I agree David
    If his parents, aunts, uncles, preacher and the law can’t reach him…who are we to try to change a 39 year old man who don’t give a hoot about a living being. I try
    to help children, if you get to them in time they HAVE A CHANCE….
    I also help animals because someone has to help GOD’S INNOCENT creature’s
    who can not stand up to people who have dark hearts. Maybe this guy will finally
    find GOD’S help.

    I saw the Donkey some time ago. I cried when I heard the story, but it was
    wonderful to see how it loved it’s keeper. It’s nice to know that it had finally found

  3. David Huie Green on February 8th, 2012 12:20 pm

    “who does he have to blame….just himself ,- – - is it really necessary to dig up old dirt and sling it at him as the door closes on his life!! Did any of you ever go to him and offer him genuine help with his problem – - – you could have made the difference, guess we’ll never know now will we!! Shame on him…..but also…Shame on you!!”

    You say he can only blame himself but then YOU can blame the entire rest of the universe for his decisions?

    He’s 39 years old and it’s still other people’s responsibility?


    As to mentioning prior acts on his part, there really IS a difference between one bad act and a sequence of bad acts. One might show poor judgment, many bad acts show an established attitude. There’s no “lynch mob” involved in mentioning his prior acts; they show who he is.
    You are what you do. You do what you are.

    David considering adult consequences

  4. No Excuses on February 7th, 2012 3:57 pm

    “Matthew Ramsey is currently serving a 20 year sentence in a federal prison facility, it’s mandatory that he serves 17 of these years before being considered for parole” – by “Did You Ask?

    Just so you know, the federal prison system does not offer parole for offenders committed after April of 1995. He will get up to 15% of his sentence off for Good Conduct Time, not parole. If he behaves, he’ll get it. If not, he’ll do the full 20 plus the supervision upon release, and frankly, he’ll probably need the accountability.

    On a different note, people can also ASK for help. Did he ask? If so, then I am sure help would have been provided.

    You cannot rehabilitate someone who does not want to be rehabilitated. Hopefully, he will use the prison time to make a better life for himself when he is released by seeking treatment (they do offer it in the federal system) and choosing to live differently. I hope so, for his sake and for those who will be affected by his incarceation and eventual release.

  5. What if I had offered!! on February 6th, 2012 8:41 pm

    LOOK OUT, here comes the lynch mob again, here’s a man who clearly by any standard has done wrong, I’m sure in more ways than one, but enough complaints were filed against him to the proper authorities to ensue an investigation which lead to his arrest and conviction….BIG problem….SOLVED, Matthew Ramsey is currently serving a 20 year sentence in a federal prison facility, it’s mandatory that he serves 17 of these years before being considered for parole, then after his release he’ll have 10 years of supervised probation, thats 27 to 30 years before he’s done paying for this one, thats more than some people get for harsher crimes like rape and even murder, does he deserve it …probably so, who does he have to blame….just himself, and in the end out of everyone who’s life did he ruin the the most…HIS…and he’s paying a hefty price for his actions so is it really necessary to dig up old dirt and sling it at him as the door closes on his life!! Did any of you ever go to him and offer him genuine help with his problem….NOT YOUR PLACE RIGHT… if you didn’t then please enlighten me on how it can be your place to speak so cruelly of him now, after all you could have made the difference, guess we’ll never know now will we!! Shame on him…..but also…Shame on you!!

  6. No Excuses on February 6th, 2012 11:21 am

    Meth is called “the poor man’s cocaine”. It is so destructive! People look literally 20 years older than they really are when they use meth.

    On a more positive note, I saw the donkey that was dragged a few months back and it is in great shape now. Thanks Panhandle Equine Rescue! Poor thing still has trust issues, but hey! Who wouldn’t?

  7. Lonnie on February 5th, 2012 8:39 am

    @ JB; I remember the Donkey being dragged. He was the one that did it! Some people never change.

  8. JB on February 4th, 2012 11:16 pm

    This is the same guy who got in trouble for dragging that poor donkey.

  9. ne resident on February 4th, 2012 11:39 am

    I agree with Char 110%. This stuff is rampant in the north end of the county. You know it’s bad when we common people can figure out what’s going on and who is involved. The police should have NO problems putting a stop to some of these activities.

  10. joe on February 4th, 2012 11:14 am

    if thats a new pic it looks like he has put on 20…amazing when u get off the meth…great job with this habitual career community destroyer…he wont ruinour communtiy for a long time….Donkey Dragger

  11. Char on February 4th, 2012 8:13 am

    Thanks to all those involved in everyone who is put away on this terrible drug.
    Not only is society now safe from this man, but HE is safe from HIMSELF.
    It is a shame he is lost, but he made the choice, it is NOT SOCIETIES FAULT.

    Thanks for the BLISTER PACK, NOW where is BLISTER PACK 2?
    Molino is riddled with meth and problems.

  12. B.Bunny on February 4th, 2012 7:57 am

    Great news!! Keep up the good work. Thank you to “All” the agencies involved.

  13. so great on February 4th, 2012 7:03 am

    Hopefully he will do a full sentence…a career criminal who deserves what he got!!!! Thank god!