Kevin White Withdraws From Commission Race (With Letter)

February 18, 2012

The day after two-term incumbent Kevin White pulled out of the race for Escambia County District 5 Commissioner,  we are learning more about his decision.

“I have given eight years to Escambia County and I believe that it is time for someone else to have the opportunity to serve. The District 5 seat doesn’t belong to me……it belongs to the people….and I am humbled and thankful for the experience,” White said in a letter released to

The Molino resident said he has worked to make the community better for District 5 and Escambia County as a whole.

“I am proud of the progress we’ve made as a county over the past eight years. We’ve recruited businesses and created jobs and cut the county budget by 71 million dollars,” he said. “District 5 has benefited with more paved roads, newer parks, sidewalks and bike paths, and new trees planted in many areas. I believe the quality of life is better than it has been in a generation.”

White, a Republican, was first elected to the seat in 2004 and re-elected in 2008. He pre-filed his qualification papers for the commission seat back in July.

There are six candidates remaining in the race –  Republicans Denanne Burkett, Sam Archer and Jim Taylor and Glenn Austin have pre-filed for the seat. Packy Mitchell and Dennis Wiggins have also announced, running with no party affiliation.

To read White’s complete statement released to, click here.


40 Responses to “Kevin White Withdraws From Commission Race (With Letter)”

  1. REF on February 20th, 2012 11:04 am

    How do you compare a man standing on side of road waving trying to do the right thing an promote his campaign to the men an women walking all through traffic begging for money. That was the issue with the ordinance that everyone was talking about…. That was a bit of a low blow that was not needed..

  2. Jr on February 20th, 2012 10:56 am

    IF you have over 25 years of school teaching experience, you should be running for School Superintendent, wouldn’t you think?

  3. My two cents on February 20th, 2012 10:25 am

    I am with JuJu on this one. Some questions you have to ask yourself about each person that is running.

    •Does 30 years of executive (real-estate) experience for one person count?
    •If someone sues’ for disability how can they obtain another Job and put up all these signs?
    •Why not stay teaching Kids? He changed schools every year. Was he run off?
    •Do we need someone with a criminal record? A DUI?
    •Do we need a Bar owner?
    •Where is the money coming from? (The candidate? Down Town business? Or the people of district 5)?

    These are some very serious questions that each person should ask before walking in the voting booth. Make sure you do your research and make sure we put the correct person that is not part of the down town crowd. I would love to see some debates. William would you moderate a debate?

  4. Steve on February 20th, 2012 8:48 am


  5. well on February 20th, 2012 7:52 am

    Mr. Archer may be a good man, but i remember a time not long ago everyone was raising cane about people standing on the side of the road with signs begging.

  6. Juju on February 19th, 2012 5:19 pm

    Jsut remember when you vote…it is not always just voting for the guy who has the most signs up or can be seen waving at all hours of the day….what is the candidate really like..what is his history…his family..his faith..and not which church he visits each sunday to get a vote…does he have a real job..not just living off of daddy’s money or lawsuits…can he be a good representation of our district..can he stand up for us agains the other well seasoned commissioners…please district 5 voters be wise in your choices…..

  7. Pcolamom on February 19th, 2012 11:43 am

    Thanks again Comm White for allowing the used car lot in our neighborhood. Three times this morning (SUNDAY) we have been serenaded by the roaring of a motorcycle. The first time it was almost ten minutes of constant engine revving. I hope one day a county commissioner endows the same consideration upon you.

  8. SLH on February 19th, 2012 9:39 am

    Best news I’ve heard in a long time. He is a crook himself. Does not return phone calls or keep his promises. Acts as if he cares and that he will do something, then runs and hides, and you never hear from him again. Now maybe District 5 will get some things taken care of.

  9. rmd on February 19th, 2012 9:16 am

    welli talk to sam archer and i think we should give him a chance.He may change later but he sounds good for now.He said he was gona take an interest in the county road dept.that is a plus.none of the commisioners has never took an interest in the road dept.all kevin white said was at a cook out was,yall county employees make me look good.that was bull crap,no matter what we did he never once came and talk with us.Alot of us would have ideas what would improve the county cause we work there but no one would even listen.maybe sam would.kevin is the one that voted no raises for county employees.we live on proverty level and some forcloseres but he lives in a nice home thanks to county money and roads inc.

  10. 24/7 on February 19th, 2012 12:59 am

    This is the best thing he has done since he was elected… There is a god..

  11. Pcolamom on February 18th, 2012 9:40 pm

    Thanks to Comm White we had to listen to Harley’s at 8am this morning from the used car lot across the street. This used car lot is surrounded by 5 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES and Comm White and Comm Robertson thought it was just fine and dandy to put it there and the rest of the commissioners just followed like blind sheep. I’m glad Marie is not seeking re-election also as she did not stand up for her own district.

  12. Bama Lama Ding Dong on February 18th, 2012 8:07 pm

    “White, a Republican”

    Don’t panic people, there’s plenty more like him around here. In fact, you could say the area is infested with ‘em.

  13. Frankie Archer on February 18th, 2012 5:15 pm

    Hey Kevin how about that promise you made for MOLINO BASS CLUB that you were a member of just long enough to make a few freinds and then you were gone.
    And by the way Remember the MOLINO BOAT RAMP that you said was going to be first thing on your list !!!!!!!!!! I think you got the wrong address galvaves boat ramp and navey point boat ramp look perttyd_ _ _ good,it shame us old folks from Molino don’t have that downtown Money, oh yea you still have time the river is staying low alot these days, HURRY ! its not long before you leave. the next comm. may not USED TOO FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. hellbilly on February 18th, 2012 5:13 pm

    This may be a good year after all.

  15. grandjoy on February 18th, 2012 3:48 pm

    Well, Jacks Branch is not paved and traffic is like 9th Ave…this is a dangerous road. We never got your promise of 24 hour paid fire coverage in district 5,after we got tons of signatures on a petition . We have been paying for years to have this service,guess we will not get a refund. Some things will never get done!
    Drainage problems with the ditches on Jacks Branch make it so nice to wade to your property. Were is our new paved road with nice curbs and drive ways? plus the sod??? Too many wrecks at certain intersections,how about lights put up?
    Maybe some new blood in the system will get a few problems fixed for district 5!

  16. cantonment on February 18th, 2012 11:30 am

    I like seeing Sam out and about he is a real person unlike others who just sit in a building all day. Get out and about and know the community.

  17. molino jim on February 18th, 2012 11:04 am

    Poor old Kevin. Now he’ll just have to take a retirement check after working a whole eight years (part time that is). While it won’t be much it’ll come in month after month. I respected Kevin at first, then I talked with him one day and he was totally abrupt and abusive toward me due to my asking about a county ordinance that he had helped “father” and push. He was loud enough that my wife could hear him and she was several feet away. Sorry he’s taking the easy way out—would have been better for him to have been voted out. Hope the folks in Wilson’s district will help to give Kevin a fishing partner.

  18. REF on February 18th, 2012 10:55 am

    @molino resident
    I think you need to do a little more research before you post something like this against a person you probably don’t even know. It probably a rumor you’ve heard. I see mr Sam out an about all the time working hard to put his campaign together with signs,waving,an meeting at different functions. Maybe before you slander this man stop on side of road an talk to him he’s a truthful man that would answer any questions you vote is for mr Sam

  19. Native 1950 on February 18th, 2012 10:13 am

    BEST news I’ve heard all day!!! Poor excuse for a commisioner…good crook though! Good riddance

  20. Molino Resident on February 18th, 2012 9:28 am

    I’m glad he’s gone. I’m tired of people being in office to better themselves. My vote is for Jim Taylor. He’s already worked for Escambia County for over 25yrs, unlike Sam Archer who sues people for a living & sits at home.

  21. Well on February 18th, 2012 8:41 am

    Thanks for your time Kevin. You know how thankless the position is and whoever wins the election will soon find out.

    Don’t worry the nay sayers will soon turn on the good ole person that gets elected because as i heard somewhere: some people would not be happy if you hung them with a new rope!

  22. xpeecee on February 18th, 2012 8:35 am

    I only had dealings with him twice. On the first issue, he lied to me. On the second issue, he would not respond. After several attempts, he finally answered (Vaguely). After pressing for more info, he lied again. Time for someone who will at least be honest.

  23. rmd on February 18th, 2012 7:27 am

    Hes made plenty of money and now its time to move on.Lets hope sam will do a better job.Youre right he will end up at roads inc.They have got all the road contracts since hes been in.Its always a buddy thing just like the forest gibbs thing.

  24. Jane on February 18th, 2012 5:33 am

    Let’s see what Sam Archer can do! I think he might be the right man for the job.

  25. REF on February 17th, 2012 11:24 pm

    There are plenty of people that would love to have his job an actually be productive at it. To much wasted time has passed with him in office already so glad to see him take himself out of the running.

  26. pcolamom on February 17th, 2012 10:55 pm

    Good riddance! Hopefully the person who takes his place won’t vote for used car lots in residential neighborhoods like he did. Only after the vote did I find out he owned an auto repair shop adjacent to a residential neighborhood. And Robertson mentioned during the commission meeting he had friends that sold wholesale autos from home. Based on this both were too close to the matter and should have recused themselves from the vote.

  27. Frank on February 17th, 2012 10:52 pm

    I am still looking for the money trail to get poker @ the dog track…

  28. Don on February 17th, 2012 9:16 pm

    He knew he had no chance of winning wow glad to hear he is not running he never did help us fight the big pit on Cove Ave.We did it alone no thanks to him….

  29. Mark on February 17th, 2012 7:06 pm

    There is a God.

  30. Keith on February 17th, 2012 6:48 pm

    This is great news! I attempted to call his office on many occasions. No one EVER answered the phone. EVER. Government has turned into a voicemail kingdom. Good riddance Kevin. Maybe your successor will have someone answer the phone.

  31. tallyho on February 17th, 2012 6:41 pm

    Thanks for not helping the rest of the district 5, like the north end of the county. Good by !!!! My vote is for Sam, at least he has not promised the moon but said he is going to be for all of district 5.

  32. trust on February 17th, 2012 6:08 pm

    I feel he is a great public servant. His withdrawel is a selfless act to improve the District 5 representation. Now if his assistant will find a new job, we will be in the best position to move forward. I am amazed he allowed her to use voice mail for all calls into his office. Not sure who I will vote for, at least it won’t be a vote against the position holder and for a canidate,.

  33. PSUEarl on February 17th, 2012 3:56 pm

    Sandra, you have it right… White just finished up all those commissioner schools and stuff to get all those qualifications by going on trips paid by you and me… Now what do we get for all our money paying of rall that training? NOTHING! I guess since he ran out of trips and vacations on the taxpayers dime, it’s time to get out… I knew this would happen or he would make no effort to win, it was obivious what he was doing… Next GOB step up and start the vacations/trips all over… Awesome!

  34. Judy on February 17th, 2012 3:29 pm

    glad he will be gone..probably will go to work for Roads Inc…let’s carefully elect the right man this time and not a good ole boy with no common sense or any education..Jim Taylor is the best man…..and he has had a real job heling kids for over 25 years..

  35. Kim on February 17th, 2012 3:29 pm

    Well it’s weird that kevin’s supporter Steve Barry prefiles on the same day kevin gets out.

  36. Sandra on February 17th, 2012 3:24 pm

    The names will change but everything else will remain the same. One swallow of that courthouse water and they are brainwashed. I;m not gonna waste the gas to go vote for any of em.

  37. Bubba Ray on February 17th, 2012 2:53 pm

    Ol Kev knew he didn’t stand a chance. Archer was gonna whoop him by double digits so better to leave now than be humiliated like Ronnie Mac was.

    Good Riddance Kevin, perhaps the new Commissioner will actually represent DISTRICT 5 and work to resolve the issues in OUR DISTRICT..!!

  38. Name (required) on February 17th, 2012 2:42 pm

    Kevin is a good man, and has done a lot for the county.

    He did stand up to Roads Inc. when they were doing the illegal sand pit thing… sure hope whoever gets elected does as good of a job.

    Thanks for your service Kevin, you will be missed.

  39. Sue Ballard on February 17th, 2012 2:13 pm

    I think Kevin has done a good job. I’m sorry he’s not running again.

  40. resident of district 5 on February 17th, 2012 1:27 pm

    good riddance!! he had his chance to do something (which he did not!). time to step aside and give someone else an opportunity.
