Authorities Raid Cantonment Property Again, Seize More Animals

February 16, 2012

Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies and animal control officers raided a Cantonment property for the second time on Wednesday afternoon, seizing even more of about 90 animals found in what was described as poor living conditions.

On Tuesday, animal control officers seized nearly 20 dogs from the property in the 2800 block of Lawson Lane off Jack’s Branch Road. It all started with a dog bite complaint, but when they arrived, officers found 50 or more dogs, 20 hogs and about 17 goats, according to Kelly Cooke, spokesperson for Escambia County.

Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies stood by as county animal control officers seized about 20 of the dogs. “They were the ones that were in really, really bad health or bad shape,” Cooke said. Some of the animals were reportedly tethered without food, water or property shelter.

Seven of the dogs were euthanized due to their severe condition.

By Wednesday, property owner Roger Kervin spoke out in his own defense, saying that he had doing nothing wrong. Kervin said he keeps the dogs in good shape for wild hog hunting, often using the wild pork to feed people at charity events.

Late Wednesday afternoon, Escambia deputies served a search warrant on Kervin. More dogs were seized, and  authorities returned on Thursday to seize the wild hogs and even a few peacocks on the property.

Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille said Wednesday afternoon that his office is reviewing the case to determine what, if any, criminal charges may be filed against Kervin.

This was not the first time Kervin has been investigated on animal mistreatment allegations. According to court records, he was sentenced to six years probation in 1992 for using animals to bait or fight other animals.

Pictured: The Lawson Lane property were authorities found over 90 animals in poor conditions. photos, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Authorities Raid Cantonment Property Again, Seize More Animals”

  1. Lin on February 17th, 2012 7:46 am

    What’s that old saying, “a picture”s worth a thousands words”, it speaks for itself.

  2. Echo on February 16th, 2012 9:45 pm

    @Clay Baggett

    In case you didn’t read, the charges are related to not taking care of his animals, not hunting. Most people don’t have a problem with hunting, as long as it is done responsibly. What people have a problem with, is other people not taking care of their animals! If everyone minded their own business, then crimes such as child abuse, senior abuse, animal abuse, rape, robberty, etc. would go unreported and unpunished. Are you prepared to live in a world such as that? I didn’t think so. Get your facts straight before making comments that have nothing to do with the subject. I would also suggest you come up with a better hobby than hog hunting. Do you honestly find that fun! Why don’t you visit your local Tom Thumb and rent a movie from Red Box!

  3. clay baggett on February 16th, 2012 9:06 pm

    Yall dont know the half of it yall just hear what the news says thoes dogs were very well taken care of and if everybody would mind there own business the world would be so much better theres nothing wrong with catching hog with dog i personally love the sport and hunt every weekend. The only reason they put the dogs to sleep r because there bull dogs not cause they were poor condition. If u dont like what we do so be it mind your own business if its not bothering u then dont worry about it.

  4. Echo on February 16th, 2012 8:50 pm

    I agree with Erica and KAE. How can someone let their animals, let alone themselves, live in such disgusting filth! The ignorance that permeates our society is astounding! The man states he has done nothing wrong. And his family posts comments that he wasn’t given enough time to clean up his property and animals. WHY WERE HIS HOME AND ANIMALS IN THIS CONDITION TO BEGIN WITH! Where does this mentality come from? He and his family should be ashamed that they allowed this to happen. Based on the pictures, I would assume that this man is low income. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be clean and have enough common decency to take care of your animals. We should tie the man and his family up with no food and water inside an outdoor dog pen and let them sit for a few days in the cold and rain. However, I doubt this would even change their behavior. I hope this man never owns animals again and he is more than welcome to move to Alabama. Good Riddance!

  5. KAE on February 16th, 2012 7:19 pm

    The video of the animals I saw on the news tonight was enough evidence for me!! I’m sick of all you country back woods folks ~defending one of your own. What is wrong with you?? This man has been found guilty of fighting animals in 1992, these animals are NOT pets, they are just tools he uses to hunt hogs.

    I am sick of hearing these sad stories, these animals deserve better. A responsible owner would provide adequate shelter, FOOD, water, love and attention!!!

    Boo hoo- I hope they throw the book at him, have sympathy for the animals not the poor excuse for a human being who was suppose to care for them!

  6. david davis on February 16th, 2012 5:12 pm

    R u people blind. There is nothing wrong with the animals in the pics I’ve seen.who cares what his yard looks like.same as always putting their 2 cents in when they don’t know the whole story. People would be a lot better off if they would keep their nose problem to themselves.

  7. Jack on February 16th, 2012 4:56 pm

    You know most of you people saying bad things about this man need to get the facts before voicing your opinion.If you don’t like hunting move to the city and you can tell the drug dealers what to do.Most of you that are saying bad things probably are hiding something yourselves.

  8. erica on February 16th, 2012 3:04 pm

    This is disgusting trashy behavior! it makes me sick to see animals suffer, how can these people sit their and enjoy a meal knowing those animals are starving!!!!!!!!! they should tie them up without food and water and see how they like it! im tired of seeing cases like this and then they get no fit punishment! they better be glad they arent my neighbors!!

  9. molino lady on February 16th, 2012 2:51 pm

    I think that its a crying shame with a man cannot keep animals on his own property. i know for a fact that those animals were fed and taken care of, I have seen with my own to eyes the food the roger gets for local produce businesses to fed them. i also know that he did use these dogs for hog hunting in fl and al. so to all of you out there are making those false comments about him, shame. he is a good man, he just needs to clean up his place, for if he had, that wouldn’t be anyone calling animal control. what about the hogs he has donated to different food drives for the homeless and other places in need of food. i am outrage that animal control put those animals down. why didn’t we see pictures of them. because the were pit bulls? i know one thing don’t come on my property and seize my animals, because you might be sorry.

  10. Mary on February 16th, 2012 12:15 pm

    So many judge! Do you really KNOW that the animals were in such bad shape?
    Did the community stand up to help him? Don’t you think that we should stand
    together as neighbors and support one another?

    Don’t misunderstand, I do not support animal cruelty, but things are not always what they seem. We see so much focus on the treatment of animals, but do not seem to care about our neighbors. Human beings are turned out of their homes every day. According to the Florida Coalition For the Homeless website, there are over 85,000 homeless people in the state of Florida, yet we focus on the the animals.

    People lose their jobs and then their homes. Entire families are turned out on the streets. But, we must take care of the dogs. HMMM, is there something wrong with this picture?

  11. johnny pope on February 16th, 2012 10:48 am

    the people they are talking about help so many charity. make a wish , breast caner ,molly Pyritz and many more. these benefits would not of been as helpful with out the help of the Kervin”s family. i hope the aspc look close no dog were miss treated bull dogs have been used for hunting for generaiton”s give the man back his live stock and dog”s

  12. jeeperman on February 16th, 2012 10:14 am

    And some property owners wonder where these “wild hogs” that are tearing up their property come from?
    I am surprised he is not charged by FWS with releasing foreign species into the local enviroment.

  13. jackie on February 16th, 2012 9:59 am

    He cared he cared omg look at that hoard they worked hard on what???? it’s a mess

  14. Daughter-in-law on February 16th, 2012 9:00 am

    @ EMD they put these dog down because of their breed not because they where is bad shape. I say this because I have seen the dogs. Rogers is my father-in-law. I wish AC would release the pictures of the dog that they put down so you could see for yourself. When they came out Tuesday they told him he had until Thursday to comply with the things they wanted changed and then they did not even give him time you fix the short list of thing AC control gave him to do. His friends and family worked very hard Wednesday to try to fix these things. This is not a man that does not care.

  15. EMD on February 16th, 2012 7:26 am

    AL, The article said that the dogs were euthanized due to their “bad shape.” You even wrote “Bad shape.’ Why would you say anything about “breed snobbery?” This sounds like it came from some real or imagined “injustice” in your past. Why else would you insinuate such a thing regarding people who were doing their job? Thinking the worst of people right off the bat, is not very nice. Neither is letting an animal suffer. Too much negativism in this world. Sad. A sad remark about an even sadder situation. :(

  16. Jane on February 16th, 2012 7:13 am

    So after they slap his wrists, how will they keep him from doing this all over again? It is obvious that he just did it again once he was released after the first time. We need tougher sentences for this type of cruelty to anaimals!

  17. AL on February 16th, 2012 2:41 am

    no word in why the dogs were euthanized? ? Bad shape or breed snobbery?