Animal Cruelty Suspect Remains Jailed

February 21, 2012

A Cantonment man remains in jail today after being charged last week with 78 counts of animal cruelty.

Roger Kervin, age 66 of Lawson Lane, was arrested Friday, three days after the first of 90 animals were seized from his property. He was charged with 13 counts of felony cruelty to animals and 65 misdemeanor counts of confinement of animals without sufficient food, water or exercise.

Of 20 dogs seized at the property, 10 were euthanized.

Kervin is being held in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $97,500. He is due to appear in court on March 6.

Before his arrest, Kervin spoke out in his own defense, saying that he had done nothing wrong. Kervin said he keeps the dogs in good shape for wild hog hunting, often using the wild pork to feed people at charity events.

This was not the first time Kervin has faced animal abuse charges. According to court records, he was sentenced to  probation in 1992 for using animals to bait or fight other animals.

For more details, click here for an earlier story.

Pictured above and below: Roger Kervin’s property on Lawson Lane. photos, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Animal Cruelty Suspect Remains Jailed”

  1. Dr. Feelgood on February 23rd, 2012 1:47 am

    Toby Keith’s song “double wide paradise” ran through my head when I seen the pictures. Nothing like some good ol fashion hucklebuck living.

  2. dad on February 22nd, 2012 7:42 pm

    Did the ones defending him here even read the other article which was summed up nicely by “and the rest of the story”? Or do you just not care and will defend him no matter what?

    Malyndak, what does your post have to do with this story?

  3. Marsha on February 22nd, 2012 1:06 pm

    He’s not a hoarder, he’s a hunter. There are a lot of hunters that own 20+ hounds. That isn’t un-common. They just don’t run around talking about it because their dogs would be confiscated and the owners charged for not having the dogs laying on their couch eating ice cream and watching Judge Judy.

  4. KW on February 22nd, 2012 10:18 am

    To the person who said “what is seen in the pics above, he has definite hoarding issues and he need psychiatric help”, REALLY?. Who judges a person based on what they live in and how they choose to keep their property, clean or not clean. That is his personal choice. Just because he doesnt keep a clean place or it’s not the nicest place, doesn’t mean he need psychiatric help. And just because some perosn who had nothing better to do called the aurthorities on this man regarding “animal cruelty” doesn’t make it true. I personally know this man, and he is the nicest person I have ever met. He is a friendly, caring guy and would never treat his animals in the way that’s described. I know for a fact he feeds them. It makes no sense to say that because a dog is thin, they are being starved. I have a dog that is very thin and eats more than any dog I’ve ever seen. It’s just the way she is built. And his dogs run wild hogs. They are in great shape, not starved.

  5. regina on February 21st, 2012 9:49 pm

    well said mylyndak

  6. And the rest of the story on February 21st, 2012 6:39 pm


    Please read the earlier story. Here is an excerpt:

    Escambia County Animal Control seized 20 dogs on Tuesday, February 14. According to an affidavit, several of the dogs were emaciated while some displayed open sores and infections. Some of the dogs were aggressive and had puncture wounds and scarring. One of the dogs was in a seizure and was in need of immediate medical attention. Another suffered a ruptured anus.

    The pen were the dogs were kept were filled with feces and mud that was several inches deep with limited to no shelter. The dogs had no potable water and no food. Several where tethered with “large” or “heavy” chains. Ten of the 20 dogs –both hounds, bulldogs and mixed breeds — that were seized Tuesday were euthanized.

    The affidavit details the condition of each euthanized dog. In addition to being emaciated, one or more of the dogs suffered from conjunctivitis in both eyes, sores, infections, infected toenails and fly sores.

    “Several of the dogs had puncture wounds and scarring consistent with fighting,” the arrest warrant states.

    Hardly marathon ready, wouldn’t you agree?

  7. Rachel on February 21st, 2012 4:42 pm

    I’m not advocating this gentleman’s lifestyle, becasue he may very well have not taken care of these animals as well as he should have but………. Have you ever seen a fat marathon runner or a person who runs/excerises 4 to 5 days a week that was fat?? So why you anyone find it unhealthy or cruel that these animals were skinny and nothing but muscle??? If you burn off what you eat, then you wouldn’t have any excess fat stored on your body……. Just my thinking!

  8. Malyndak on February 21st, 2012 2:35 pm

    You can not always believe everything you hear or read ! I no that Roger has always feed & watered his animals every day ! I’m asking you to read this and ask yourselfs & the media, where’s the coverage on this ???
    I want to share some info. That’s  truely heartbreaking !!!!
    There are children in foster care that can talk but do we get to hear their voices ??? No, does the media share their story ???? No, they are neglected & abused, in foster care, in state approved homes, adoption placement homes !!! But no the media doesn’t cover these stories !!!! This is the sad truth of our media, law enforcement, and dept of children & families !!! There’s an ongoing case of such abuse right now !
    But have you seen or heard anything about it ??? No bc it’s gov. & st. Where’s the support & coverage on their  wants and needs ??? These children have not been allowed any contact with previous family, friends, church members, or previous communities !!! Their rights have been ignored, & with no outside support !!! The past two adopted placement homes have resulted in arrest for neglect & creulty to a child !!! Where is the media & support for these children ??? Who is to suffer the conciquences of these actions … The children & their loved ones, that’s who !!! With no support from the dept. of children & families, the media, or anyone else !!! Truely heart breaking !!!

  9. Jill on February 21st, 2012 6:27 am

    Between the 90 animals and what is seen in the pics above, he has definite hoarding issues. I hope they get him some psychiatric help.

  10. Jane on February 21st, 2012 5:54 am

    Gee, he may be in jail but at least he has shelter, food and water. The animals didn’t. They need to make sure he never has animals again to mistreat!