10 Years Community Control, Probation For Meth Lab

February 9, 2012

A Cantonment man has been sentenced to a total of 10 years community control and probation in connection with a meth lab found at a Cantonment home last year.

Adjudication was withheld in the case of Robert Edward Raines. He was sentenced by judge Michael Allen to 18 months community control to be followed by 8.5 years of probation. He was also ordered to perform 100 hours of community service at 10 hours per month.

Raines was charged with possession of methamphetamines with intent to sell, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of listed chemicals with the intent to manufacture a control substance.

In February 2011, deputies reported finding Raines inside a home in the 1100 block of Muscogee Road with an active methamphetamine lab.


21 Responses to “10 Years Community Control, Probation For Meth Lab”

  1. Family on February 11th, 2012 12:16 pm

    The home he was found in with a working meth lab was NOT his. He shouldn’t have been there (that was his 1st mistake). But his 2 boys have been raised by him without their mother and have gone on to college and jobs (his great accomplishment). After his wife died, he was so lost and turned to something (alcohol) to take that pain away. But the pain was still there and turned to something more dangerous. It isn’t right by any means but hopefully this will get him on the right path.

  2. David Huie Green on February 10th, 2012 11:10 am

    “But you can’t plan to go to HEAVEN when you Judge someone”

    So all judges go to Hell? Even Moses?

    Interesting theology.

    But Luke 9:30 and other places in the Bible describe Moses and Elijah coming down from Heaven to have a chat with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. So either the Bible IS wrong, or judges CAN somehow make it to Heaven. For that matter, Moses was even a murderer before he became a judge.

    Elijah was a wee bit judgmental about telling people they had done wrong. It came with the job.

    Part of the job of the kings of Israel was also to judge. Nathan brought King David a charge about a rich man who murdered his poor neighbor to take his only lamb from him. In judgment, David declared that man should die. At which point, Nathan told him HE, David, himself, was the man for killing Uriah to marry his widow, Bathsheba, so as to hide the fact he had gotten her pregnant. David was also forgiven after repentance. (Uriah was still dead, though.)

    Accepting repentance is a good thing. Saying repentance is needed is a good thing. You can’t say something needs to be repented of without saying it was wrong in the first place.

    Try not to be so judgmental of those who are judgmental. They may be right.

    David for repentance of sins
    and trust in Jesus

  3. No one important... on February 10th, 2012 8:03 am

    Thanks to Bobby for his help in putting others away but I don’t think this punishment fits the crime, he was just as guilty but obviously didn’t have as many past charges as some of the others.

  4. Faith,Hope and Love on February 10th, 2012 5:45 am

    God said have Faith ,HOPE and LOVE….I don’t uphold anyone who does wrong…I’m aware of what the charge was… But you can’t plan to go to HEAVEN when you Judge someone….. True facts who wants a family memeber or a love one to be on ANY!!!! kind of drug or drugs but muchless our kids but.. we can’t just down this person for his one drug. CAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT DRUG OUR KID FAMILY MEMBER IS GETTIN….From wat i read someone can KIll someone and get a lesser charge… someone who needs help they give them life..Killing someone you take a life…Needing help there is Hope…People can change.. but Taking a life you will need alot of pray….

  5. Gatorgirl on February 9th, 2012 2:40 pm

    Nah, Bobby didn’t have to give any list of names, that was already done. And 18 months of community control and 8 1/2 years probation is nothing to scoff at. That adds up to a lot of money HE has to pay to the state. Love you Bobby. Now, it’s time to pick yourself up, accept your punishment and move on. Lesson learned.

  6. Cantonment mom on February 9th, 2012 1:44 pm

    Sounds like this guy gave law enforcement a long list of names in exchange for this sentence.

  7. JusTina on February 9th, 2012 12:15 pm

    My prayers are with you Bobby. You are never alone brother! He is down enough, stop kicking him. Self righteous people … what will u do when it involves your loved ones? Don’t just roll your eyes and think it can’t happen to the best of you, it absolutely can.

    If you can’t build someone up, at least DON’T tear them down. – Keep It Simple

  8. unbelievable ! on February 9th, 2012 11:06 am

    so basically his punishment is picking up cans or something 2 and a half hours a week and free the other 165 and a half hours a week for a meth lab ??? I mean this is the kind of punishment you give a kid for using a cuss word or backtalking ??? Sorry, thats my last post i promise.

  9. bratt mom on February 9th, 2012 11:03 am

    oops, was supposed to say why excactly do we have a law ? it was a typo but im sure you get my point .

  10. David Huie Green on February 9th, 2012 11:02 am

    If it stops him, well and good.

    If he continues, he had his chance.

  11. bratt mom on February 9th, 2012 11:01 am

    so this is what we have to look foward to in our community. We do appreciate that judge . wow ! and someone tell me again why excactly to we have something called the law again ?? It obviously does not work anymore.

  12. Angeleyes on February 9th, 2012 10:20 am

    Is there a min mandatory for a meth lab? I know there is a 3 yr min mandatory for trafficking cocaine even if you are paralyzed and an ounce is laying on your lap. My point is, there are a problem when an first time offender gets 3yrs state prison and a man with a meth lab gets a to be free. Adjucation withheld allows the offender to get his record sealed or exponged, that’s the trick to helping some and scaring others.

  13. Tina on February 9th, 2012 10:12 am

    UNBELIEVABLE! knowing what happened to this man’s wife and now no jail time.
    Lord, I pray for him, I pray for his kids, and the surrounding neighbors that have to put up with what is going on in his house and the dangwer that his decisions will bring to the community.

    UNBELIEVABLE! BUT, I do believe God id in control and has plans

  14. mary on February 9th, 2012 9:51 am

    Did he have a good attorney??? You know the 1s that cost $$$$$$$$$$..wrong punishment…

  15. Sandra on February 9th, 2012 8:54 am

    Just giving the judge the benefit of the doubt, I imagine that this sentence was decided by the state attorneys office and the judge simply signed of on it. Nine times out of ten the SAO will offer you a plea deal that has no jail time and nine times out of ten the defendant will accept it…..just sayin’

  16. mike on February 9th, 2012 8:18 am

    This is sad. Is he tired of putting people away? I have 2 cousins doing 25 years a peice for this exact same thing that took place in Walton County. Come on he needs to check his own self. This judge just allowed more people to be exposed to this dangerous man.

  17. Char on February 9th, 2012 7:49 am

    I agree with the first 4 posts, this IS a mockery of our system.
    We pay police to risk their lives to apprehend drug addicts before they get to the
    point they kill someone, and yet our Judges apparently SEE NO HARM.

    It also seems that there is a great disparity among the sentences depending
    on the addicts color.

    SORRY but that is my opinion

  18. Mattw on February 9th, 2012 5:55 am

    I am sure that this will teach him a lesson never to mess with the United States Justice System… (sarcasim) The idea that he was charged with possession of methamphetamines, with the intent AND the materials to make meth, it only seems logical to assume that this man is not just a causal user… he is, sadly, an addict. To add to this unfortunate situation this addict is willing to share his vice with others, making his extremely dangerous to not only himself but the surrounding community. Addiction is not something that can merely be “fixed” by leaving it up to the addict to stop all together or resist the urge to use…We “the justic system” are just setting this man up to fail again.

  19. Jane on February 9th, 2012 5:43 am

    It doesn’t do any good to arrest people if the judge puts them back into the community with a slap on the wrist! Hope this is an elected seat for Michael Allen so we can vote him OUT!

  20. Phillip Ware-Ehlers on February 9th, 2012 5:16 am

    Sounds like this Judge needs to be doing some Community Service. What an IDIOT. No wonder all of these people keep getting caught with Meth Labs. No jail time so why not? What’s it going to take? People driving around and their cars blowing up because of traveling Meth Labs and injuring innocent people? This Judge needs to find a new job. He obviously doesn’t know how to be a Judge. He should be ashamed of himself.

  21. Terri Sanders on February 9th, 2012 1:14 am

    Judge Allen what were you thinking when you handed down this sentence?Oh my bad,it is obvious you weren’t thinking!