Walnut Hill Man Charged With Stealing Two Vehicles

January 31, 2012

A Walnut Hill man with an outstanding grand theft auto charge was caught by deputies driving a second stolen car.

Ronald Wayne Boone, 34, was charged with two counts of grand theft auto and booked into the Escambia County jail with bond set at $10,000.

An Escambia County deputy spotted a black Ford Mustang with a paper tag while on routine patrol in the area of North Highway 99 and Lambert Bridge Road. The deputy recognized the vehicle has one that was reported stolen by the Atmore Police Department.

He followed the vehicle north on Highway 99 to Highway 4 and then north on Highway 97 while awaiting the arrival of backup. As backup arrived, a traffic stop was conducted in Davisville on Highway 97 at the Piggly Wiggly, just south of the Alabama state line.

The Atmore Police Department also responded to the traffic stop, and the vehicle was released to its rightful owner.

At the time of his arrest, Boone was wanted on an outstanding grand theft auto charge in connection with a 2000 GMC Sonoma reported stolen January 2 from the 4700 block of West Highway 4.


15 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Charged With Stealing Two Vehicles”

  1. Mom on February 1st, 2012 10:04 pm

    @Bugsgranny, you are so right. As parents we tend to be enablers in situations like this. Sometimes tough love is the only love they need. We as parents can’t try to find anyone to blame but them. They make their own decisions regardless what was offered, given or put in front of them, they choose to do the things they WANT to do. He wanted to steal those cars bevause he did, not bevause of anyone else. It doesn’t have anything to do with living in small community, who thru hang out with. This has to do with a young man who is in the position he is in because of his own actions.

  2. bgr on February 1st, 2012 8:50 pm

    I had to tell my oldest son that I would ALWAYS love him but I might not always like his actions & choices. I reminded him that there is always a choice but to remember that you have to live with what ever choice that is made and the consequences therein. Yes…I had t o back away at times and it was extremely painful…but I came to realize if I supported him when he made bad choices then I was only enabling him to live reckless & blames others for his demise.

  3. KC on February 1st, 2012 12:45 pm

    Despite good parents and a good raising, some people still have a ‘don’t care’ attitude. He will become just another one of the thousands and thousands that the public must feed, clothe and house. To his parents this must be devastating. Only advice for them is to cut the strings and let him go. You did your best.

  4. hmmm.... on February 1st, 2012 11:31 am

    This is very sad! A grow man at the age of 34 has forgotten what he should have learned in elementary school…It is wrong to take things that do not belong to you!!

  5. sho-nuff on February 1st, 2012 12:38 am


    I also have a Son that is 23 that does not act right. But, you can bet your last dollar, his mistakes have not cost me a dime!
    I told him years ago, if he decided to live other than the way he was raised to live, do not call me.
    I see him from time to time when he is not locked up. He has a heart of gold, but stupid!
    Several times I could of spent my hard earned money and bailed him out, never did it. I taught him right from wrong and he decided to live the way he does. I owe him nothing, and he realizes it.

  6. Bugsgranny on January 31st, 2012 11:32 pm

    My heart goes out to his parents…I am also the parent of a son that just won’t seem to see a better way in life…in jail….out of jail… drugs and all the other things that goes with that lifestyle has about destroyed his life…. but he sees nothing he is doing thats wrong…it’s everyone else that has a problem. We have stood beside him and can’t even remember how much money we have spent trying to help but recently we had to make the decision to continue in all of his drama or cut the ties and keep our health and sanity.Our love is always there but we will no longer allow his life style to shadow our days and nights. It has only been a few weeks but we are happier and at peace for the first time in a very long time….there will always be prayers and we have given him to the Lord….within that we have found peace of mind and spirit. God bless you in your journey and may you find peace of mind because we know you have done everything a parent could do…..your son will be in our prayers.

  7. SaddleUpNRide on January 31st, 2012 5:37 pm

    Please don’t blame his parents, they are good people and have done everything humanly possible to try and help Ronnie get his life straightened out. He’s 34 years old now and he still can’t get it right. We love you Ronnie but enough is enough!! Harvett our prayers are with you.

  8. RJay on January 31st, 2012 4:52 pm

    He must be really fond of prison food!?

  9. bratt mom on January 31st, 2012 12:18 pm

    also thank u for not stealing my car. I need it for work to provide for my children.

  10. bratt mom on January 31st, 2012 12:17 pm

    sounds like this guy came from a great family and just bit into a bad apple. You can turn it around man. :)

  11. Sandra on January 31st, 2012 9:55 am

    @Jessica- Yep,” small towns” are the root of all evil. I’d be willing to bet that crime stats show that no amount of good parenting can overcome the bad influence that “small town” exerts on our youth.Heck, large metropolises have virtually no crime (cough cough) and are a paradise compared to our small boring towns around here. As far as boredom? Last time I got bored I dont think I went out and stole cars or robbed somebody but let me check and get back to you on that. There are plenty of things to do in a small town. You can start or join or lead a civics organization to better your community. You can volunteer with a number of groups that do amazing things for the area. You can coach a youth sports team. You can mentor ar risk kids to keep em from going the route that this guy did and I highly doubt that moving to a larger town would deter someone of his mindset from commiting crimes.

  12. Jessica on January 31st, 2012 8:41 am

    Ronnie I haven’t seen you since school, we were good friends. I moved to north Alabama, had to run from that small town. You gotta get away from that small town and move forward. In a small town it’s easy to get bored but you know better. You are 34 now and life isn’t easy and never has been but you can turn this around and move forward. Get away and start over!! Hope everything works out in your favor so you move on with your life in a positive way. You are a good person and was raised by a great family and I know that person is still there. Good Luck and hope to hear you have changed to the person I know you as :)

  13. working on the inside on January 31st, 2012 5:07 am

    Some people like the living enviroment of prison. They seem to thrive in it.
    The reason most people don’t comit crimes is the fear they have of going to prison, and it seems that those people that have been in prison no longer have that fear and nothing stops them from recommiting. That is where the door revolves.

  14. Mom on January 31st, 2012 1:07 am

    Geez, some people never learn. He’ll probably go back to prison for a long time. This will be his 3rd time. Isn’t Florida a 3 strike state? I wonder how long he’ll be away this time. I know his family and know they would do everything in their power to help him better himself. Sometimes you just can’t help someone who doesn’t need help. As a parent I’m sure this is hard for him. Praying as well.

  15. Onewhoknows on January 31st, 2012 12:47 am

    Wow. This is sad. Ronnie hasn’t been out of prison long, and now he’s doing these kinds of things. Makes me wonder if life was just easier in prison for him. I will be praying for him and his family. So sad.