Voting Ends Today In Auburn University Wedding Contest

January 18, 2012

Today is the last day to vote to help a Flomaton bride-to-be win her dream wedding on the campus of Auburn University. Voting ends at 4 p.m.

Details are in an earlier story posted below.

A young North Escambia area woman has big dreams — a free wedding this spring on Samford Lawn on the campus of Auburn University.

Jennifer Coleman, a Flomaton High School graduate, and her groom-to-be, Wes Sinor, are one of three couples vying to win the May 26 wedding of their dreams including the dress, tuxedos, flowers, photos, cakes, limousine, entertainment, reception — the whole wedding package worth thousands.

“We met playing intramural football in October of 2008 here at Auburn out on the intramural field. We just started hanging out after that,” Wes said.

“We were best friends for about two, two and a half years, so we already knew each other through and through,” Jennifer said. But they did not decide to date until after that two plus years of friendship.

“So from the first moment we decided to date, we knew this was it,” she said.

A month after the first date, Wes popped the question — kind of a spur of the moment caught in love kind of thing — without a ring. She said yes.

About a year after that first impromptu proposal, Wes repeated the proposal. This time he was prepared. He had saved some cash for a ring and made his wedding proposal one night on the intramural field where the couple had met, surrounded by candles. Once again, Jennifer said yes.

The winning War Eagle Wedding couple will be chosen by votes from the public. To vote for Jennifer and Wes, visit and vote. Additional votes can be cast on four Facebook pages listed on the War Eagle Wedding website. Voting ends at 4 p.m. on January 18.

Pictured top: Wes Sinor proposes to Jennifer Coleman of Flomaton on an intramural football field at Auburn University. Pictured inset: Pictured inset: The couple, pictured here at the 2011 Auburn-Mississippi State game, are huge Auburn football fans. Pictured below: War Eagle Wedding finalists Wes and Jennifer (photo courtesy Flip Flop Foto). Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


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