Two Escambia Men Arrested For Robbery

January 13, 2012

Two Escambia County men were arrested moments after robbing a woman at an Olive Road convenience store.

Jamal Anthony Williams, 25, and William Michael Venus, 24, were charged with the robbery of Leslie Suarez at the Mom and Pop’s store.

According to Suarez, as she was sitting in her car in the store parking lot, Williams allegedly walked up to her window and demanded money from her. Suarez, fearing Williams may have had a weapon, gave Williams what money she had. Williams then ran to a green Honda Civic, driven by Venus, got in the passenger side, and fled.

Matthew Criner,  Suarez’s boyfriend, came out of the store and Suarez told him that she had just been robbed. Criner began to follow the vehicle as Suarez called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Moments later, deputies located and stopped the vehicle near the intersection of Olive Road and Palafox Street.  Both Williams and Venus were arrested and charged with the robbery. Both were booked in the Escambia County Jail –  Williams with bond set at $12,500 and Venus with his bond set at $10,000.00.

No one was injured during the incident.


4 Responses to “Two Escambia Men Arrested For Robbery”

  1. Char on January 14th, 2012 8:12 am

    It just so happens that two days ago in a parking lot on Olive Road
    a man that I had seen eyeing me in that very parking lot 2 other times
    finally approached my vehicle, he jabbered something that you
    could not tell what he was saying and I told him to go as I had a
    gun and would gladly shoot him. The minute I saw him, I had
    got ready for him. I have a right to be where I was, and a decent
    reason to be there. I knew this character did not!!!

    He left the area. I don’t carry a gun, but do have two other weapons
    that are also legal and I would have gladly used them on him, I never
    tho at any time lowered my window to him or gave him easier access
    to me

    I am not a violent person and would really dislike doing something
    to someone, That being said, I will defend myself, I am not
    a coward, and sometimes animals live and sometimes they die
    by their own making.

    Don’t call someone a drug deal gone bad every time men accost
    women. MOST OF US DON’T ASK FOR TROUBLE, but more of
    it seems to find us if we look like a victim. Unfortunately OLD
    WOMEN are too many times their targets, but you better believe
    these kinds of people will take what they want when they want,
    OR TRY at least.

    Think before you speak next time it could be your sister or mother.
    Olive road is a cut through to many places that are decent to go,
    and people have good reasons to be there.

  2. baebae on January 13th, 2012 4:31 pm

    Like the comedian Ron White said …” You cant fix stupid “…Are things bad enough that we have turned to this…young people going to jail…destroying their lifes…its sad if you just take a moment and think about it all…oh well…film at eleven

  3. Jenna Benson on January 13th, 2012 10:29 am

    Gary Tomner I beg to differ. I have known Leslie and her family for years and she is not involved in drugs. She was scared to death when some thug came up to her window demanding money. She did the right thing, gave him what she had and let the the officer’s handle them. To make such a false statement about someone you don’t know shows how ignorant you are.

  4. Gary Tomner on January 13th, 2012 7:26 am

    Drug deal gone bad.