Florida State Attorney’s Office, FDLE Investigating Flomaton Police Dept.

January 27, 2012

The Flomaton Police Department is under investigation for an incident that allegedly occurred in Escambia County, Florida.

“I can confirm that an investigation is being conducted into issues involving the Flomaton Police Department,” Assistant (Florida) State Attorney Greg Marcille said Thursday. “It is an ongoing investigation at this time.”

That investigation, Marcille said, is being conducted by the State Attorney’s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The investigation is expected to be complete in the next few weeks, he said.

Marcille decline to elaborate further on the nature of the investigation.

NorthEscambia.com has confirmed through multiple independent sources outside the State Attorney’s Office that at least a portion of the investigation reportedly centers around a suspect that claims he was wrongfully detained or arrested in Century by a member or members of the Flomaton Police Department without following proper arrest and extradition procedures.

“I do not have any comment at this time due to this being an ongoing investigation,” Flomaton Police Chief Geoff McGraw (pictured) said late Thursday night. The State Attorney’s Office has not specifically stated if McGraw is a subject of the investigation.

Further details will be posted as they become available and after the State Attorney’s Office releases their findings.


68 Responses to “Florida State Attorney’s Office, FDLE Investigating Flomaton Police Dept.”

  1. Grow up already on February 21st, 2012 10:48 pm

    Who ARE all you uneducated people with your slandering comments about the Chief and the Mayor and the police officers who are there to protect you? You don’t like the Chief? Too bad. He has done a lot of good for the town of Flomaton, beginning with getting rid of officers who weren’t doing their jobs.

    Do your job, follow the law and there is NO reason for the Chief to fire you. Period.

    Did you ever think that the reason Flomaton has been through so many Chiefs is because they kept around the same bad cops for so long? The Chief is trying to clean house and bring in respectable officers who will do their job and protect YOU.
    You all keep complaining that the Flomaton PD is a joke and has been for years but now that you have someone in there who is actually trying to bring about changes for the better, you want him gone. Really? Now that he’s fired the officers who weren’t doing their jobs, things should begin to get better in Flomaton.

    Chief McGraw cleaned house for YOU, so YOU would be better protected, so there WOULD be officers interested in taking out the drug dealers and all the other people in your town that you complain about. When things DO get better in Flomaton, you have Chief McGraw to thank for it. Remember that.

    Grow up already. You ask for something different and when you get it, you don’t like it. Change is hard for everyone. You’re a bunch of cry babies.Cleaning up a crappy PD takes time, it didn’t get that way overnight and it can’t be fixed overnight.

  2. MERVIN RAY SMITH. on February 10th, 2012 4:49 pm


  3. mervin smith on February 6th, 2012 1:50 pm

    Time to get some changes!!ready

  4. Just4TheRecord on February 1st, 2012 9:12 pm

    I have only one comment….The person that said if a person is out after midnight the flomaton cops should stop them and ask them what are they doing???…If I am not mistaken Highway 31 and Highway 29 are US31 and US29. If I am not breaking any law I will politely tell the officer it is absolutely none of his business!! Flomaton cops use the ole ‘tag light not working’ to stop people which is so stupid. If flomaton doesnt want people driving after midnight maybe they should try to close the roads!! Keystone cops at their finest!!

  5. David Huie Green on January 30th, 2012 11:19 pm

    “For David if u know nothing bout the case then how do u know if ur defending the innocent r guilty”

    Or perhaps “For David if you know nothing about the case then how do you know if you’re defending the innocent or guilty?” but that’s just a wild guess. I assume you’re doing your best to communicate.

    Please TRY to understand I am defending or attacking nobody. I reject the idea, though, that the only alternative allowed is to forget about having good police or living with the police no matter what they do.

    I’m not interested in the complaints of those caught breaking the law or in petty politics and rumor. I’m interested in the idea that anyone is above the law (other than the president, of course, since he can pardon himself).

    It’s easy to say nobody else has a clue on what it’s like to be a law enforcement officer, easy but wrong.

    People who think the police only answer to other police shouldn’t be police. That’s every bit as foolish as saying a doctor should only answer to another doctor-not to the patient, that a cook should only answer to other cooks-not the patrons, that the president should only answer to other heads of state-not the people. Jesus told us we’re known by our results. He wasn’t a law enforcement officer, but I trust Him.

    Maybe the people in question did nothing wrong. Maybe they’re the scum of the earth (not likely, but it‘s the opposite end of the spectrum). To claim it’s support them in their deeds or misdeeds or forget about having police protection is simply ridiculous.

    David for functional brains

  6. BadCops on January 30th, 2012 9:07 pm

    To try to clarify for udontknowhowitistobealeo …most of comments here are directed to one person. No one has said every Leo is bad. I have lots of friends and relatives that are in law enforcement. But there are some out there like this man that gives alot of the Leo’s a bad name. Now either you are a Leo yourself that think everyone here is criticizing your profession, or either your in the same crooked ship he’s riding in..if so you may want to get your life vest out because his is going down fast. Going through as many employees as he has in a year should be enough to say he’s in the wrong. I will just sit back and watch the fall.

  7. VoteMayorOut on January 30th, 2012 8:15 pm

    Doesn’t look like they will show their face here…if I were mayor or council, I would have been on the phone with the Fdle the day this hit the knows wanting to know who and what they could tell me. But nope, they just shove their heads way down in the sand a little bit further and pretend they don’t know what’s going on. The entire council needs to be voted out as well as the mayor.

  8. concerned citizen on January 30th, 2012 6:02 pm

    the mayor and councilmen are probably reading the not-so-important SOP to see if the chief did anything wrong. Somebody needs to answer some questions about all the goings-on with all the employees that have left or been fired since McGraw has been there, I think the count is up sto 10 now.

  9. janit! on January 30th, 2012 4:06 pm

    No Response from the mayer or councel!!hmmm on this matter?????

  10. Udontknowhowitistobaleo on January 30th, 2012 1:18 pm

    For David if u know nothing bout the case then how do u know if ur defending the innocent r guilty…as said b4 u have to know the facts b4 u can judge…u r one of the several that know nothing of what this situation consist of so back to my question how do u know if u urself r defending the innocent r tge guilty party? Its a shame how society makes an impact on 75% of people’s decisions & thoughts on issues that they don’t even know the facts behind the scene…but as said b4 call ya neighbor r friend next time u need help r any assistance from ur local pd & then write ur comments on how well that helped. We all put our clothes on the same way & god created us equal but some r over half of the comments on here have no clue what their talking bought & their basing their info by gossip as always r have had encounters w/ an officer b/c they were n the wrong also known as offenders of the law so their gonna bash when they get the opportunity. Grow up people & quit trying to harass someone that’s out trying to protect & serve the community. If ur not an officer r w/ law enforcement don’t bash if u don’t know how the system works but n another situation u may know how the system works based on how many times you’ve broken the law & done ur study while sitting n ur jail cell!!! KNOW UR FACTS B4 U TALK THE SMACK

  11. David Huie Green on January 29th, 2012 5:46 pm

    “But who do u call when u have problems – - – the judge announces the sentencing the officer is the main role n a case they go by their reports to detremine the facts n a case!!!!!!!“

    When you have problems, you need someone you can trust to help you, not harm you. When testimony is crucial in court, you need an officer whose testimony is trustworthy.

    Those who take their responsibilities seriously are to be honored. Those who violate our trust have dishonored the others.

    I don’t know anything about this case but I do know you don’t defend the guilty because the innocent are so good.

    David for good officers of the law
    and literacy

  12. udontknowhowitistobaleo on January 29th, 2012 3:48 pm

    Everyone wants to bash an Officer when u dont know what r how to do their job…i could bet 95.5%-100% are some sort type of offender… But who do u call when u have problems r bn beat by ur spouse & they save ur lives mmmk then. Next time when u have a loved one saved for LEO getting the drunks off the rd think about how disrespectful u have been for someone doing their job. Ask urself if u have a loved one molested, killed, any type of cruel unusual punishment anything that would upset ur family r call any type of devistation…who do u rely on to pursue ur case/situation??????? u call a LEO if it wasnt for them some wouldnt have had justice served r their peace of mind of a lost loved family member so u should b thanking ur local officers for doing their jobs they have families as well but yet they put theirs to the side to work & put their lives out for other families…the judge announces the sentencing the officer is the main role n a case they go by their reports to detremine the facts n a case!!!!!!!

  13. katfish on January 29th, 2012 2:18 pm

    Bring back Tracey Owens! He was a terrific officer and chief, Always a professional at his job. If he was on duty or off, if you needed him, he would be right there, We really need him back! Wake up mayor Bondurant!!!!!

  14. ME on January 29th, 2012 10:29 am

    There are so many things wrong with this town it is not even funny. The mayor, police and law enforcement in general.The one thing I have learned they will hire another one just like that one or one worse. It won”t change EVER!!!!!!!!

  15. flomatoncitizen on January 29th, 2012 7:57 am


    put some feelers out. find a good police chief, pay him well and give his department enough money to operate on to hire decent police officers. this will limit liability in the long run and will save the town money. if you don’t take action soon your political future is apparently in question. i realize you probably read these post but you have to the that the public is fed up with this sort of behavior. the police of department of a local municipality to exist to protect the citizens of the town. the are a service provided to the citizen. the voters of this town should feel their police department is their for them and not subject to anyones political agenda

  16. Wow on January 28th, 2012 10:49 pm

    If someone is driving through town at 2 am and they are doing nothing wrong they should not be pulled over! There are many reasons to be out..could be leaving or coming into town for any reason. May be going to the store for a sick child there are gas stations open 24 hrs, someone may be sick and going to the hospital..the list goes on! If the diver is obeying laws it’s not anyones business what he or she does!

  17. WELL SAID!!! on January 28th, 2012 4:00 pm

    Chief McGaw needs to grow up!!!! I have family that works for the town of Flomaton and they are fed up with his crap. All this trying to get my family fired from the town of Flomaton just because you really don’t like them, is BABYISH! There is only one good cop in Flomaton and that would be my cousin. What Flomaton needs is a new chief and get McGraw the heck out of there!!!

  18. David Huie Green on January 28th, 2012 10:20 am

    “BTW, I did my research and do in fact spell hard words like their and your correctly”

    Which is greatly appreciated, Cygie.

    David for literacy
    dead though it may be

  19. janet on January 28th, 2012 9:07 am

    Election time is coming!!the mayer needs to do the right thing!get him out ! You will probably see a few law suits coming shortly!!!

  20. cygie on January 28th, 2012 8:31 am

    Well my comments were not meant to criticize anybody, just not understanding how all these folks know about the circumstances, yet not ONE of them filed a complaint with any governing body, be it Escambia County, AL or with the state. Nor did I imply anybody had an arrest record, just that people have a problem with LEO when they are doing their job. Don’t know the ins and outs, and not pretending I do. But I do understand that the police get paid very little to do a whole lot. Let the investigation speak for itself. BTW, I did my research and do in fact spell hard words like their and your correctly.

  21. sam on January 28th, 2012 7:07 am

    the mayor has done a good job in flomaton. i have no dealings with the PD so i have no opinion. if someone is out on the streets of flomaton or century after midnight. stop em and find out what’s going on. nothing is open, except whataburger.

  22. Mike Hunt-Tisitchy on January 28th, 2012 6:40 am

    WOW…. Not sure if I have ever seen this many negative comments with so few supporters concerning a local law enforcement office or person. Hope the mayor of your fine town reads Northescambia.com and takes notice.

    I know one thing, nearly everytime something negative has been written/commented about ECSO, Sheriff Morgan comes on here to give his two cents. I am surprised your sheriff hasn’t responded to all this negativity concerning his office.

    From the outside the fish bowl looking in, it appears ya’ll have some legitimate issues that need to be addressed.

  23. huh on January 28th, 2012 12:45 am


    Yes , what a crime it would be for consenting adults to look at porn! This is the USA not the middle east, if you want to live in a place with no personal freedoms then you should move there

  24. Drug_Buster on January 27th, 2012 9:46 pm

    At least the Chief is trying to do what he was hired to do. May the FPD needs to be abolished with no law enforcement at all. Then people could sell drugs, porn and anything else they want to do and then all of you would be happy. It is evident by these commens that Ignorance has no limits!

  25. well on January 27th, 2012 9:34 pm

    So if this town is a joke why on earth would you be here?????

  26. JMS on January 27th, 2012 9:02 pm


  27. JMS on January 27th, 2012 8:58 pm



  28. MCGRAW IS A JOKE on January 27th, 2012 7:47 pm

    Looks like to me instead of hiring people from outside the limits needs to get back to the way it used to be and hire people who actually live in flomaton, if the people who works in the city doesn’t want to live in flomaton needs to find another job wake up council and mayor people in flomaton should have a chance to get a job it won’t be long before it’s election time

  29. My two cents on January 27th, 2012 7:28 pm

    The people of flotation needs to call the mayor and complain to him about the Chris because the chief works for the mayor the super intendent has employees that rides around instead of doing their jobs. Everyone needs to just call dewy and complain because the ball goes back into his court he needs to reside as well. So people need to Val the pun il men and get him out office too. Flomaton has gone to rap because of the chief and mayor. They need to get their act together before they all get into trouble

  30. Thistownisajoke on January 27th, 2012 6:40 pm

    The people who run this town are a joke anyways I am from Flomaton but have lived in Brewton, Mobile and Texas and I have never seen any other town so poorly run! Why is our cheif driving a new Tahoe? Was a old patrol car not good enough? Any money this town gets is spent on things that does not benifit the
    city as a whole! Roads are constantly being ripped up worked
    on and repaved in poorer condition than before! And one of my good friends was coming through early one morning and an officer pulled him over just to see who it was and why he was out so late? I am so sick
    of seeing cops fly through town and nothing happens I have reported one a few times for running me off the road but was anything done no! This town needs help!!

  31. chassidy on January 27th, 2012 6:37 pm

    I hope the chief gets everything plus more…..the police department is a joke anyway…would be better if they had the right person…I personally think officer thompson should give things a try….

  32. KD on January 27th, 2012 6:27 pm

    Let me first say that most people here are not bashing the flomaton PD. Its not the PD its Mcgraw!! And i have facts to back up my words!!! As for ur comments, i have never been in jail nor arrested! I am speaking out “loudly” as you call it because i can! Thats why its called a FORUM!! My fiance is a certified Police Officer and some of my best friends are also. This man committed a felony. Now why would the FDLE investigate a bogus charge? Sounds to me like they must have a real case to have been investigating this so called Police officer this long! My finace has witnessed his criminal behavior more than once and so have the other officers at the PD! O and none of us has any arrest records either!! This town is fed up with people turning a blind eye to his wrong doing! Why dont u do ur research before you start criticizing these town people for thier words! But i will sit back and let the evidence speak in time ! Just remember when you have your own officers saying how crooked you are that speaks volume in my book!!!

  33. cygie on January 27th, 2012 5:13 pm

    It seems to me that most times the people who complain the loudest about the police are the ones who are covering or hiding something. Most inmates don’t have alot of good things to say about jail either. (I minister at one on Monday nights, so I can back that up). Maybe we let the facts come out and then convict people. Not before. If the Flomaton PD acted on information the way folks do on this forum, they would be needing a much bigger jail.

  34. Canoe on January 27th, 2012 3:49 pm

    McGraw has numerous and I mean numerous of complaints from citizens from the town of Brewton which is where he came from. This is public knowledge. Yet Bondurant still hired him, that’s all I will say about that.

  35. poohbear on January 27th, 2012 3:06 pm

    Why are the Flomaton Police in Century? They have to go to Florida to report to the Mayor.

  36. Runt on January 27th, 2012 2:53 pm

    well, well,well lets go to” jail”. mcgraw. I have intament knowledge of flomaton police acttivetive mcgraw is no good but, but he can only do what the mayor will allow him to . Start at the top a clean the whole bunch .

  37. sam on January 27th, 2012 2:45 pm

    lived in flomaton and or century all my life. never had any trouble with the police. i drive through flomaton a lot during the day and some at night. i have florida plates on my car and have had no problem. i’m not saying that some folks don’t have a problem, i just haven’t had any so far.

  38. Chris on January 27th, 2012 2:25 pm

    Well guys, looks like bad news. From what I’m hearing (not saying its fact) mayor Bondurant has no current plans of doing anything about the chief. I hope that this info is inaccurate but it sounds pretty reliable. I wonder if he gets arrested for kidnapping and violating extradition laws if he can come back to work while he’s out on bond until his court date ??

  39. Well on January 27th, 2012 1:51 pm

    Me to David.
    40 years, Fl plates, no law breaking and no problems.

    Well possibly sped a time or two but luck was with me.

  40. Century Resident on January 27th, 2012 12:48 pm

    To Sarah Douglas….Flomaton has just as much crime going on as Century. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Century doesn’t have their share of crime, it’s just that Century does not have law enforcement to curb some of the crime. We do have Florida deputies around town most of the time, let them go into Flomaton and you may see more of your dirt come out……Don’t be calling the kettle black until you are polished up yourself!

  41. Neo on January 27th, 2012 12:29 pm

    I’m not slanderizing or saying anything bad about anyone but i think The Mayor and Chief McGraw are too good of friends in this town, if you all know what i mean!!!

  42. concerned citizen on January 27th, 2012 11:56 am

    If that had been a regular officer they would have been fired on the spot, so what is the difference.

  43. Chris on January 27th, 2012 11:37 am

    The thing about law enforcement just like any other job is that you will never understand what they do or how they do it until you yourself works in that capacity for some time. Everyone has there separate opinions on how the police should do their jobs, how they should behave while on shift, what kind of personal lives they should lead and etc etc etc. The facts are; you will never have a perfect police department no matter who your chief is or how much money you have or how many officers you go through trying to find the “dream team” however, what is considered completely unacceptable is officers violating the law, mistreating, beating, cussing the public, stealing and committing ethics violations and so on. For the most part every officer at Flomaton and the Escambia county sheriffs office, the state troopers and every other law enforcement entity do their jobs to the best of their ability. Then again you will run across a police officer like Geoff McGraw and you will see what gives these departments a bad name. If you pay close attention Iyou can tell who writes “too many tickets” and aggrevates citizens and who is just plain out a horrible person and chooses to utilize their Power to ruin lives and attempt to dominate the entire society while refusing to play by any rules. Any time you are in a position to carry a firearm and have the right to pull someone’s freedom away you have to exercise common sense and compassion , Geoff McGraw has none of the above and I hope mayor Bondurant has enough sense to get this guy off the street before he destroys a lot of lives and possibly a town that has so much good potential.

  44. Bill Frownce on January 27th, 2012 10:06 am

    Wow I suprised some of these comments are posted. Usually only pro law enforcement comments are posted. I am glad to see NorthEscambia repects the right to free speech…..at least on this story.

  45. David Huie Green on January 27th, 2012 9:52 am

    “the cops are sitting by waiting on Florida plates so they can stop them and give tickets. Profiling is what it’s called”

    And yet I’ve driven through Flomaton all my life and never been stopped even once. Maybe they’re looking for something other than just Florida plates.

    David for obeying traffic laws

  46. old friend on January 27th, 2012 9:26 am

    someone i know in bay minette just bought a new truck and was stopped by a cop …he told him he wasn’t used to seeing that truck around town and just wanted to see who it was

  47. Chris on January 27th, 2012 9:16 am

    Theres nothing wrong with a Flomaton police officer being in Florida, in fact with the lines so close together there’s a lot of things they need to cross the line for such as ; finding out a person or vehicles location, assisting Florida deputies, police are allowed to conduct interviews outside their jurisdiction (just can’t make an arrest), recovery of stolen property, eat lunch at what a burger or burger king, and also the mayor often calls officers to his office in century to meet with him so with all this daily normal activity your bound to always see Flomaton cars in Florida at certain times. Bottom line it’s ok travel into florida as long as you respect and follow the laws and do what’s right. McGraw just does what he wants no matter what anyone thinks and no matter how many laws it breaks.

  48. Oversight on January 27th, 2012 9:09 am

    I would hope to think that FPD is more professional that this and that its officers know the law. If it did occur, the folks of the town better get ready to open their check books to pay for the civil rights lawsuit that is sure to follow.

  49. John on January 27th, 2012 9:07 am

    I wish they would do like it was a long time ago and appoint tracy owens chief. He is one of the few police in this town the respects the law, has a long history with being a law enforcement officer, and is liked and respected by everyone in this town, and what does mcgraw do? fire him. I guess he wasnt crooked enough for ole mcgraws liking…

  50. jessica on January 27th, 2012 8:51 am

    the chief thinks hes above everyone. sum1 please put him in his place!! why is he still in office due to the fact he wrongfully arrests sum1 just about everyday???? when i went to court, the judge threw out 4 of the chiefs cases just because he didnt do something right! COME ON NOW!!!!!!!! get him out of our town. wonder why he dont patrol in his own town?? bcuz no1 takes him seriously.

  51. John Albritton on January 27th, 2012 8:43 am

    I see flomaton cops riding around in florida all the time, and i dont mean just by piggly wiggly i mean way down by cash’s car lot. and visa versa

  52. kevin on January 27th, 2012 8:29 am

    This is just more proof of how our country has lost the values that were set forth by our forefathers when it comes to our criminal justice and judicial system

  53. Chris on January 27th, 2012 8:21 am

    It’s not the officers at the Flomaton Police Department, it’s simply police chief Geoff McGraw. The real story behind what happened is the chief crossed into Florida and arrested a man on an Alabama warrant and then had an Escambia county al deputy transport him back to Brewton al. You cant do that, it’s considered kidnapping because you have absolutely no arrest powers in the state of Florida unless you actually pursue someone into Florida, then your allowed to detain and wait for Florida law enforcement however you still have to allow Florida to arrest them and then go through the extradition process to get them back. McGraw has told his officers that he’s not worried about the extradition process and not only will he not follow it but has told his officers not to follow it, says it waste too much time. I hope the mayor will see that this guy needs to be FIRED today! Something has to be done before the whole police department is totally unsalvagable.

  54. kathleen on January 27th, 2012 8:03 am

    Well why don’t Flomaton, get a Volunteer Police Department. It would work just as good. I personally have never been stopped by a Flomaton police, but from what I hear they only stop who they want to stop, or a pretty young girl, and out of town people. I work with a lot of teen-children daily. And they talk, I hear. And I have told them many times (mainly the girls) if the
    Flomaton police try to stop you, “Put your 4-wayflashers on, slow down, and get to a safe well lighted place and stop. Do not get out of your car, and call your parents(someone).” I don’t trust the law why should a teenager!! Just saying!!!

  55. Maurice on January 27th, 2012 7:39 am

    every time I drive through FLO-MATION, the cops are sitting by wating on Florida plates so they can stop them and give tickets. Profiling is what its called.

  56. citizen on January 27th, 2012 7:37 am


    bottom line is this alabama has no jurisdiction in Florida unless they are assisting florida deputies and are requested. Now, the officers cross the state line on a daily basis either for lunch, transport, or other businsess; however, neither agency has the right to take residence from one state and transport to another without going through the proper procedures.

  57. Robbie on January 27th, 2012 7:14 am

    “”"Another example of police trying to do their job and higher law enforcement trying to tell them what to do”"”

    Really? It’s OK for them to break the law in order to keep the law?

  58. Bob on January 27th, 2012 7:14 am

    I see Flomaton police cars in century all the time

  59. flomaton citizene on January 27th, 2012 6:21 am

    looks like McGraw is finally going to get those headlines he wanted.

  60. Ashley on January 27th, 2012 6:00 am

    Well it’s about time!!!!

  61. citizen of flomaton on January 27th, 2012 5:30 am

    justice is served

  62. SW on January 27th, 2012 5:14 am

    So if they find some wrongdoing, what is the FDLE going to do? Serve warrants in Alabama and take the place over?

    This should be fun.

  63. flomaton women on January 27th, 2012 5:13 am

    they need to do away with all the cops in flomaton & get some REAL cops

  64. ROOT on January 27th, 2012 3:40 am

    This moron has nothing better to do but to pull into gas station last night and tell us that there has been complaints about us hanging around in the parking lot….he had to see us pull in because i barely had time to shut my engine off and was just dropping off a friend to get her vehicle…there are people that gather at this store EVERY evening and nothing has ever been said…so what was his point? Guess it was a slow night for them but they got way more important things to be watching for than that!! Get a life McGraw and do ur freaking job!!

  65. sarah douglas on January 27th, 2012 3:02 am

    Another example of police trying to do their job and higher law enforcement trying to tell them what to do. How can local police work hard to get crime out of our city if they have to keep watching their backs that their going to get in trouble I’m proud of our police department and we are so close to century that I’m sure its a Fine line but I’m glad they are watching this part of town because century who does not have a police department has more crime then our town and its trying to get into our town but since we have a police department it is their job to make sure century’s crime doesn’t carry into flomaton. this is not the police department’s fault they are only trying to do their job I hope this gets cleared up soon for them.

  66. flo man on January 27th, 2012 2:14 am

    Flomaton has always had problems with questionable police practices. In many respects you get what you pay for with low wages and a high turnover rate among officers. I once heard this type alleged conduct described as a “skeeter flats extradition”. I suspect it was a more common practice back in the day.

  67. HAHA on January 27th, 2012 1:42 am

    It’s not the department it’s just the pathetic chief!!! This isn’t the first time and until he’s out of there it won’t be the last. What’s it gonna take before the mayor realizes where the problem is?!

  68. jo on January 27th, 2012 1:03 am

    Really do we need the whole town to go up in flames before anything is going to
    be done about this dept. They are making the whole town look bad .