Scott: GOP Candidate Must Win Florida For The White House; Still No Favorite

January 4, 2012

Florida Gov. Rick Scott declined to endorse a Republican presidential candidate on Wednesday after Mitt Romney won the Iowa caucuses narrowly over Rick Santorum.

In an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box on Wednesday morning, Scott stuck to his message that whichever candidate can best articulate a plan for lowering unemployment and creating jobs will be the successful GOP candidate and have the best chance to unseat President Obama.

The Republican governor said he hasn’t chosen a favorite candidate – he doesn’t know if he will before the Jan.uary 31 Florida primary – in part because none of the GOP candidates are talking enough about job creation for Scott’s satisfaction.

“Let’s talk about where we want to take the country,” Scott said. Eventually one of the Republican candidates will, he predicted. Scott also said the candidates have to pay attention to Florida. “You have to win Florida to win the White House,” Scott said. “I don’t know how you can do it without.”


14 Responses to “Scott: GOP Candidate Must Win Florida For The White House; Still No Favorite”

  1. Bob hudson on January 7th, 2012 10:21 am

    So Obama is posed to ask congress for another 1.2 trillion dollars when they get back, bringing the national debt to a grant total of 16 trillion dollars. Way to go Obama! You will be the first president to spend your way out of office. This man is a idiot. ANY BODY BUT OBAMA!

  2. Traydog on January 6th, 2012 9:59 am

    For all you people who support your (not mine) so called president and want to talk about the healthcare joke that was passed with political favors and behind closed doors I got a little something for you! I work in the healthcare industry and if you think its not hurting hospitals and will get much worse unless its repealed……..YOU ARE WRONG ! My hospital is currently laying off employees because we cant survive this joke of a law! My company lost 60% of our operating income this year for no other reason except our corrupt goverment said we should! It has nothing to do with quality of care so dont open you uninformed big mouth unless you know the facts! Just wait til it takes you 14 months to see you doctor and when it does dont complain just go clean the dirt off you obama bumper sticker so we all know who to blame! HE IS NOT PRESIDENTAL MATERIAL AND IF YOU CANT SEE THAT YET, YOU NEVER WILL. Read the 2000 pages that was passed and not read and then tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Bob hudson on January 5th, 2012 2:08 pm

    Let me say this, we live in the greatest nation on this plant, we have the finest military in the world,capitalism has made this country great and works for every one who wants to work.Now the business of the government should only be, protecting our borders, and our nation, securing a inter-state system and travel between states, resolving world issues , that affect us as a nation, and settling disagreements between the states. And that is it. Nothing else.But it seems that Mr. Obama thinks we should be like our European neighbors, Well how is that working out for them? Oh yea socialism is doing just fine right now. The very last thing we need now is more government in our lives.Government does not create any thing but more taxes.And that is what is hurting us right now, government is to large, and you do not give people or groups money that they will not manage.

  4. Bob hudson on January 5th, 2012 1:33 pm

    Well Ron Paul , I have been a blue dog all my life, Obama ran Bush in the ground 43 times I believe in 2008 for doing the same thing he is doing passing congress, sure your health in now determined by government. By the way who did not read the bill? The democrats, Mrs Nancy’s, famous quote, We must pass it to find out what is in it. What a joke! As all those who support Obama, I notice you fail to address the things I have mention, and they are all facts. And by the way Obama has blamed every one but the folks on Mars, and that is because we don’t know if there are any. Care to address the national debt? The illegal gun running? The fact that the white house is to busy fighting the states over immigration to secure the borders of our country ? When he said he was going to “change” this country, he really has, we are now broke, losing our respect in the world, and has grown a government that is out of control. I find it funny that he wishes to take from those who have earned their money, and give it to those who have not. I also find it funny he now embraces the far left, wow, like we did not see that coming. Like I said ANY BODY BUT OBAMA. If the liberals had a back bone , they would go form their own party and get out of mine.

  5. Sara on January 5th, 2012 1:12 pm

    Amen Kathy. Obama 2012! Slam dunk.

  6. Kathy on January 5th, 2012 12:09 pm

    President Obama has done nothing in by-passing congress that George W Bush did exactly 140 times to Obama’s 16. Medical fate is not determined by the new health care law. You demonstrate that you only preach what the republicans tell you, if your a blue dog I am a Ron Paul follower!

  7. Bob hudson on January 5th, 2012 10:04 am

    So who has gotten us in 15.2 trillion ,and going up every second, in national debt? Who thinks nothing of by passing congress to have his way? Who surrounds himself with left wing liberals, Van Jones was a fine example, his so called ‘green jobs czar’, is now head of his own communist party! Oh and Obamacare, yes let’s let the federal government decide our medical fate. As a blue dog democrat the whole party has gone to the very bottom of the barrel , since we let the liberals in. I did not vote for his highness, and I never will. So I hope the GOP pick some body that will put this country back on track. And lets not forget the illegal gun running to Mexico, with his good buddy Eric Holder that got a border agent killed. Yes indeed , ANY ONE BUT OBAMA.

  8. Kathy on January 5th, 2012 8:49 am

    President Obama has been a good leader of the free world, he had no choice but finish the wars the republicans started. Republicans in error blame him for everything because he is a democrat. Republicans believe what their masters drill into them. They follow blindly. The new health care law has been very good so far to many of us, lower the donut hole costs for prescriptions, allow my friends to insure their children until 26 so they can get a foot hold on life. The party of hate has presidential contenders that represent the party well. President Barrack Obama is a great president.

  9. Jane on January 5th, 2012 5:38 am

    We continue to vote against someone because we have no real leaders showing up as candidates. That is because it takes money to run a campaign and the people who can afford to donate to the campaigns, set the rules under which they will donate money. So we need to change the system under which candidates run…each candidate can only have X dollars, X air time, and as many speeches as they want to make. That levels the playing field and it might give us better leaders. Of course, none of that will happen.

  10. huh on January 4th, 2012 7:06 pm

    I think this will be the weakest voter turn out ever. None of the candidates running will do anything new. Obama just continued Bush era polices.

    No matter who you vote for (except Ron Paul) You can just expect more of the same. Almost all the candidates are provoking a war with Iran.

    Ron Paul is the only one who wont send us to war and will finally stop funding other countries constantly with foreign aid

  11. Voter on January 4th, 2012 6:49 pm

    All that President Obama needs to say is “Who got Bin Laden?”If he had been captured & killed under a Republican president, there would have been a ticker tape parade through NYC. I am tired of the GOP’s disrespect of our President. The only thing I would suggest to the Democratic Party is for VP Biden to retire & let Ms. Hillary Clinton serve as Vice-President.

  12. I don't know on January 4th, 2012 5:59 pm

    i don’t know, to say that anything is better than Obama is an uninformed statement. The reason we have morons in office is that we have morons electing them. believe me, I am not a fan of Obama, I did not vote for Obama, but looking at the GOP candidates, Obama will be there for 4 more years.

  13. Lacasha Jackson on January 4th, 2012 10:20 am


  14. darryl on January 4th, 2012 9:43 am

    Well, I think the notion that the GOP will be better than Obama for the average American is a myth since they cater to the interest of the large Corporations that donate to them and they are part of in lieu of the doing the things that promote small business growth, and thus the thing that brings real growth which drives our economy.

    As for the first primary and future one: PLEASE, please, please do not put that anti-intellectual idiot Santorum up as the GOP candidate. We don’t need to be going backwards.