Romney Projected Winner Of Florida Republican Primary

January 31, 2012

Moments after the polls closed across Florida the major television networks all projected that Mitt Romney had won today’s Florida Republican Primary.

Fox News, CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS all project Romney as the winner before the first ballots were counted in Northwest Florida. Because of the time zone difference, 51 percent of the state’s precincts were reporting at the time of the predictions. Romney held a 48 percent lead, followed by Gingrich with 31 percent, Rick Santorum with 13 percent and Ron Paul with 7 percent.


6 Responses to “Romney Projected Winner Of Florida Republican Primary”

  1. David Huie Green on January 31st, 2012 11:05 pm

    Unless this is what you propose:
    “What I would like to see is someone winning who is NOT of the REP OR the Dem party, or at least the ONE WE choose and NOT the ELITE and the MEDIA. I AM sick and tired of “business as usual”

    In which case you’ve answered my question already.

    We do pick. We are influenced by the messages we receive, but with Al Gore’s gift of the Internet, getting messages out is not hard or necessarily expensive. Generally, the reason fringe candidates are not elected is that they are too limited in the scope of their vision of America or because they are mentally unbalanced. I’m not going to vote for members of the Nazi Party or members of the Communist Party or of PETA if they form a political party and unlikely to even vote for members of the Green Party — and not just because they stole my last name but because they have proposals which would very likely have us sitting at home in the dark.

    I might point out that just as Democrats block Republican initiatives and Republicans block Democratic initiatives, a president who was not aligned with any party would likely be blocked by both parties.

    Of course, that might be a good thing since it would shut down government on anything other than what all agreed was absolutely necessary.

    David for perfect presidents

  2. David Huie Green on January 31st, 2012 10:53 pm

    “Afraid to do something different. How sad.”

    Go ahead, EMD, expound on what different action might have been desirable. There are plenty of battles left to fight.

    I didn’t have a dog in this fight, being a Democrat. My children weren’t involved, being Independents. A given political party is in the process of selecting a nominee. You wouldn’t expect members of the Republican Party to look for exactly the same traits members of the Democratic Party favored and they might both look for traits independent voters don’t want.

    The candidates change their presentations based on the expected desires of expected voters. If any of them have core values, they’re hard to find, other than Ron Paul, of course. After the selection, the winner will adjust “values” to try to be more favorable to the voters in the general election.

    Just remember the best and the smartest aren’t running, because they are smart enough to see the dangers and personal costs.

    David always hoping for the best
    praying for and sympathizing with the “winner”

  3. EMD on January 31st, 2012 10:51 pm

    HELLO! I DO believe they ALL lie. What I would like to see is someone winning who is NOT of the REP OR the Dem party, or at least the ONE WE choose and NOT the ELITE and the MEDIA. I AM sick and tired of “business as usual. Once again, I am reminded of Charlie Brown, Lucy, and the football. Since they ALL are lying, why don’t we ALL just fool them and vote for someone they do not expect us to vote for?

  4. well on January 31st, 2012 7:49 pm

    Funny how everyone is allowed to vote the way they want,but when the majority speaks they are considered unteachable, gullable and wrong for not believing the same lies you do.

    You should trust that they all lie.

  5. Century Resident on January 31st, 2012 7:49 pm

    EMD, your comment could be about ANY one of the fellows running and even the one already holding office. All we can do is listen and try to elect the best liar we feel can handle the position.

  6. EMD on January 31st, 2012 7:16 pm

    We just never learn. Believe the lies over and over. Afraid to do something different. How sad.