New Direction Announced For Port

January 6, 2012

Pensacola’s mayor has announced his plans for the Port of Pensacola, including a focus on the high-tech offshore service industry.

“The Port of Pensacola has suffered for decades because of competitive disadvantages,” Mayor Ashton Hayward said. “There are those who feel the time has come to close the Port and sell the land to the highest bidder. Others feel we should invest in marketing the port and improving its facilities. One thing is clear – the status quo is no longer sustainable.”

Hayward said his administration would re-examine leases with Cemex and other firms storing aggregate material at the Port.

“Aggregate storage is incompatible with our adjacent downtown and historic districts,” Hayward said. “We’re going to support the expansion of high-tech offshore service industry at the Port. This sector has a lesser impact on the Port’s neighbors and has considerable private-sector growth potential. The Port may never be an enterprise which puts millions into the City treasury, but what it can be is an engine for economic growth and private-sector job creation. It’s time to pursue new industry and capitalize on the opportunities those industries offer.”

Hayward developed his policy after studying a report from his Port Advisory Committee, a panel of business leaders  formed last year to examine port operations and make policy recommendations.

“This plan will begin to transition the Port from an aggregate and cement-driven enterprise to a Port that’s better suited for our waterfront and better positioned to cater to sectors with high job growth,” he said, adding that city will look at state and federal grant opportunities along with available economic development funds stemming from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

“I believe these changes provide a clear direction for the port,” Hayward said. “We can create the opportunity for sustainable, private-sector job growth and make Pensacola a viable, competitive port option for 21st-century industries.”

Pictured top: Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announces his plans Thursday for the Port of Pensacola. Pictured below: Two vessels docked at the port. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


One Response to “New Direction Announced For Port”

  1. David Huie Green on January 6th, 2012 10:48 am

    “Aggregate storage is incompatible with our adjacent downtown and historic districts,”

    And yet downtown historically existed to support shipping supplies into and out of Pensacola. It’s always interesting when a town gets too rich to allow blue collar activities, the nuts and bolts of life.

    David for vision