Motorcycle Gang Member Facing Prison Time For Sexual Battery

January 16, 2012

An Escambia County man is facing up to five years in prison for an attempted sexual battery at a motorcycle club.

Joseph Borg was convicted by an Escambia County jury for an incident that occurred at the clubhouse of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gang on Jackson Street in Brownsville. A surveillance video showed Borg and the victim entering the clubhouse on the night of the incident. A short time later, it showed the victim running out partially dressed and being chased by Borg, according to State Attorney Bill Eddins. The victim was able to find help and was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital. Borg was arrested the same night.

Both Borg and the victim were bloodied, bruised and scratched up from the attack. The victim was ultimately able to free herself after she struck Borg in the head with a spur from her boot. A search of the clubhouse found blood splatter in the upstairs sitting area. DNA testing showed there was blood from both Borg and the victim.

Judge Linda Nobles ordered a presentence investigation into the background of the defendant, with sentencing scheduled for a later day. Borg, a member of the Black Piston’s Motorcycle Gang, will face up to five years in state prison when he is sentenced by Circuit Judge Linda Nobles.


4 Responses to “Motorcycle Gang Member Facing Prison Time For Sexual Battery”

  1. joe blow on January 19th, 2012 10:08 pm

    ya know theres two sides to every story,and your getting what the states attorney is wanting you to get> and the outlaw motorcycle gang is not a gang its the outlaw motorcycle club! and should be adressed as so! and if the accused wasnt a member of a motorcycle club would this case even have gotten in front of the judge?whats the womans back ground? what was she doing in the motorcycle clubs club house any way? there just seems to be more to this than meets the state attorneys eye! just an observation from a man who rides motorcycles and gets looked at and treated as a thug because i do. predjudice is wrong any way u look at it!! and a states attorney persucuting a man all over the news with half a story to make a name for himself is wrong too!

  2. Ellen Greer on January 17th, 2012 5:37 pm

    I am also glad she got away. Some people think they r god and can do just what they want. The courts r 2 laid back when it comes 2 certain cases. 5 years is not enought time 4 this type of crime. You r also right about driving records. 4 dui’s n fl. you lose your liciense 4 life. People who have not had a wreck or hurt anyone is this justic? I don’t think so people kill each other and get less punishiment. This country needs 2 stand up an take our counrty back before we have no rights.

  3. Jimbo on January 17th, 2012 4:53 pm

    Just remember, Just saying, this ole boy is standing before the most lenient judge in our history. The victim should have known better, but it’s more than obvious what her fate would have been if she had’nt gotten away. He should get at least 12 years and castration.

  4. Just saying on January 17th, 2012 9:22 am

    I am just glad she got away. from him….. 5 yrs?….Is that it?….I know people with driving violations that get more time!!!!