Legislative Session Begins: Wait And See On Escambia Wish List

January 11, 2012

The wait and see game began Tuesday for Escambia County as the 2012 Florida Legislative Session got underway. The county has submitted a 20 items wish list to the local legislative delegation – a wish list that includes a half million dollars from the state for the new Molino Library and a policy stance on mandatory septic tank inspections.

Topping Escambia County’s Top 20  requests is support for a Congressional bill to funnel oil spill recovery funds to Escambia and other impacted counties for economic development, environmental damages and lost tourism revenues.

Number two on Escambia’s wish list is a half million dollar state grant for books and furnishings for the new Molino Branch Library (conceptual drawing above). Escambia County has applied for the grant for several years and has been ranked in to top three for the cash before, but for the last several years the Florida Legislature has not appropriated any funding for the state library construction grants. [Related: Work Continues On Library.]

“It is subject to funding by the Legislature. The resubmission was encouraged by State Division of Libraries who believes the legislature may provide some funding this year,” Escambia County Administrator Randy Oliver said recently. “This is a great opportunity to make a valuable resource better.”


The Legislative Requests list also includes opposition to regular mandatory septic tank inspections.  A requirement that septic tanks be inspected every five years at the owner’s expense technically became state law in July after being approved in the last legislative session. But language was inserted into a budget bill  that prohibits the Department of Health from spending a dime on the inspections without the approval of the Legislative Budget Commission — essentially putting the program on hold.

Escambia County’s complete 2012 Legislative Requests list, subject to approval by the county commission, is as follows:

1. Congressional SB 1400 – Support – Oil Spill impacted counties receiving funds to mitigate for Economic Development, Environmental Damages, and Tourism Lost Revenues.

2. Support – Library request for $500,000 allocation for Molino Library.

3. Support – DEP Administrative Hearing Process for Cease-and-desist Orders.

4. Support – Senator Gaetz’s bill, from last year, that allocated $30 Million ($10 per year) to area Economic Development.

5. Support – Amending the law for the Northwest Florida Corridor Authority to include all funding strategies.

6. FS 1013.30 – Oppose – Repealing existing State Statute requiring Universities to fund any and all off-campus infrastructure concurrency improvements (sidewalks, turning lanes, traffic signal, etc.).

7. SB; HB – Oppose – Legislation limiting the discretion of the first appearance judge, requiring written reports and certification of defendants for release and eliminating the presumption of release on on-monetary conditions.

8. Oppose – Any proposal to reallocate Transportation Trust Fund dollars; doing so will reduce Local Roadway and Transit Projects within the FDOT Five (5) Year Work Plan.

9. Support – 2012 Local Projects submittals for the
Transportation Reauthorization Bill (SAFETEA-LU):
• Project: I-10 Beulah Interchange/Beltway PD&E Study
• Project: Construction Funds – Nine Mile Road (US 90 Alt) 2-Lane to 4-Lane Project
• Project: Construction Funds – Creighton/Burgess Road Extension (SR 742) Four Lane Project

10. FS 343.80 – 343-89 – Support – Amending existing State Statute to include clear language to support the Regional Transportation Finance Authority (RTFA) concept providing optional funding strategies beside primarily toll facilities. This approach will reduce the gap between Transportation Funding needs and the existing Funding Revenues. Positive Impact is increasing the number annual roadway capacity projects, stimulating local economies with labor and professional jobs.

11. HB; SB – Support any Legislation offering roadway project priority incentives to any local agency offering a financial partnership with FDOT to improve capacity on state facilities. Positive Impact will encourage local agencies to adopt local tax or other measure to get more roadways funded.

12. HB; SB – Oppose any attempt that requires regular, mandatory inspections of septic tanks and/or the septic tank evaluation program.

13. HB; SB – Support efforts that allow governmental entities to use their public website for legally required advertisements and public notices in lieu of newspaper advertisements.

15. HB; SB – Support legislation which reduces medical expenditures to county detention facilities to 110 percent of the Medicare rate for all inmate medical care.

16. HB; SB – Oppose legislation that would weaken or dismantle Pre-Trial Service Programs resulting in significant jail population increases.

17. Support – Legislation to implement local funding incentives for partnerships on State Roadway Capacity Projects.

18. Support – Requesting that the Dedicated Affordable Housing Funds remain in the State Housing Trust Fund to assure continued funding for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Affordable Housing Programs.

19. SB;HB – Oppose non-homestead associated cap.

20. SB.HB – Oppose Legislative or constitutional restriction on County authority to determine local tax burdens or financial commitments.


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