Larry Walker Seeks Sixth Term On ECUA Board

January 11, 2012

Incumbent Larry Walker prefiled Tuesday for his sixth term as the District 5 representative on the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority.

Walker, a Republican, was first elected to the ECUA board in 1988 and served until he ran unsuccessfully for the Escambia County Commission in 2000. He has was re-elected to the ECUA board in 2004 and 2008.

One other candidate has prefiled to date for the ECUA District 5 seat; Charlou Williams of Cantonment prefiled in December.


6 Responses to “Larry Walker Seeks Sixth Term On ECUA Board”

  1. David Huie Green on January 11th, 2012 9:18 pm

    “Mr. Walker is a great guy…who voted for water and sewer cost increases.”

    Larry voted to take in the amount of money needed to pay the bills. Admittedly, if he were in Congress, that would be unthinkable. They would rather spend more than they take in and borrow the rest from China.

    He’s always behaved properly to the best of my knowledge. In fact, I think we should clone him and send some copies to Congress and a few other places in desperate need of integrity.

    David for cool hats
    and quality public service

  2. Lawson Berry on January 11th, 2012 9:50 am

    I’ve known Larry Walker for a number of years. I think he has done a great job as our representative on the ECUA Board. Sometimes the hard decisions that have to be made are unpopular with some folks. Making things better is usually not free. I’m glad Larry is there making sound business decisions concerning my tax dollars.

  3. Andy on January 11th, 2012 8:02 am

    I was Fire Chief in Cantonment for a few years and had to deal with Mr. Walker directly for hydrants and fire water mains in my district. First let me say Mr. Walker is about as honest a man that I know. Even if you didn’t like the response he told you like it was. Listening to other Chiefs in the area I had no problems getting the info or help needed from Larry.
    Lets not forget he made the hard decisions to turn in the other board members back in the day for cell phone abuse costing thousands to rate payers. He also was instrumental in a grand jury investigation into board activities which ended up getting fixed.

    Re: Really now- do you think the waste water treatment plant wasn’t going to increase rates. Have you called Mr Walker to ask for his explaination? I bet you he will take you on a tour of the facility personally so you can better understand the costs. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like the increase either and think it doesn’t need to be that high, but Mr. Walker will explain the reasons and answer the hard questions.

  4. molino jim on January 11th, 2012 8:01 am

    REALLY NOW– The board does the best it can with many items. There are state and federal guild lines that have to be followed. I have garbage pick up, it sure beats seeing “stuff” on the side of the road. If you have open property you’ll find that a lot of people will use it as a dumping site. They’ll dump old tires and all sorts of things along with their garbage. Larry has done a good job– pleas keep him on the board.

  5. Really now? on January 11th, 2012 7:53 am

    Mr. Walker is a great guy…who voted for water and sewer cost increases. Who voted to raise the cost of garbage service. Who will eventually vote for mandatory garbage collection in the north end. Who will eventually vote for mandatory sewer expansion in the whole county. Vote for Larry Walker with your pocketbook folks — he’s coming after it.

  6. Bonnie on January 11th, 2012 7:49 am

    Mr. Walker is a great guy. Good luck to him.