House Approves Ban On Purchasing Snacks With Food Assistance

January 31, 2012

A proposal to prevent poor people from using federal assistance to buy certain snack foods was narrowly approved by a House committee Monday, but the sponsor said after heavy debate that he may change sections of the bill dictating what foods the aid can be used for.

Those restrictions weren’t removed Monday, but bill sponsor Rep. Scott Plakon acknowledged he may need to at least make some changes, following concerns from other House members about whether deciding what the poor can eat is fair game for the state to decide.

The bill (HB 1401) passed the House Health and Human Services Access Subcommittee 8-6. As it stands, the measure would prevent recipients of Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, or SNAP, money from buying sodas, cupcakes, ice cream, muffins, potato chips, pretzels and a number of other “unhealthy, non-staple” foods.

Plakon, R-Longwood, disagreed with those who said the measure represents an overreach.

“This is money being taken from one taxpayer, and out of compassion being given to another,” he said. “So I think it’s entirely reasonable for the Legislature to put restrictions.”

With the ban on certain food purchases drawing much of the debate on Monday, the bill in the House eventually will likely focus more on preventing the use of the food aid program’s electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards in Internet cafes.

Among those who voted for the bill Monday were Rep. Dana Young, R-Tampa, and Rep. Felix Jose Diaz, R-Miami – with whom Plakon said he’d be working to fix their concerns with the section on prohibited foods.

“I understand what drove him to file this bill, and it’s getting Internet cafes under control,” Young said. “But I don’t want people telling me what to eat and I don’t think it’s right for us as a government – even if they happen to be poor. Even if they happen to be on food stamps.”

An amendment by Rep. Mark Pafford, D-West Palm Beach, would have made an exception for cake or cupcakes on a child’s birthday. But it was voted down, partly on Young’s argument that the entire food stamp section needed a revamp.

Among the problems opponents cited was that HB 1401 would ban use of EBT cards in retail establishments “licensed to sell malt, vinous or spirituous liquors.”

“To me, that looks like every grocery store or CVS or Walgreen’s in the state,” Young said.

“The intent is [banning the use of EBTs in] liquor stores,” Plakon responded.

Young said the bill would place “a considerable burden on our retail establishments.”

That was evidenced by the state associations that showed up Monday to oppose the bill – including the Florida Retail Federation and the Florida Beverage Association.

“I suspect for the good parts to move forward, I’m going to have to make some substantive changes,” Plakon said after the meeting. “They clearly want the food stamp portion removed, and that may very well happen.”

The House bill has two more stops, the Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee and the Health and Human Services Committee.

A similar bill (SB 1658) is moving on the Senate side of the Capitol, sponsored by Sen. Ronda Storms, R-Valrico. Her focus, however, is what types of food can be bought with SNAP money, though last week she agreed to drop the term “unhealthy” from her bill, and it passed the Senate Committee on Children, Families and Elder Affairs. It now goes to the Senate Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services Appropriations, its last stop.

By The News Service of Florida


34 Responses to “House Approves Ban On Purchasing Snacks With Food Assistance”

  1. S.L.B on February 3rd, 2012 8:21 pm

    Not everyone who receives EBT assistance are deadbeats of society!

    There are many who have worked many years and/or continue to work and have paid into the tax system, who need this assistance. I can guarantee you that those people do not take it for granted and appreciate the helping hand more than you can ever know. Not everyone was raised on gov’t assistance or will be on it their entire lives.

    I agree with “Someone who knows” in saying that being able to afford to purchase the healthier foods (which are way more expensive than the unhealthy foods) would be the ideal way to go. However, if our government is so concerned about our health, seems to me they would use their energy and resources to push for the prices of “healthy foods” to be more affordable and obtainable for everyone to consume!

    If we can send people into space, really, how hard can that really be???

  2. Someone who knows on February 2nd, 2012 4:33 pm

    Although those “snacks” certainly contribute to the obesity epidemic and are not “staples”, healthy choices (ie: vegetables and fruits) are so expensive that people on Food Assistance are often times forced to settle for less healthy options in order to not be hungry. I think the idea of banning EBT use in cafes and liquor stores is entirely reasonable, however, restricting its use to certain foods that are available in grocery stores and convenience stores is not the solution. Maybe instead of banning foods you should increase limits so that families can afford healthy choices, or if you’re too stubborn or budgeted to do so then re-evaluate how you disperse Food Assistance funds and other welfare sources. Families with LEGITIMATE disabilities should have priority. Otherwise, the amount of time that someone can remain on food assistance or receive funds should be limited; ESPECIALLY if they aren’t providing proof of seeking employment. This is America and although it’s reasonable to help our fellow man, it’s unreasonable to give people free rides for the rest of their lives and their childrens’ lives. Having multiple babies to get more money isn’t helping you, your kids, or your country. It’s a broken system and it’s time to fix it.

  3. My2Cents on February 2nd, 2012 1:22 pm

    Just like the “DRUG TESTING” they should also put out a list of items that can NOT be bought on the EBT card. Cut off their unneeded supply of luxury items and control the tax payers money that are funding their NEEDS not WANTS!

  4. David Huie Green on February 2nd, 2012 12:25 pm

    “But guess what eating my ding dong and drinking my coke I still have as much class and dignity as u!! ”

    No comment, just wanted to see it all by itself to admire the statement.

    David for classy ding dong eaters

  5. Stacy on February 2nd, 2012 12:10 pm

    Cut ALL the government programs. Learn to be Extreme Couponers.

  6. Still on Foodstamps!! on February 2nd, 2012 10:10 am

    Im so glad so many on here have never had to depend on some1 else for something one time or another!! I hope when I grow up and or get old I gain ignorance for the needy and poor. I hope I can be self Rightous and sit on my high horse and talk down to and about others, because some1 finally told me I was better then others. Because u make so much more money then I does not make u better then me! Because it is me and my family working under those of u that ” Dont Need Asst.” working for pennies on the dollar! No I dont feel intitles to asst. I appr. what I get. and so does my children!! But guess what eating my ding dong and drinking my coke I still have as much class and dignity as u!! Ebt or Visa We are All Still Children Of GOD!!! I Love u all Ingornant or not!!

  7. April Q. on February 2nd, 2012 7:14 am

    Yet people are so happy to spend billions to help other countrys and be proud but not their own country maybe other countrys could help the poor in the USA since USA dont want to help its own poor.

  8. Friction against the machine on February 2nd, 2012 5:48 am

    Oh my…how unfair! People on food stamps should rebel against this government intrusion by dumping their food stamps and getting a job/better job! That’ll show those fat cat politicians.

  9. David Huie Green on February 1st, 2012 8:33 pm

    “for the CANTONMENT MOM – - – people like u i cannot stand”

    Prove you can’t stand her, stop taking her money. That’ll show her!

    David being helpful

  10. kelly on February 1st, 2012 7:34 pm

    for the CANTONMENT MOM NOT EVERYONE ON FOODSTAMPS IS POOR AND HAS NO JOB ……… i for one am on it and my kids dad works and we have 3 kids we take care of and a soda chips or a treat here and there is not bad.. people like u i cannot stand

  11. pbaumann on February 1st, 2012 6:08 pm

    okay people the food program which is ran by the big wigs of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could care less weather your child or my child is over weight because you use EBT for junk food this is just a reason to do away with the food program which a lot i mean a lot of people need so please do not be fooled this is agenda on their docket to issue in the NEW WORLD ORDER and there are plenty more so people black, white, hispanic, cuban, asian be prepared keep your eyes and ears open read between the lines people its not about color even though there are ignorant people still preaching hate PEOPLE we need to come together and band together because the goverment you think you know please understand they are not for you and if i left out any ethnic group please forgive me but i am talking about you because you are apart of the HUMAN RACE which GOD ALMIGHTY began so many years ago a HUMAN RACE no more or no less

  12. ArmyMajor'swife on February 1st, 2012 4:45 pm

    Some of these comments are crazy. This is Assistance!! You are not OWED or GUARANTEED anything. Some of these comments lean toward you owe me and they will have to pay us more…… I think not!!! I HAVE been on assistance before. I was a stay at home mom and my ex-husband walked out on me and our 2 small kids. I have been there and can honestly say, what they are doing is a good thing. You don’t like it, turn it down,or stop applying. I know they are not chasing people down and forcing it on you. I now have 5 kids. I also have my mentally handicapped aunt I care for who lives with us. My kids, when they do take their lunch, don’t get chips etc…. they get a piece of fruit and a sandwich etc…. I don’t buy soda for my kids either, unless it’s a special occasion. They don’t get very much junk food whatsoever. I think this is a good thing. Even if I ever needed assistance again, I would not complain. Something is better than nothing. Stop feeling ENTITLED!

  13. Mom on Assistance on February 1st, 2012 3:07 pm

    Well To the State of Florida, like others I work hard for my money. Yet I have to rely on Food Stamps to provide for my family. I hope we will get an INCREASE on our monthly payments it being that the “cheap discounted food” is what yall are banning!! BAHBAHABHAHAHAHAH Please, ya’ll are only hurting our kids and yourselfs!!! This is gonna cost yall alot more then u KNEW!!! :) Happy for me I might get to feed my family more fresh vegs., more unprocessed meat :) yea works for me!! It cost me more by the way to make homemade junk as well, but the kids love it so much more!!! :P

  14. Participant's daughter!!! on February 1st, 2012 2:49 pm

    @ football mom of 3! That is your opinion. You have no clue who uses it for what. Apparently you don’t live in this part of the County because some of us dosen’t have as much money as others. Remember that is your opinion, so unless it is a FACT and is TRUE, it really dosen’t need to be said. Thank You.

  15. just sayin on February 1st, 2012 11:17 am

    My husband works full time and we with our 3 boys we get less the 300 a month. He pays his taxes like others do. That is not the problem the problem is the state giving people over 1 grand a month for food but b4 the month ends they are out of food. They need to do surprise checks on people getting that much to make shure they r buying food. Their cabnets need to be full and their fridge and if not cut back on the amount cause they gotta be doin somthin else with them. I am just sayin

  16. Football Mom of 3 on February 1st, 2012 10:28 am

    @ participant – It seems that you are using asistance for just that “ASSISTANCE” and that is commendable. The problem is that most people dont use it for what it was designed. Sometime things in life are not fair, and this would probably be one of those times.

    I do however disagree with your comment about ***The rich children will have their nice lunch boxes filled with potato chips etc and then my child will be eating carrots etc asking me why can’t I buy him/her what the cool/rich kids are eating for lunch?*** I am not on any assistance so that is not a factor but if I had a dime for everytime one of my children asked my why they couldnt have something the rich / cool kids have I wouldnt have to tell them “BECAUSE WE CANT AFFORD IT”.

  17. participant on February 1st, 2012 9:24 am

    I am so sorry that some of you feel cheated or just down right cold hearted. I do get assistance, but I also work a full time job. My ex-husband is a DEAD BEAT DAD who hardly ever pays child support so your telling me that because I work and need the assistance to help feed my children that this is wrong. We often sometimes have to eat a tv dinner or a sandwich because we are so rushed, and now someone wants to tell my children they can’t have chips with their sandwiches. I think this dictating what can be purchased is ridiculous. What about the food that has to be packed in lunch boxes? The rich children will have their nice lunch boxes filled with potato chips etc and then my child will be eating carrots etc asking me why can’t I buy him/her what the cool/rich kids are eating for lunch? Plus, I don’t see our school system letting our children heat up a five course meal just so they will have a healthy lunch, and neither do I see the school system letting them use the refrigerator for a salad as their first course because food like that has to be kept cool. And back to the cupcakes/cakes in some cases this is the only way some children get a birthday cake which some of us take for granted. They think obesity is due to EBT, but it’s NOT! There are a variety of different sizes of people in this program, I personally know several of whom are very petite, but still see them having the occasional chips and cakes here and there. Its just simply not fair to tell them that’s just not allowed when they’re working their butts off trying to take care of their children. What the “House” is trying to do is not going to fix the obesity problem!

  18. Football Mom of 3 on February 1st, 2012 8:09 am

    Barruneau Park Dad – RIGHT ON! My granny used to get commodity (sp?) items like this and the cheese was the BEST!!!!!!!

    My opinion is from personal experience. While PG with my 1st child, my husband left me. No $$$$, no savings and a WHOLE LOTTA BILLS. I went down and applied for any assistance I could get. I was told becuase OWNED my home and worked 40 hours a week, the only thing I qualified for was WIC (and that was because I had low iron). BUT…..if I quit my job they would give me Medicaid (I had my own ins thru work), AFDC (cash), and food stamps. I declined, accepted my WIC and went on my way.
    For MONTHS before I had my son, I LIVED off of Milk, Eggs, Cheese, Juice, Beans, Grits, Low Sugar Cereal. I had NO ICE CREAM, CHIPS, COKE becuase I COULDNT AFFORD TO BUY IT!!!!!! I lived thru it (while pg and working my arse off) and they will too!!!!!!!!

  19. Michelle on January 31st, 2012 11:21 pm

    Re: my two cents.
    You are not far wrong with the idea of fast food. There is a pizza place (I won’t give the name, that would make matters worse) where people can get food with EBT because they make pizza, but don’t cook them. That’s a loophole that needs plugging.

  20. B.Bunny on January 31st, 2012 10:11 pm

    Really? We don’t have more important issues to deal with besides who buys what with what? Get real people there are always going to be those out there that know how to work the system. Our prisons and jails are full of the ones that weren’t that good at it and if they want a bag of chips with snap or foodstamps and can’t afford them otherwise. They’ll either steal from us to get them or sell their foodstamps. Reality sucks sometimes!

  21. BarrineauParkDad on January 31st, 2012 7:54 pm

    Get rid of food stamps and start handing out the cheese, powdered milk, rice and beans, like the good old days.

  22. Rufus Lowgun on January 31st, 2012 5:52 pm

    So is this one of the times the government is bad for telling us what to do, like the mandate to buy health insurance, or good for telling us what to do, like peeing in a cup to get unemployment benefits? The goalposts change so often it’s hard to keep up.

  23. My two cents on January 31st, 2012 5:50 pm

    And I saw in Piggly Wiggly the other day in the Deli they had Fried Chicken in a plastic container stuck in the cooler with a sticker on it that read purchess with EBT card. I guess as long as it’s sold cold they can buy it with food stamps. I thought you could not buy cooked food with stamps!! I guess the stores found another loophole, put it in the cooler!!! What’s next Hardees and other fast food places will cooked and put it in a cooler and get by with it? Something needs to be done before it’s to late!!!
    I know a lot of folks need the help, but they also need to speed them wisely…

    “I’m for a lot of Changes”

  24. Frustrated on January 31st, 2012 2:39 pm

    When I needed assistance a while back, I couldn’t get it because my income was too high (they didn’t care what I was having to pay out or what for)….but recently I saw a young fit well dressed man purchase already cooked bbq deli chicken at Walmart with his FOOD STAMPS….are you kidding me????

  25. Molino-Anon on January 31st, 2012 1:19 pm

    Point is, our tax dollars are taken regardless and usually spent in ways we do not know. If someone buys chips or not your tax dollars are still gone.

    Another point, if these organizations are going to help people then help them, but don’t help them and say “oh by the way, we’re going to help you eat, but because we think most of the poor are fat, lazy, slobs who do not want to work you can only use our help for XYZ”

    Just like one of the comments saying “if you do NOT want government dictating what you can and can not buy then go get a JOB and earn your money and spend it any which way you want.”

    So everyone on foodstamps are just lazy and do not want to work? That is very short sighted and narrow minded. How about people who get foodstamps because they physically can NOT work? They must carve out an existence living off SSI and Foodstamps.

    I think to many stereo-type people due to what they see and what they see is a VERY small percentage of people on foodstamps and welfare who abuse the system or load down with junk food in this case. Not everyone on foodstamps and welfare drive Cadillacs, eat steak every night, and buy nothing but shopping carts full of junk food.

    The time, money, and efforts to pass such a bill to penalize everyone over a small percentage of people is a much larger waste of MY tax dollars. The money going into re-writing the books and coming up with lists of what you can’t buy could be used on mandatory nutritional education programs that people would need to take in order to receive help. I still say once that help is given it’s not up to any of you or the government to dictate what can and can’t be consumed. The money is already given to only be used on food in general, now we are going to let the government dictate which foods can be consumed?!

    It’s totalitarian and when most of you wake up and realize that, it will be to late to say or do anything about it.

  26. David Huie Green on January 31st, 2012 12:44 pm

    “If you’re too narrow minded and bitter over what others have/do you need professional help as well as a little Jesus in your lives.”

    Because Jesus said to give the poor potato chips on demand? It must be in the book of Hezekiah.

    I saw where He gave souls wine, fish and bread to eat and drink. Also, He gave of Himself. Unless freely offered, he didn’t take it from others.

    Picture a huge pile of money which will never be depleted. Buy anything anyone wants out of the pile. For that matter, give them all the money they want out of the pile. Would this make everybody’s lives better?

    You probably said yes, but in fact it would simply devalue money to the point that all savings would become worthless. After all why should anyone work for money if they could have all they wanted for free? They probably wouldn’t bother to sell anything since your money wouldn’t be any better than that which they could get themselves out of the pile.

    There’s another little problem: the pile doesn’t just exist eternally. The genie of the lamp didn’t provide it. To get that money, you have to take it from someone. The money you take from those others might not be their potato chip money; it might be their food, clothing and shelter money. It’s certainly something they would’ve used for themselves or their loved ones had you not taken it from them.

    For myself, I don’t care. If you took all my money, you still wouldn’t have much of a pile. It just seems if you’re going to take it from others, you should be a bit careful how it’s spent, thus able to help more of those in need.

    David for ice cream

  27. MM on January 31st, 2012 11:58 am

    When I get home to heat up my left over pea soup, someone will be feeding their dog steak for dinner since you can’t buy dog food with food stamps.

  28. Cantonment mom on January 31st, 2012 10:32 am

    How about this, if you do NOT want government dictating what you can and can not buy then go get a JOB and earn your money and spend it any which way you want. But if you are getting welfare (taking my money (paid in taxes) and spending it, then heck yes I get to say that it is not spent on junkfood!

  29. molino-anon on January 31st, 2012 9:41 am

    This is exactly what is wrong with the system and the world. Government wanting to micromanage others lives and bitter, short-sighted people being on board with everything the government does. Develop your own free will people, everything the government does is not justifiable or on the up-and-up. If you’re too narrow minded and bitter over what others have/do you need professional help as well as a little Jesus in your lives.

  30. David Lamb on January 31st, 2012 9:00 am

    I have never taken food stamps, only drew unemployment once and that turned into a mess ,not my doing. Now for my comments: I think you all are being a little harsh/judgemental. a gallon of ice cream or a bag of chips or what other “junkfood” in moderation is acceptable. Walk in their shoes feeling down, not feeling good about yourself , you need an indulgent item once in a while. Not all are on the program because they want to be.
    Children in these households dont know the significance of their plight. They see other kids with these “banned” items, they cherish the same.
    How much ice cream, chips, pop, other “unhealthy ” foods have you eaten this day/week. What about an icecream cake or even a cake for a birthday or special ocassion?
    I see things on checkout stand that shoud not be allowed, like beer, alcohol, smokes and they get thru. Crack down on that stuff. Seems to me that in this age of computers the items bought should be visible on a monitor and the person buying excess could be talked to or warned.

  31. jcellops on January 31st, 2012 8:26 am

    as a hardworking taxpayer, all i have to say is…..”YEESSSSS!!!!…..about time!!”

  32. Fairlane63 on January 31st, 2012 7:27 am

    Get rid of ALL these programs. Why do these people have a right to “free” food purchased with money taken from me against my will?

  33. ArmyMajwife on January 31st, 2012 5:58 am

    I have to say I support this. You are asking for help at a time when you don’t have the money to feed your family. The money should be spent for nutritious food and not junk. I think it’s a good thing. If you don’t like it, don’t use the assistance.

  34. Betty on January 31st, 2012 5:13 am

    Sounds good to me…If I can’t afford luxury junk food then why should they get it for free from my tax dollars..