Florida 12th In 2011 Quality Counts Report

January 16, 2012

Florida was ranked 11th in the nation in Education Week’s Quality Counts 2012: The Global Challenge – Education in a Competitive World report as results were issued Thursday.

The report gives high marks to Florida in both the Standards, Assessments, and Accountability category and the Teaching Profession category. The data used to derive the financial ranking dates back to 2009 and reflects the impact of the economic downturn on spending for education from that year.

Florida scored an overall grade of “C+.”

“Florida’s education system ranks among the best in the nation, but we still face some challenges. I’m confident we will continue to improve,” said Governor Rick Scott.
According to the 2012 report,

  • Florida earned an “A” in the Standards, Assessments and Accountability category and ranked fifth in the nation.
  • Florida is one of 10 states to have the capability to link teachers and their student performance data back to teacher education programs.
  • Florida is among 29 states to have used education data from international models to shape reform policies.
  • Florida ranked first on the equity measure that looks at differences between average per pupil spending among districts at the 95th and fifth percentiles.
  • Florida is second in the nation in the equal distribution of funds amongst its school districts.
  • Florida ranks fourth in the nation with a “B” in The Teaching Profession category.
  • Florida earned points for increasing its graduation index by 14 percentage points from 2000 to 2008.
  • Advanced Placement achievement and improvement points increased in this year’s analysis. Florida was the fourth highest state in the percent of students who scored “3″ or higher on AP tests and third highest for the percentage of increase in successful AP testers.


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