Evers: Repeal Septic Tank Inspections, Ethanol And Real ID

January 8, 2012

As the 2012 Legislative Session gets underway Tuesday in Tallahassee, Sen. Greg Evers has set several priorities.

Top priorities, Evers said, are constitutional obligations of passing a sound, balanced budget, and redrawing the lines of the  state’s Congressional, House and Senate districts.

“Once our constitutional obligations are fulfilled, I will focus my efforts on our community’s needs and help to revive Florida’s economy and workforce by reducing over-burdomsome government regulations, fees and taxes,” Evers said.

One of Evers’ bills would eliminate a law passed in 2010 that requires the Florida Department of Health to create and administer a statewide septic tank evaluation program that would see every tank inspected every five years at the owner’s expense.

“I will continue to fight to get this bill passed to lessen the unnecessary and expensive burden on residents who are held financially responsible for the inspections every 5 years,” he said.

Another bill would repeal the “Florida Renewable Fuel Standard Act,” passed in 2008, that mandates ethanol be included in all gasoline for sale.

“I filed this important bill to allow for consumer choice and in response to the many of you who told me you were concerned about costly repairs or replacements of marine and small engines related to damage caused by ethanol gasoline,” the Baker Republican said.

Evers has also set his sights on repealing or changing vehicle and driver’s license laws during the 2012 Legislative Session.

The “”Florida Driver’s License Citizen Protection Act” would repeal the Real ID Law, making for a less tedious process for citizens to renew or modify their driver’s license or ID card.   Evers is also calling for a repeal of the law that allows the use of red light cameras to ticket drivers.

And, Evers said he intends to file a bill that will roll back the cost of renewing vehicle registrations to previous levels.

“This should provide additional relief for families who are struggling to make ends meet,” he said.

Pictured: The old and new Florida Capital buildings in Tallahassee. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Evers: Repeal Septic Tank Inspections, Ethanol And Real ID”

  1. David Huie Green on January 12th, 2012 6:11 pm

    You’re still talking about what you consider wrong doing on the part of the county government, not under his power — unless you are thinking he should use back door connections to help you, but that would be cronyism, good old boy network. The very thing folks keep pretending they dislike.

    I would think the proper channel would be to let our county commissioner know as well as the state’s attorney if you think they have done anything wrong.

    I could be wrong, it just seems reasonable to talk to the ones actually involved in such things. Otherwise, why not just send President Obama an email about the matter with much greater detail than you‘ve given here? It doesn’t come under his jurisdiction either, but they would surely listen to him if he spoke to them.

    Now if you are saying the county should maintain your private road for you, they may not choose to do so. Of course, I may be misunderstanding, though.

    David for square pegs in square holes

  2. Dishearted on January 12th, 2012 12:53 pm

    David Green: No, the issue is that the County changed the documentsnd are saying they can do what they want.(with no accountability)…

  3. David Huie Green on January 11th, 2012 5:23 am

    So the complaint is that the state senator didn’t interfere with county government?

  4. Dishearted on January 10th, 2012 12:52 pm

    To: David Green. the issue is a Road

  5. Dishearted on January 10th, 2012 12:42 pm

    Per: David Green. The issue in question is a road that in part is the Countys,per a legal document that states the road in question is County maintained. but the County changed the document to show that the road is not County maintained.if they can do this and get away with it we are all in trouble.Per Mr.Evers the County,State,Goverment can do it any time they want with no recourse, but as for you or me we would be punished and fined. now the County ,State,and Goverment is supposed to answer to the PEOPLE. (all elected officials need to be heale acountable)…..why pay full property TAXES, if per the County we get NO services.

  6. David Huie Green on January 10th, 2012 9:33 am

    “I have dealt with Greg Evers for about 5 months and he has done nothing for the situation, ”

    It might help to explain what the situation is which Evers is supposed to address.

    David wondering

  7. Dishearted on January 9th, 2012 9:16 am

    I have dealt with Greg Evers for about 5 months and he has done nothing for the situation, I have legal documents from Escambia County.they changed the forms and act like so what. theCounty leaders and state leaders needs to do there JOB or be taken out of office. If we the people did our job like they do we would be fired.

  8. David Huie Green on January 8th, 2012 4:13 pm

    “Its a fact that if someone remains in office for several terms, they get in the pockets of the good ole boys.”

    It is true that they tend to get in the pockets of moneyed interests but they ARE limited by our willingness to vote for them. They aren’t elected by money but by our votes. Money helps them advertise themselves but if what they’re selling isn’t what we want, all the advertising in the world won’t save them.

    Us individually limiting their service by not voting for them when they cease to serve us makes more sense than saying we can not put in office those we favor because they have served too long. It means we think voters are too stupid to vote correctly so we must take away their options from them for their own good. This is especially so since we are them, we are the people we are trying to protect ourselves from. It’s like saying, “Since I eat too much sugar, we must outlaw all sugar.”

    To be honest, newcomers are more likely to be swayed by the money available for voting certain ways than folks who’ve been in there a while.

    For informed voting, we need the amount each donor/briber gave them and how they voted on matters related to those donor/bribers. That way we could keep the faithful and cast out the crooked.

    David for people power even when I disagree

  9. charlie w. on January 8th, 2012 1:21 pm

    We have NO term limits. Its a fact that if someone remains in office for several terms, they get in the pockets of the good ole boys. And then some begain to think they own everything and forget about the tax payers that pays them.

  10. David Huie Green on January 8th, 2012 9:22 am

    “We all need term limits”

    We HAVE term limits. Every politician is out at the end of his or her term unless the voterd opt to put him or her back in. If a person is faithfully and knowledgeably serving the people, removal to be replaced with a questionable replacement would be unwise. Definite ouster might even encourage the incumbent to line his or her nest as quickly as possible since the end was in sight regardless of how the job was performed.

    David for responsible voters
    voting responsibly

  11. j on January 8th, 2012 5:35 am

    Thank you Senator Evers, for standing up for the people in a time when government is making things so hard for so many Americans by passing bad laws and laws that cost us all money we DO NOT HAVE to pay for inspections, bad gasoline (which is ruining fuel systems and neccitating costly repairs on our vehicles) and making it harder to get a driver’s license. I know one women who moved to Alabama, even though her family is here, because she had no divorce papers so she could no longer obtain a Florida driver’s license!!!

  12. charlie w. on January 8th, 2012 4:54 am

    Evers did what he could for the people in his district to start with, but he has been there to long and has become to involved with the good ole boys. Now he needs to go. We all need term limits. The first four years a politician does his job. Then its open season for them to pad their own pockets.