Escambia Names Equestrian Center Manager

January 27, 2012

A new manager has been hired for the Escambia County Equestrian Center.

Pamela Mauldwin of Milton was selected from the top three finalists chosen from 60 applicants for the job. She begins her job on February 28 for $51,000 per year plus benefits.

Mauldwin is currently employed by the United Way of Escambia County, where she serves as the Volunteer and Social Media Coordinator. She is also presently the editor of Hoofer Publications, a monthly magazine focusing on the equestrian community. Her professional history includes a background in marketing, public relations and management. In 2003, Mauldwin earned her Bachelor’s Degree from University of West Florida in Communications.

“We are excited about the future for the Equestrian Center and look forward to the multi-use facility being taken to a new level.  There are untapped event markets and sponsorship opportunities that Mrs. Mauldwin will be tasked with bringing to the equestrian center.  I welcome Mrs. Mauldwin to the county and look forward to the growth of this great facility,” said Parks and Recreation Director Michael Rhodes.

The other two top finalists were Burma Davis of Cantonment, president of the Northwest Florida Quarter Horse Association, and Forrest Gibbs of Roberstdale. Gibbs has hired then fired for the position late last year and has a lawsuit pending against three commissioners

Forrest Gibbs held the job for about two weeks in October until being fired by County Administrator Randy Oliver following a complaint that Commissioner Wilson Robertson influenced his hiring and landed Gibbs a $63,000 salary, which was  higher than was advertised.  The commission, including Robertson, called for a state investigation into the process. The State Attorney found no wrongdoing.

Gibbs  filed suit in Escambia County Circuit Court against Commissioners Kevin White, Marie Young and Grover Robinson claiming that he was qualified and they improperly removed him from his new job. The suit does not name Escambia County as a defendant.  Gene Valentino, who was not at a county meeting in which the board considered the matter, is also not being sued.

Gibbs is seeking unnamed damages in excess of $15,000 plus legal and court costs from White, Young and Robinson.


11 Responses to “Escambia Names Equestrian Center Manager”

  1. rmd on January 29th, 2012 9:06 am

    first of all,if youre a buddy with a commissioner you better watch out cause something is going on.they should have fired robertson right off the bat.yea they should pay her what was offered to gibbs. this whole county is about the buddy system.they always say they dont have money for raises but they can sure create jobs and pay big money for what they want. im happy that a woman got the job.gibbs want need the job now cause he will sue and get more of countys money.

  2. c.w. on January 28th, 2012 7:59 am

    For all the negative comments about Mr. Gibbs, y’all obviously don’t know him very well! He is a great person and knows more about horses, livestock, and bringing in business than he needs to, to be qualified for this job! And for ” vote the incumbents out” grow up!

    Whats his qualifications? Salesman, garbage collector, and kiss up to the politicians?? Gibbs is gone and WR needs to go with him. Vote the jerks out!

  3. Everett on January 27th, 2012 8:58 pm

    Good for her. Why isn’t she getting the full salary if she was better quailified? Also why did we initially hire someone (Gibbs) from out of state. I’m sure we had folks from here that were even more quailified.

    I’m sure Gibbs can spell “horses, livestock, and cows” but does he have any extensive business knowledge?

    Most of your local high paying managerial jobs require a high degree of education and experience. This job when it was posted( or re-written) did not require much of either.

    My other concern is this job with the equestrian center is a full time untertaking, not a part time endeavor from someone who already owns and operates an out of state business.

  4. Ron & Bonney Brewton on January 27th, 2012 1:20 pm

    Congratulations Pam. You have the knowledge and skills needed for this job. I believe the county has made an excellent choice and Pam can get this facility back on the right track.

  5. Ginnie Biggs on January 27th, 2012 9:01 am

    For all the negative comments about Mr. Gibbs, y’all obviously don’t know him very well! He is a great person and knows more about horses, livestock, and bringing in business than he needs to, to be qualified for this job! And for ” vote the incumbents out” grow up!

  6. Lee M. on January 27th, 2012 8:20 am

    Pam Mauldwin is an EXCELLENT choice! Congratulations, Pam!

  7. g.o.b. network on January 27th, 2012 7:10 am

    I don’t know Mr. Gibbs personally, but I do understand that it’s who you know these days which opens the door for a job such as this…but his qualifications for THIS job should not have allowed him to be let through the door. Would not surprise me if he turns up working for the county in some obscure position…director of manager for procurement of street sign poles.

  8. g.o.b. network on January 27th, 2012 7:00 am

    would not surprise me if mr gibbs does not mysteriously show up in some below the radar job in the county in some little out of the way department….manager of procurement for submarine screen doors…

  9. Vote the Incumbents OUT! on January 27th, 2012 6:04 am

    Gibbs wasn’t even marginally qualified for the position the first time around and the job description was re-written so that he could be included for the second. If it weren’t for Larry Newsom and Wilson Robertson’s good old boy arm twisting, he’d never gotten the job back in October – and I don’t think they’ll ever convince the public that it didn’t happen. Gibbs needs to move on and go take care of that pile of asphalt on Nine Mile Road that has to be removed for his buddy because that is something he knows how to do.

  10. Taxpayer on January 27th, 2012 12:59 am

    I wonder why she is going to be paid $12,000 less per year as the former applicant.

  11. Taxpayer on January 27th, 2012 12:48 am

    She should also have a suit against the county for paying HER ($51,000) less than HIM ($63,000).