Molino Park, Jim Allen Students Dream Up One Of A Kind Inventions

January 13, 2012

Flying cars, traffic evaders, automatic bed makers and more were on display Thursday at Molino Park and Jim Allen elementary schools.  Some of the brightest students at both schools presented their one of a kind inventions during an Invention Convention held at each school.

Students in each school’s Gifted Enrichment Classes displayed their projects they completed as part of their 15 week study of inventions and inventors. Each project included a prototype of the invention, information on how it works or how it would be used and the estimated cost.

“There were some really creative ideas,” Molino Park Elementary Principal Alice Woodward said. “They worked really hard.”

For a photo gallery of the Molino Park Gifted Enrichment Class inventions, click here.

Some of the items presented included:

  • Tired of traffic on your morning commute? The Traffic Evader by Bryce Korinachk  has the ability to fly over traffic using an air propulsion system. Simply refill the air cylinder with any air compressor and you are environmentally friendly when flying over traffic.  The Traffic Evader’s sticker price is $75,000 to $80,000.
  • The Splashula, at just $9.95 is a bargain for the grill or kitchen. Simply fill the spray bottle attached to your spatula with oil spray, and you’ll be a lean, mean pancake cooking machine — just spray the pan and flip the pancakes. Or, for the grill, load the squirt bottle with water. Flip the burgers and douse the flames in one easy step.
  • The “Bathroom Reading Buddy” holds your books, magazines or perhaps even your iPad while in the bathroom for just $24.99. “It attaches to the side of the cabinet and extends out to hold your reading material,” according to inventor Connor Crisco. “When you are finished, just push it back up against the cabinet and it’s out of the way.” $24.99, magazines not included.
  • The Auto Bed Maker is sure to please both moms and kids. “This device makes your bed faster than a strike of lightning,” according to inventor Clayton Smith. And, if you act now, it’s half price at just $40.

  • The Flying Car (pictured) is a reality in another inventor’s project, but it’s going to hurt the bank account just a bit with a $100,000,00.90 sticker price. It’s easy to use, press the red button to fly; press it again to stop flying.  But don’t forget where you parked it — the prototype model is camouflage.
  • Girl Guardian is a GPS tracking device disguised as an attractive girl’s bracelet. It’s not recognized as a GPS device, so the bad guy’s won’t touch it. It can be constantly monitored for easy tracking, and includes a panic button for emergencies. And it’s good for the environment — it uses GPS chips from discarded cell phones.
  • The 911 AED takes the automated external defibrillator a step further — open the lid and it automatically places a cellular 911 call with GPS coordinates for the dispatcher.
  • Passing the sunflower seeds around the dugout at the neighborhood little league games is easier than ever with the Sandlot Seed Server. Simply place a cup under the server then “Open the Core and Let’em Pour” for only $49.99.
  • Watered down soft drinks are a thing of the past with the Flavor Ice from Micah Calhoun. For just $50.69 it provides ice made out of the same drink that you are dispensing. “When this ice melts, it only makes your soda taste even better,” Calhoun said.
  • The Sponge Shoe is just $9.99. It’s a shoe, it ’s a sponge — no it’s a sponge on shoe. Walk around, and all those little messes are cleaned right up.  “It also saves my mom time because she does not have to mop the floor if it’s  small mess that I can clean,” inventor Brayden Mickel said.
  • The Bristle Bullet is an “easy, fun, cool way to clean your gun”, in Jenna’s project.  A brush, like that used to clean baby bottles, is mounted on the tip of a bullet. Simply fire the bullet at your target and your gun is cleaned at the same time. A dozen would sell for $36.99.
  • The Glow In The Dark Cork is perfect for night fishing. The glow in the dark paint glows like the moon. No more worrying about battery operated corks that fail when they crack.
  • The $45 Dog Collar 3000 hold dog treats on Fido’s collar — no more running back inside for treats on those long winter walks.
  • No more ropes with the sure to be American made Flag Raiser by Dalton Brown. For just $19.99, easy electronic controls automatically raise the flag.
  • Travel Trays are manufactured of industrial grade stainless steel and collapse for easy storage. From an iPod to a Nintendo DS to McDonald’s fries or a pint of Ben & Jerry’s — the Travel Trays hold most everything with no spill.
  • Ever had a fight in the kitchen with the roll of plastic wrap? Fight no more with the Wrap Trap at the introductory price of $7.50.  It’s all about the control — the Wrap Trap holds the box of Saran or other wrap nice and steady on the counter while the included blade makes the cut.

Pictured top: The Bathroom Reading Buddy. Pictured inset: The Flying Car for just $100,000,00.90. Pictured below: A portion of the Flavor Ice machine. photos, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Molino Park, Jim Allen Students Dream Up One Of A Kind Inventions”

  1. Justin miller on January 30th, 2012 3:38 pm

    My favorite one was the bed maker by Clay Smith.I was the flying car.The invention convention was awsome……

  2. That One Kid on January 13th, 2012 3:21 pm

    I Just Wanted to say I Was In Mrs. Jackson’s Class this year and It was A Pleasure doing everything. The Invention Convention was Amazing.

  3. EMD on January 13th, 2012 11:05 am

    The “Bristle Bullet?” LOL. I love this!

    I would buy all these inventions. But, the bristle bullet inventor has got to be a person I’d like to meet. :D

  4. ABC on January 13th, 2012 9:08 am

    and who said “we are doomed by the next generation” well not if the leaders, come from Molino, How absolutely blessed we are to have Our Molino Park teachers, principal and all the grand employees there, to help us nurture and guide our children, and fill them with the eagerness to learn and excel.

    Congratulations to all the “Inventors of One of a kind Inventions” Terrific effort you all definitely are terrific young people.

  5. Sarah-Jane on January 13th, 2012 6:57 am

    This was a great event and we have some very talented and clever children at both Molino Park and Jim Allen Elementary Schools.

    A HUGE “shout out” goes to the Teachers, Ms Fletcher at Molino and Ms Jackson at Jim Allen for guiding these children through these 15 weeks. They have learnt so much about Invertors and Inventions. The children’s imagination has really been enhanced with this topic and they believe they can do anything and if you fail it does not matter you just try again and learn from your mistakes.

    THANK YOU to everyone involved in putting on “The Invention Convention”.