Coming Up Saturday: One On One With Sen. John McCain

January 27, 2012

Coming up Saturday morning on, we’ll tell you what Sen. John McCain had to say in a one-on-one interview this afternoon.
He’s on the campaign trail with Mitt Romney, and we’ll find out why McCain thinks Romney should get your vote. McCain also talked about Escambia County…we’ll tell what he says Mitt Romney can do for North Escambia.


2 Responses to “Coming Up Saturday: One On One With Sen. John McCain”

  1. thinker3 on January 27th, 2012 6:04 pm

    As a presidential candidate, I would be terrified that such a political loser would endorse me. What in the sam hill does “Cain” bring to the table for Romney boy? We Republicans are the worst at not learning from history. If in 2008, our party had NOT run a candidate that loooked old, sounded old, and acted old, but run somebody that had some vibrancy to them, and a real conservative, Obuma might not have been elected. Not to mention Johnny boy voted against his own party more than half the time. The democrats would never run one of their own with a record like that as a candidate. So what is the message being sent by an endorsement of Romney by McCain? HEY ALL YOU DEMOCRATS UP THERE IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE, I’M (ROMNEY) A REAL COMPROMISER. SEE? YOU ALL REMEMBER MCCAIN DON’T YOU? To be honest all but one in the field of Republican candidates is a joke. However, the worst of them is not as bad `a joke as McCain.

  2. Walnut Hill on January 27th, 2012 4:51 pm

    Romney will be at the Fish House at 8:15 tomorrow morning. Not an endorsement, just FYI.