Bye Bye Potato Chips: Bill Would Eliminate Non-healthy Food From Aid Programs

January 26, 2012

A bill that would eliminate “non-healthy, non-staple” foods from those permitted under food assistance guidelines sparked a tart debate in the Senate Children, Families and Elder Affairs Committee on Wednesday.

The bill (SB 1658), sponsored by committee Chairwoman Ronda Storms, R-Valrico, would prohibit people who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program money from using their benefits to buy foods containing trans fats; sweetened drinks, including sodas; candy; pudding; popsicles; potato chips; pretzels and a wide array of baked goods from the list of items currently allowed for purchase with SNAP funding under federal guidelines. The measure would prevent SNAP recipients from using their electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards to buy the prohibited items.

“Should the taxpayer foot the bill for Mountain Dew?” asked Storms.

Sen. Nancy Detert, R-Venice, said it’s not the state’s place to dictate people’s diets. “To me, it’s just too much government intervention.”

But Sen. Jack Latvala, R-St. Petersburg, said he hadn’t realized that SNAP recipients could buy such items and that Storms’ measure was long overdue.

“It breaks all of our hearts the way government is having to cut back on things that people are used to getting help from government on,” he said. “We’ve all had to vote for some painful cuts. I think what Sen. Storms is trying to do here is to say, ‘This is one way we could prioritize.’”

Detert said she would vote yes out of respect for Storms, but that many people don’t know how to cook from scratch and such training would be more useful to them.

“I’d rather see something pro-active and a lot more help to poor people,” she said. “A lot of kids think all food comes in a bag through a car window.”

Sen. Audrey Gibson, D-Jacksonville, asked if the measure contained a definition of “unhealthy.”

“Potato chips are healthy, is that what your argument is?” Storms answered.

“I’m trying to determine, if I show up to the store with my EBT card, who at the store is going to determine what in my cart is unhealthy and by what definition?” said Gibson.

Storms said her bill calls for the Florida Department of Children and Families to make up the list of items that could be paid for by SNAP funding. But she agreed to drop the term “unhealthy” from her bill, and it passed in the committee 4-2. It now goes to the Senate Budget Committee, its last stop.

By The News Service of Florida


29 Responses to “Bye Bye Potato Chips: Bill Would Eliminate Non-healthy Food From Aid Programs”

  1. from vermont on January 30th, 2012 1:18 pm

    States are not allowed to dictate what may or may not be purchased with EBT SNAP benefits. That is the sole purview of the USDA, and to date, USDA has declined all requests by states to make any modifications to the list of approved foods. I would hope the FL legislature has done enough research to be aware of this before pursuing this bill… Without a change in federal regulation, this bill is futile.

  2. Tired of freeloaders on January 28th, 2012 8:46 pm

    Future nurse, it is not the taxpayer’s responsiblity to check eveyone’s story. If you are so concerned about your autistic child’s sensory issues, then get a job to pay for the special food. Good grief. Stop coming up with every excuse in the book to justify us paying for your junk food.

  3. Future nurse on January 28th, 2012 5:09 pm

    Regulations are completely understandable, but what about children with special diets who need the more expensive items or children with texture sensitivities? If the government starts placing regulations on healthy/unhealthy foods, where is it going to stop? One of my children is autistic and will only eat certain foods, which aren’t necessarily the healthiest, but his health/weight are perfect. One of these foods is crackers, but he eats multiple boxes a day. It’s not something that anyone can change for some children/adults with developmental disorders or sensitivities.

    Again, before judging, remember that not everyone lives the same life as you.

  4. Future nurse on January 28th, 2012 5:00 pm

    To tired of freeloaders: Congratulations on being so judgemental. I was simply trying to point out that you don’t know everyone’s story, so maybe you should always keep that in mind, no matter what the situation may be. You obviously don’t know my story, so who are you to judge me?

    I do think that some restrictions would be a good idea, because there are always the people who are going to abuse the system.

  5. Jane on January 28th, 2012 9:23 am

    We are the only country in the world where the largest number of overweight people are also the “poorest”. There is a problem with that?? I believe in helping others and it’s our duty but we (gov’t/taxpayers) are going beyond providing needs. In addition, we are helping aid in their health problems by providing junk-food and sodas. The taxpayers help fatten them up just to turn around and pay their medical bills with the Medicaid program. They should set up the food stamp program like the WIC program. We should help provide needs not wants. If they can make the EBT card only pay for groceries and “not covered” items now, all they have to do is extend the program further to not pay for anything but necessities.

  6. layla on January 28th, 2012 7:39 am

    Seriously, jealous because I can’t get foodstamps??? Seriously???
    Most people receive foodstamps? Really???

    Yesterday, in a local grocery store, I was in line behind an approx 24 yo girl with a huge baby bump, and 4 yo and 2 yo girls. She used WIC checks to buy milk, eggs and cereal and some canned juice. EBT purchased 6 twelve packs of store brand sodas, swiss cake rolls, pop tarts, about 12 of those frozen kiddie meals and 4 value packs of steaks and pork chops (at least they were ‘value’ packs..). She used CASH to buy two 24 packs of Miller Lite beer and a half roll of Skoal.

    I was able to peruse her purchases because all those different forms of payment took a bit of time to process.

    No jealousy on my part , just sadness that tax dollars enable this behavior and there is no education process to end the cycle. Other than the eggs and meats there was nothing of any real nutritional value in her purchases. Those canned juices are products of China and Argentina and that negates any nutrition they might have possessed. Those frozen kiddie meals are full of crap no human should really be ingesting much less feeding to their children. Spending cash on beer and tobacco that should have been spent on something better for the children that she is choosing to bring into this world.

  7. David Huie Green on January 27th, 2012 6:04 pm

    “I believe you too should be drug tested I you receive any assistants”

    If you have an assistant, why are you on the dole?

    David confused

  8. bob hudson on January 27th, 2012 12:00 pm

    Real simple, make it the same menu, as the first lady or as she likes to be called ,her highness , now wants all schools to go to.You wish to follow what the government wants, then that is what you shall be able to buy.when,you have your hand out,you have removed your chose of what you get. And anyone who receives this service should be drug tested.And if you do not agree, what makes you so special?

  9. Susan on January 27th, 2012 11:28 am

    People with EBT should be able to buy way they want most of them pay taxes but need a little help such as single parents who are going to school tryingto make a career so they won’t be on government assistance all there life… I believe you too should be drug tested I you receive any assistants… People who agree with this whole change is nothing but jealous bcz im sure if you could get foodstamps you would… Not to mention the way the economy is these days who is to say you will always have a job… Then you too will apply for assistants and see that u cant buy your cokes, chips, or whatever it is your use to eating… When u eat a sandwich for lunch so u not eat a couple of chips with it to make it more filling or do u go home and cook a heathy lunch

  10. SW on January 27th, 2012 5:13 am

    How dare we interfere with people’s right to unlimited government assistance. We should just take that money from the evil rich taxpayers and give it to the poor helpless recipient and just stop right there; they know what they need and it should not be government’s place to restrict or to otherwise dictate how, or on what, that money should be spent.

    How dare government interfere in people’s lives like that.

  11. NotAgain on January 26th, 2012 9:10 pm

    The only food people on welfare should get is a sack of beans, a sack of rice, and cans of powdered milk WITH the disclaimer that they need to apply for at least 5 jobs a week and provide proof of that in order to continue getting welfare food. There is NO reason people on welfare should be eating steaks and similar high-cost food.

  12. Michelle on January 26th, 2012 7:07 pm

    I understand both sides of the arguement. There are limits applied to EBT such as no deli items or cooked foods like fried chicken. But like everyone in this country fresh is exspensive. Especially fruits and vegetables. So buying boxed meals and frozen dinner cuts the cost and nutrition. Making a gallon of tea is cheaper then buying a gallon already made and it could save you nearly $2 alone. Buy a 5lb bag of rice and a sealed container. Instead of minute rice. In the long run will save you $8 a month doesn’t sound like much, but just those 2 things alone in 1 year comes to $120 savings. And that is only 2 things. Imagine what else you can substitute. A box of powdered milk costs about $3 and will last a month, if used daily. Instead of spending $4 a gallon making that $35 saving.

  13. molino-anon on January 26th, 2012 6:56 pm

    Well since I won’t be able to buy junk food, I’ll just buy more steak and potatoes.

    molino-anon for people making their own choices
    not the government making them for the people

  14. Becky on January 26th, 2012 5:10 pm

    To Future Nurse:

    That is super you’re trying to better yourself….however, you’re doing it with our dime. Everyone has a story so keep that in mind, regardless of anyones story most can agree EBT items shouldn’t include Little Debbie’s and orange soda. EBT items should only include essentials and not foods of convenience or high priced items such as ribeyes and lobster.

  15. Tired of freeloaders on January 26th, 2012 4:32 pm

    Future nurse, you have got to be kidding me. Did you really just admit that you don’t take care of your kids? Maybe I read that wrong. At any rate, as a future nurse you should know the value of a good, nutritious meal and the dangers of junk food to your kids. What about diabetes, obesity, and other health problems you could be causing your kids in the name of convenience? And no one told you to have kids first and then get your degree. So, while we are glad to help you get your degree and feed your children for FREE, we don’t appreciate you throwing our hard earned money away on junk.

  16. Future nurse on January 26th, 2012 1:30 pm

    To everyone judging those who buy the unhealthy foods with food stamps, have you ever asked the person that’s buying the “junk” what their story is? I am currently a food stamp recipient and I’m guilty of buying the unhealthy foods. Pretzels, goldfish or other snacks, soda, frozen meals I can stick in the over for a quick dinner, etc. Why do I buy these instead of always getting fresh fruits and veggies or things to make a home cooked meal on a daily basis (which I do more often than not)? I’m a full time nursing student raising 2 kids. Yes, being in school is my choice, but I’m also trying to ensure that I won’t be relying on government assistance for the rest of my life and will be able to provide for my family. After working a 12 hour shift (without pay), I don’t always have time to cook a full meal and take care of my kids. That soda that I buy helps me stay awake to finish everything I need to do, from household chores, taking care of my kids, and homework to keep up my 3.4 GPA. There are always going to be the people who take advantage of situations, but before judging, remember that you don’t know the story of the person you’re judging.

  17. bob hudson on January 26th, 2012 12:56 pm

    Well if you are receiving these benefits It is not your money so,be happy for what they are giving you, those with their hand out. do not get to dictate, to those who are giving out the money.By the way , I am still in favor of drug testing those who receive these benefits.Welcome to the real world.

  18. josh on January 26th, 2012 12:44 pm

    white rice is cheap and goes a long way.

  19. Tired of freeloaders on January 26th, 2012 10:59 am

    You took the words right out of my mouth, Mr. Green!

  20. David Huie Green on January 26th, 2012 10:15 am

    “I work for my money and as most I get foodstamps – - – yes i get food stamps and should be able to buy sodas and snacks if i chose since i also pay taxes”

    You are entitled to snacks paid for with food stamps? The government OWES them to you? The other taxpayers OWE them to you?

    Fascinating. Eat up.

    One other thing, do you really believe most people get food stamps?

    Also fascinating.

    David considering the effect
    of government assistance on mind-sets

  21. David Huie Green on January 26th, 2012 10:08 am

    “Sen. Nancy Detert, R-Venice, said it’s not the state’s place to dictate people’s diets. “To me, it’s just too much government intervention.” ”

    She believes government should not intervene? So she’s opposed to providing food to the hungry? No, she’s just opposed to only providing healthy food to the hungry.

    Makes perfect sense to me. It is similar to the people calling on government to keep its hands off their medicare even though medicare is a government program.

    David for healthy eaters
    and more potatoe chips for me

  22. Cantonment mom on January 26th, 2012 9:04 am

    I think if a food is taxable in FL, then EBT should not pay for it. Bread, eggs, milk, meat, …real food (anything not taxed by FL) is fine. It’s the tax payers money we should say how it is used!

  23. Fairlane63 on January 26th, 2012 7:43 am

    The tax-payers shouldn’t be forced to buy ANY food for ANYBODY. However, this is certainly a step in the right direction.

  24. just my words on January 26th, 2012 7:07 am

    I work for my money and as most I get foodstamps I use them and still use my paycheck thur out the month for food, and chips and soda are included on my list I AM NOT LAZY OR OVERWEIGHT but I enjoy snacks as well as the next person when you only make min wage and work under 40 hrs and have two kids to feed, rent, water and electric bills it leaves little for food so yes i get food stamps and should be able to buy sodas and snacks if i chose since i also pay taxes…..

  25. Tina on January 26th, 2012 6:52 am

    I have to admit that it is very aggravating to stand in the line at the grocery store behind someone with “2″ buggies full of garbage, cokes, snack cakes, MOUNTAIN dew, candy and frozen dinners, while I (working tax payer) have my buggy with the bare minimal items because I only have $25.00 to spend with my debit card. But then again, I, as a Christian try not judge the person standing there, then again I am only human.
    I look at my own son who is a working person, responsible daddy who takes care of his family, as him and his wife became expectant parents had to pay cash to the Dr. office because they were not accepted into the “medicaid” program because they are truthful, working, tax paying people. Now, on the other hand, had my son quit his job, he would have been swamped with benefits from the government such as cash assistance, food stamps, medicaid, wic,
    It just don’t make sense to me, Work and be punished OR don’t work and live like a rock star!

  26. Jane on January 26th, 2012 6:22 am

    So what is next? Is the government going to start limiting what grocery stores can carry? Yes, they should eat better foods, but sometimes you eat what is cheap to stretch your dollar as far as you can.

  27. Tired of freeloaders on January 26th, 2012 6:02 am

    BEST. IDEA. EVER. Ticks me off that I work me butt off everyday, and have to count every penny at the grocery store. Then I get behind some overweight woman with 10 kids using her EBT card to buy a cart full of junk. Orange soda, chips, and a crap load of red meat. She swipes her card while her kids run around like wild animals and then they all load up in her Cadillac Escalade!!! Wth!

  28. Carolyn Bramblett on January 26th, 2012 5:15 am

    Too much government intervention? It’s govt. money. People should be expected to actually cook their own food–basic nutrition with their free money.

  29. dad on January 26th, 2012 1:13 am

    I think this is a great idea. EBT should only pay for staples, real food. I suspect most know how to cook. If not it is easy to learn. Just requires a little effort. Money goes a lot farther when you aren’t buying prepackaged junk. This money should be a temporay crutch during hard times not a way of life anyway.