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Lost and Found
- Missing TexTan western saddle. Serial number under left fender 08-405. If found, call (850) 327-3079.
- Small solid black chihuahua missing from E Bogia Rd. His name is Joker. Call or text Amanda Gifford (850) 255-1407 or Matt White (850) 382-1247 .
- Small pet pig found vicinity of Brickton Road Molino. 850-554-7440
For Rent
- Trailer for sale on Fowler Avenue. 2bed/2ba. Two large garages. Corner lot. (850) 494-9711.
For Sale/Wanted To Buy/Free Stuff
- 1999 Wellcraft 210 Fisherman. 2000 Mercury Saltwater 150-450 original hours. Aluminum Venture trailer, new tires, all new canvas on cushions, bluetooth stereo with 4 infinity marine speakers, marine vhf with new antenna. (251) 538-0035.
- Stair climber for getting up and down stairs. Great condition and portable. (850) 485-7341.
- Looking for a fishing boat, preferably with a trailer and at least a trolling motor. (352) 877-6212.
- Pride mobility scooter. Used for three months. Great condition. $1100 (850) 485-7341.