Want Jobless Benefits? Undergo Mandatory Job Training?

December 2, 2011

Continuing efforts to transform the state’s unemployment office into a job training center, a Florida House panel is expected to consider a measure next week that would require low-skilled applicants to undergo job training at no expense in order to receive jobless benefits.

The measure is scheduled to be heard Tuesday in the House Business and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee. The bill also renames the Florida Unemployment Compensation Law the Reemployment Assistance Program in an apparent refocus and rebranding of agency efforts. The measure would require applicants who score low on initial job screens to undergo training.

The agency would be required to provide the Legislature with a report on program costs by Jan. 2013.

By The News Service Florida


6 Responses to “Want Jobless Benefits? Undergo Mandatory Job Training?”

  1. Everett on December 3rd, 2011 10:57 pm

    Prior to WW2 there were CCC Camps. These were made up of folks who could not find work in the regular work sector. These workers built bridges, roadways, public and national parks all over the country. They didn’t make alot of money but instead kept their sense of worth and integrity with the work they performed. My grandfather was a military policeman who oversaw and maintained the peace in these camps. He always said it was the best part of his military service. There was pride around folks who didn’t care what the work paid just as long as they could work..
    Occasionally my grandfather would have to load a few folks in the truck and take them to the county line and drop them off. Back then if you didn’t work you didn’t eat.

    We seem to reward those today who we then would load up and and drop off at the county or state line.

    America, land of oppurtunity…………………not entitlement.

  2. Bob on December 3rd, 2011 8:55 am

    Always has been and always will be. The greatest contributor to unemployment is unememployment compensation.

  3. Michelle on December 2nd, 2011 9:26 am

    That is how they do it in England. Unfortunatly it doesn’t help. But it makes the Governments unemployment figures look good.

  4. Mari Green on December 2nd, 2011 9:22 am

    What if you are among the 50+ age group with a profession (and licenses to prove it ) and 10 to 20+ years of experience and you have been “down-sized”?

  5. greylady on December 2nd, 2011 8:01 am

    This is only short term training. If you want to go to a post secondary school (vocational) or college, you are denied unemployment compensation benefits under the argument that you can’t go to school and also look for a job. I know a number of long term unemployed who can’t go to vocational school to train for more employable positions because they lose any income during that time. It is a double edged sword to the long term unemployed. They can get the grants to pay for the education, but there is nothing left for survival, so they can’t go to school to train for a job.

  6. Jane on December 2nd, 2011 5:54 am

    Thee are a lot of people who would welcome some job training to help them get a job! The ones who don’t want to learn can either find a job on their own or do without our supporting them!