Two Injured In Molino Crash, Both Charged

December 4, 2011

[Updated] Two North Escambia residents were injured in a two vehicle wreck Saturday night in Molino.

The Florida Highway Patrol says 17-year old Christopher J Kennamore failed to stop his 2003 Ford Ranger at  stop sign on Barrineau Park Road and continued into the path of a Chevrolet pickup being driven southbound on Highway 29 by Jeffrey R. Flowers, 33, of Molino.

Flowers was transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital in serious condition. Kennamore was also transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital with minor injuries.

Kennamore was charged with violation of stop sign, and Flowers was charged with proof of insurance, according to the FHP.

The Molino Station of Escambia Fire Rescue, Escambia County EMS and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office also responded to the crash.

Pictured: Two North Escambia residents were injured in this two vehicle crash Saturday night on Highway 29 at Barrineau Park Road in Molino. photos, click to enlarge.


29 Responses to “Two Injured In Molino Crash, Both Charged”

  1. Libby on December 8th, 2011 10:57 am

    My Aunt was coming home from town north bound at night and these four drunk people where parked in the middle of the highway with their lights off and she t boned them. I am saying this to warn people not to be going 75 and 80 coming down that highway through Molino.The Atmore and 29 intersection has more accidents than this one and they have a merge lane. People pull out into the highway instead of using that merge lane and across the highway. Isn’t there a caution light at that intersection?
    Drive like you want to see your family smiles when you get back home.

  2. Maloree.walls on December 7th, 2011 10:19 pm

    Just like CJ’s dad said their’s a million trucks but only one CJ! Lets just thank God that their both alive ! :)

  3. Liby on December 7th, 2011 7:17 pm

    If a person drives and has a licenses they should know what a stop sign is no matter where they live in this country. My baby sister Frances died at that intersection on a rainy day. She turned in front of a truck because a van was blocking her view. She had to have looked above the van and the truck was hidden half way behind the van. It took me a few years to go through that intersection without slowing way down due to her death.She was not wearing a seat belt due to fearing them. All but one brother lives out here and I do not want to loose another love one at that corner. We need a (traffic light) there (and the large speed bumps) not the things that make a light noise when you run over them. If you have a radio on you will not hear them. I hope the guys will be ok. Praying for them. COUNTY HELP MOLINO WITH A LIGHT TRAFFIC LIGHT AND THE LARGE SPEED BUMPS PLEASE!!!! I believe it will take them both.

  4. rudy gindl on December 6th, 2011 1:42 pm

    ray your in my prayes. hope they both yall get well

  5. David Huie Green on December 6th, 2011 9:39 am

    “Its not really “speed bumps” its just those raised lines thats there like on the side of 97 now.”

    Rumble strips?

    Good stuff.

    David for warnings heeded

  6. KAE on December 5th, 2011 3:31 pm

    This intersection is no different than most major intersections -I live less than 1 block from this intersection-I use it everyday-several times a day! The only thing that is required when navigating this intersection is patience and caution. It boggles my mind why people pull out into the north/southbound lanes without a care in the world-I see it everyday. In the 17 years that I have lived here-not once was an accident caused by a driver traveling north and south. A caution light is only a reminder to use caution-something that seems to be lacking. I would welcome a red light-sadly more people will have to die before that happens. Happy that injuries were minor this time.

  7. Doug and Julie on December 5th, 2011 9:05 am

    Prayers for a speedy recovery, Ray!!

  8. Molly on December 5th, 2011 8:07 am

    Hope all recovers well, this is a bad intersection. People needs to be aware of stop signs. I’m so afraid anytime I’m on 29 north or south of someone not stopping at the stop sign.
    Maybe it would be a great and wonderful thing if they would put a red light or caution light. It may save lives.

  9. Gatorgirl on December 5th, 2011 3:42 am

    Its not really “speed bumps” its just those raised lines thats there like on the side of 97 now.

  10. sister n law on December 4th, 2011 8:19 pm

    To mick jergenhason you are to quick to judge and point the finger but one day that finger just might be pointing back to you. Accidents happen and we are truly blessed that Ray and the other guy walked away alive. I strongly agree with Renea and Teresa about what they wrote. Didnt your mom teach you anything about not juding others. What makes are insurance so high is the ones that cause accidents on purpose not accidently. So until you know the whole story dont be so quick to judge next time.

  11. tallyho on December 4th, 2011 6:53 pm

    At 97 and 29 i have seen several people not even slow down for the stop sign. They are stupid and do not understand the law. My problem with these people whom do not stop at red lights and stop signs is they might cause the death of me are one of my family. Hope that they are alright and sooner then later obey the law.

  12. Barrineau Park Resident on December 4th, 2011 6:34 pm

    prayers for you ray and for the young 17 year old too. lets all be thankful that no one was killed or seriously injured in this incident. we should not sit and judge others. look in the mirror. have you ever done anything wrong? i know i have drove without my insurance card and i have also came close to running a stop sign. we all do things that are wrong at some point in time.

  13. Jackie Johnson on December 4th, 2011 6:05 pm

    I can remember back as far as August 1982 when my aunt Hilda Foster from Bristol, Florida was killed at this intersection on a Saturday night. She and my uncle were headed back from returning my mother to her car after they had been visiting with a dying sister so instead of one funeral that week we had two. Because of this wreck the speed bumps were first installed. In 1982 families were fortunate to have two vehicles much less one for each eligible driver, therefore making many more cars on the road. Some take for granted of areas, some ignore and some just do it their way. If each one had a mother for a school bus driver as I had you would still know every old law and every new law. How many of us remember even when the two lane roads were 65 mph, I do and I’m just 57. So each one help one and be observant to your surroundings and maybe we can all work together to avoid accidents. Merry Christmas!! May each driver be okay.

  14. Kristen on December 4th, 2011 5:31 pm

    I am a very good friend a the guy who ran the stop and he lives no where near the accident. Also he was very unfamiliar with the roads. I have lived off that road for 17 years and its even hard for me to see that sign. Yes he made a mistake… but WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES. All we need to do now is pray for both of them and that the accidents cease in that intersection.

  15. A friend on December 4th, 2011 5:23 pm

    I know the guy that ran the stop sign (we are best friends!) and he does not live in this part of town. He did not know about the stop sign and is very unfamiliar with the roads. We all know that stop sign is hard to see and I have lived here for 17 years. So yes his mistakes … but WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES. So all we should do now is pray for them both that God heals them fast and that accidents will cease in that intersection.

  16. Teresa Dreher on December 4th, 2011 5:22 pm

    It is real easy for people to judge someone based on words written by another. Yes my 17 year old nephew was at fault for the horrible accident and no excuses, (nor will I explain his excuses and play into your hands), makes up for the damage cause, but for those of you that choose to point fingers remember this: God was with both my nephew and the other driver. They both walked away with minor injuries: Metal can be replaced, life cant. Stop judging others until you have walked in their shoes. The last time I checked NO ONE is perfect except God.

  17. Renea Daniel on December 4th, 2011 4:54 pm

    To Mick jergenhanson…you sure are very judgmental to not know the details of this accident. The truck that Ray was driving was not his every day vehicle, so since he rarely drives that vehicle, he more than likely didn’t have any proof of insurance on hand at the time if the accident. I’m just thankful both guys are ok & Ray’s precious daughter was not in the truck with him at the time of the accident.

  18. M on December 4th, 2011 4:14 pm

    Regardless of some people thinking everybody is as imperfect as them, something needs to happen to raise awarness of the inersection and the speed should be slowed entering the area before the Homestead.There are blind spots there in certain situations. when the median gets crowded and turn lanes have several cars waiting.Ever been there with 2 in the middle and a couple in each turn lane? Cars going by 70-80 mph? Try it sometimes ,Hope everyone there is the considerate type,so you don’t have a bad experience.

  19. KAE on December 4th, 2011 2:45 pm

    I live very close to this intersection and I have literally heard the last 2 accidents. Sadly several people have died in accidents at this intersection over the years. Rarely, if ever is it the fault of those traveling north/south on 29-it’s the impatient folks who not only take a chance with their own lives but also the lives of the other folks in their path. Because I live so close and have seen the aftermath, I am very cautious. A caution light will not help-these people who pull out are not cautious. I think a red light is a better idea. Prayers go out to those involved and their families.

  20. mick jergenhason on December 4th, 2011 2:36 pm

    Both broke the law… suspend both individuals license for 2years with a heavy fine. Community service for both, picking up trash on Hwy 29 every weekend for a year.

    Sound drastic? The only thing people pay attention to is when you hurt them in the wallet

    People are going to do what they want to do regardless of any law that is in place. The guy with no proof of insurance, most likely has no insurance, so he has no respect for the law. You would be surprised how many people right now are driving with no insurance or even a valid drivers license.

    Instead he places the burden of higher insurance rates on those that do the right thing. The other one he’s just someone too young to be behind the wheel. Take him off the street until the age of 21.

  21. cottage hill resident on December 4th, 2011 1:32 pm

    Prayers for a quick recovery Ray. People need to pay attention to where they are and slow down.

  22. My Two Cents on December 4th, 2011 12:42 pm

    Sounds like the county has done their part, they have put up the speed bumps on both sides, they have stop signs on both sides. It sounds like people are just getting in a hurry and yielding at these intersections. Also sounds like the majority of the people that are not stopping live near there and or familiar with the all these wrecks. In most cases it seems as though the ones that are killed or hurt bad are the ones that have the right of way. The speed bumps has to get their attention, they see the stop signs, they are just not following the law so a cation light would do no good. Maybe FHP needs to park out there and start writeing a lot of tickets for running the stop signs, seems like they don’t care much for their or no one lifes, hit um in the pocket book as see if they care about that.
    Come on folks you know this is a bad intersection, don’t just look left and right and go!!! STOP and look around at least TWICE before you pull out, it could save your life!!!!

  23. localresident on December 4th, 2011 12:07 pm

    For all of you who do not know the 17other year old boy does NOT live ANYWHERE near where he had this incident. The poor boy did not know the road well at all. First time on this road.. and you’re right caution lights may or may not help at that intersection, but who are you to be the judge of that? Thank god that nobody was killed, we should be grateful that they are still alive.

  24. molino jim on December 4th, 2011 11:43 am

    True it is a bad intersection—but some folks just don’t pay attention to signs or signals or what ever. Case in point, I was in the parking lot of the “Thumb” at 29 & 97 yesterday afternoon. I watch as a p/u truck turned north on 97 and a p/u truck behind him passed the first truck on a blind hill. If there had been a vehicle south bound on 97 there would have been no way there would not have been a wreck. Some times it’s almost as if the speed signs and so forth are just viewed as advisory signs.

  25. Local Resident on December 4th, 2011 11:03 am

    I live near this intersection, and my brother was killed at this intersection in 2000 by someone who ran the stop sign on Barrineau Park road. I use this intersection everyday. It is a wide open road, with nothing obstructing your view in either direction!! There are also those speed bumps on both sides before you get to HWY 29!!! People just need to pay attention!!

  26. Mickey Cee on December 4th, 2011 10:09 am

    a caution signal won’t help! If people aren’t paying attention to a sign at eye level, what makes you think they will pay attention to something hanging over their heads? Seen too many people slow down but not stop at that intersection. How about we put up a caution signal at every intersection! Sounds like lots of these accidents involve people who live down or off of Barrineau Park Rd. These people don’t know there is a stop sign there?

  27. Tammy on December 4th, 2011 9:21 am

    Can we Please get a caution light there,,,,What 2 or more a month happens there,,

  28. 429SCJ on December 4th, 2011 7:17 am

    Lord watch over the injured. I have approached that intersection many times. I look left, I look right. I have yet to figure out how, inspite of an excellent field of view, these accidents keep occurring ?

  29. M on December 4th, 2011 6:15 am

    I was raised a couple of miles from this inersection.Over the years I have lost track of the people killed at this spot.I lost my mother-in-law there.I have a friend who lost his step-brother and his wife.Several local people I didn’t really know.My father-in-law also had a wreck there and was not seriously injured ,thank God.I currently live on barrineau park rd.We use the old hwy because of this inersection.DO I HAVE TO PUT UP A CAUTION LIGHT MYSELF? STEAL A SPEED LIMIT SIGN AND PUT IT UP MYSELF SOMEWHERE AROUND THE HOMESTEAD?COUNTY COMMISIONER LIVES RIGHT BEHIND ME.ARE YOU THERE? OR DO YOU CARE?ITS TIME FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN!NOW!!! BEFORE THER ARE ANY MORE DEATHS>PLEASE