The Big Move Begins Into The New Jay High School

December 16, 2011

The big move began Thursday at Jay High School as students, teachers and staff began the transition into a new $7.5 million school building.

Personnel will continue the move during the Christmas break, with students returning to class January 2 in the new school.

The idea of a new school for Jay began shortly after Hurricane Dennis in the summer of 2005 as cracks began to appear in the interior and exterior walls. Temporary repairs were made the make the buildings safe as plans got underway for the new building.

It took over three years to build the new school, which includes 24 classrooms plus computer labs, art rooms, a new media center and an administrative wing.

The process will soon begin to demolish the old school building. The next phase of the project will include a new cafeteria, a music and band room and possible more classrooms.


One Response to “The Big Move Begins Into The New Jay High School”

  1. well on December 16th, 2011 7:36 pm

    Good news for all.