State Attorney Clears Escambia County Tourism Group, Commissioner

December 15, 2011

A report released Wednesday by the State Attorney’s Office said the Escambia County Tourist Development Council did not violate the state’s Sunshine Law governing open meetings.

But the report by Chief Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille did point out actions by the council that should be avoided in the future.

“While we find that no violation of the Sunshine Law occurred, we are concerned with members of the same board attending meetings where matters are discussed that may foreseeably come before that board. This type of action clearly raises concerns with the general public and violates the spirit of the law. Such behavior should be strongly discouraged,” Marcille wrote.

Several allegations were made that TDC member may have violated the Sunshine Law. These allegations primarily involved Escambia County Commission Grover Robinson, TDC Chairman Denis McKinnon, and member Nash Patel.

One allegation involved the real estate business relationship between Robinson and McKinnon. Robinson was working as independent contractor with McKinnon’s real estate office. Both testified that they were seldom in the office at the same time and never discussed TDC business outside of a public meeting. That State Attorney’s Office found that no Sunshine Law violation occurred.

Robinson’s term on the TDC ended November 27.

Another allegation involved a series of hotel owner meetings about the use of bed tax dollars attended by McKinnon and Patel. The two determined that one would leave the meetings if any TDC matters were discussed. Evidence confirmed that Patel never spoke at the meetings, the State Attorney’s Office report stated.


3 Responses to “State Attorney Clears Escambia County Tourism Group, Commissioner”

  1. Char on December 16th, 2011 8:41 am

    Time for all the “Good Ole Boys” to go starting from the top and going all
    the way down.

  2. molino jim on December 15th, 2011 1:31 pm

    Having known Bill Eddins for a long–long time, I’m with you on this charlie w.

  3. charlie w. on December 15th, 2011 9:16 am

    The state attorneys office is the good ole boy headquarters. Not knowing the law is good enough for a elected officals but the regular people better know all the mickey mouse laws.
    Bottom line is, we need a real state attorney, not eddins.