Out Of Money For Crack, Man Snatches Purse During Prayer At Church

December 6, 2011

A Flomaton man is charged with stealing a woman’s purse during prayer at a local church because, he told police, he was smoking crack in Century and ran out of money.

The man, later identified as 30-year old Morris Andy Cumbie, walked into the Sunday evening service at the Flomaton Church of Christ about 6:15. Witnesses told Flomaton Police that Cumbie sat down in a pew, and as soon as heads were bowed for the opening prayer, he grabbed a church member’s purse and bolted out the door.

Church members gave chase, but backed off when Cumbie told them that he had a gun, Flomaton Police Chief Geoff McGraw said. He then sped away in Toyota Corolla.

Police turned to technology in an attempt to catch their purse snatcher. The victim’s cellphone was inside the purse; the cellphone company was able to narrow the location of the phone down to the area of Campbell and Old Flomaton roads in Century. Police were unable to locate the phone in the dark, but witnesses did report seeing a Toyota Corolla matching the suspect’s in the area.

“Then I was blessed enough to remember having dealt with Mr. Cumbie before,” McGraw said, “and we went to his house out from Brewton.”

McGraw said Cumbie initially denied any involvement and eventually gave authorities consent to search his home and Toyota Corolla. In the car, police found a bank statement belonging to the victim that had been in her purse.

Cumbie was booked into the Escambia County (Ala.) Detention Center in Brewton on charges of felony first degree robbery and second degree theft of property.


22 Responses to “Out Of Money For Crack, Man Snatches Purse During Prayer At Church”

  1. kin on December 8th, 2011 8:17 pm

    Andy is in this situation because the legal justice system has failed. He has been before the judge numerous times and he only gets a slap on the wrist.The judge should be jailed in contempt of court if he/she lets him off easy. He needs help, but justice must be served first. If penalties were severe enough,these problems wouldn’t exist as much. I love Andy, but he first needs to be broken down and humbled so the Holy Spirit can deal with him. He is full of demons. Some thru his upbringing and some by his own choosing. He knows right from wrong. No drug can erase your knowledge of right and wrong. It’s a choice you make when you lust for the things of this world and they can only pacify you. God will satisfy you! He who comes to The Father will hunger nor thirst no more. It’s time the court system backed up our officers hard work, instead of making them look like clowns in front of these criminals. It must be embarrassing to officers to see the same criminals back on the street. Stand up citizens and hold our elected officials to the same standard

  2. B.Bunny on December 8th, 2011 7:10 pm

    @Dora if you work for a living feel free to give the drug addicts your hard earned money and belongings because you feel sorry for them. I however prefer to keep my hard earned money and things I’ve worked hard to get to myself. Just call me selfish..

  3. David Huie Green on December 8th, 2011 5:34 pm

    ” He may have been trying to Feed his family, his wife could be ill, his child without clothes. Who knows what? Who said anything about him and Drugs? ”

    He is reported to be the one who said it. Of course, he may have lied because a thief will lie, but why would a thief lie to say he had been smoking crack all day when the truth was that he had a naked, sick child to tend? You’d think he would mention that instead.

    I may be too trusting, but I’m going to believe him when he said he stole to support his drug usage.

    David the old softy
    for honest people

  4. Everett on December 8th, 2011 2:34 am

    To “justcurious”:

    Very well said!!!!!

  5. justcurious on December 7th, 2011 11:55 pm

    It’s astonishing to me, and maybe I’m a bit too liberal but isn’t this considered a sin none the less? And until this man asks for forgiveness he’s just as damned as anyone else? Yes, prayer is highly advised for the lost but it also will be up to this man. I’m 20. I used to believe in people. I’ve kind of started to realize that life is a lot less dark if you don’t put your faith in others. I’m starting to “mature” in the sense that I think this man has done the crime and he should pay the time. I got my butt spanked when I did wrong as a child, but I was an adolescent…so what does that say for this man? Mental competence does say a lot for some, but if he’s able to drive a car he’s able to understand stealing is wrong. So frown on him. Basically, no one should be trying to “save his soul” just because this action was held in the church. It should be because he needs the extra help. This man should be held accountable for what he did regardless. I work hard for what I have and if someone else should think they could take it from me, I’d be livid. No one has more chances than the other. Most just decide to do the best they can. Clearly this isn’t a form of the best.

  6. Dora on December 7th, 2011 11:30 pm

    I am very sorry for the victim. I know this must have been an aweful experience. However, times have gotten so hard out there, that people are losing everything, and give up on their families to make things easier on themselves. He may have been trying to Feed his family, his wife could be ill, his child without clothes. Who knows what? Who said anything about him and Drugs? His sins can be forgiving!

  7. Larissa on December 7th, 2011 10:51 am

    I am the daughter of the women that had her purse snatched out from her side at church Sunday night. It has taken a real emotional toll on her. She feels really vandalized and taken advantage of. Thankfully my dad went after him and wrestled with him so we got a description of him. We got most of her things returned. But finding it on the side of the road pictures scattered everywhere was really dishearting. I do hope he gets help and does not hurt anyone else.

  8. PCM on December 7th, 2011 9:54 am

    In addition to picking butter beans (and peas), put a sack on his back and tool in his hand to pick and chop cotton. That’ll take some of that meanness out of him.

  9. David Huie Green on December 7th, 2011 9:37 am

    “before we send someone to hell let’s remember Jesus died on a cross for our sins.”

    We are not able to send anyone there or to stop them from going. If they insist on rejecting Christ, they have to stumble over his body to go there.

    David for truth
    while considering one
    who only wanted cash
    for dope

  10. V on December 7th, 2011 7:28 am

    And our debt will climb higher while we try to “rehab” this piece of junk. The price of a bullet spent will save us all money. Our prisons are over-crowded and our bank rolls are very thin. He will get out and do it again, no matter how much you all pray or believe that your god will change him. Its not going to happen. Look at the sheer number of repeat offenders that got caught. No doubt in my mind that there are as many if not more that haven’t been caught. This man and everyone like him is a menace and burden to society. I agree that hard labor would potentially benefit him. But don’t let him watch tv or get cushy food while there. Make him hate it so bad he’ll never want to return.

  11. 429SCJ on December 7th, 2011 7:10 am

    Hello Me. I believe thats what happened to the devil. Knowning the Lord believes in me, is all the confidence I need,

  12. Believe me on December 6th, 2011 7:31 pm

    Belief in ones self is all that is needed for change.

  13. Mel on December 6th, 2011 3:19 pm

    There is forgiveness if it is asked. Jesus will forgive and give life if there is repentance and a true confession of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately he wasn’t in church to hear the Word of God. But maybe this will turn things around for him. He obviously needs help and it doesn’t need to be ignored!

  14. RITA C. on December 6th, 2011 3:00 pm

    This is so bad and sad, people say it is very hard to get off crack. thank God . I don’ know ,but it could be one of our family members at any given time we never know. PLEASE LET US PRAY FOR THIS MAN. But while we pray try to watch out for things or people now days anyway. It is so sad to thank the elders and men in the church will have to stand gaurd at the LORDS HOUSE ,but looks like that is what it is coming to. I for one fear GOD don’t say I was without sin but to walk in the house of the LORD to steal . is just so very sad just ask, any church will help you not with drugs but food or a need for you or your family.

  15. mrs. Liz on December 6th, 2011 2:25 pm

    before we send someone to hell let’s remember Jesus died on a cross for our sins.
    Christians let us join together and pray for this lost soul. the bible says we have all sinned, but when we ask for forgiveness He forgave us. Let’s never turn our backs on souls that need our love and prayers. Prayer changes things and can change this man also.

  16. JIM W on December 6th, 2011 1:10 pm

    Another premier example of what drugs will do to you. People can not even feel safe in Church that is really bad. Although this is the first time I have ever heard of this happening in while Church was in session. Wow!
    Maybe he will now get the rehab he needs before he kills someone for money or something like that.

  17. David Huie Green on December 6th, 2011 9:35 am

    “No Everett, it is not sure that he is going to hell.”

    Everyone of us is going there until and unless we change directions.

    Therefore if Everett just meant current direction, he was right.
    If he meant final destination, you are right, although he may still be right — depending on possibility of a U-turn in life not currently in evidence.

    AS TO:
    “I am going to choose to believe that he was attempting to reach out to the Lord because he was in church.”

    Right or wrong, you’re free to choose to believe whatever you wish. There are many reasons to go to church; his seemed satisfied as soon as he had the purse. So unless he thought the Lord was inside the purse…..

    David for repentance and redemption
    and keeping hands off that belonging to others

  18. Amanda on December 6th, 2011 9:23 am

    WOW!!! People will do anything for drugs! How sad!!

  19. ellenb on December 6th, 2011 8:01 am

    No Everette, it is not sure that he is going to hell. The God of love & forgiveness will welcome him with arms wide open, forgiveness, & give him etrrnal life with his repentance & his confession that Jesus Christ is THE WAY THE TRUTH & THE LIGHT! I am going to choose to believe that he was attempting to reach out to the Lord because he was in church.

  20. Front Street on December 6th, 2011 8:01 am

    People have gone crazy that is for sure. These drugs are a blight on our society. I agree 429SCJ. Some good hard work never hurt anyone. We can only pray that he learns his lesson.

  21. Everett on December 6th, 2011 4:14 am

    He’s going to hell for sure.

  22. 429SCJ on December 6th, 2011 12:58 am

    A few seasons picking butter beans up at the State Farm, ought to get his mind off that Crack.