No Word Yet On Northview Quarterback’s Suspension (With Video Of Play)

December 1, 2011

As of early Thursday, Northview High School had received no word on an appeal filed Tuesday with the the Florida High School Athletic Association over the suspension of quarterback and safety Brandon Sheets.

Sheets, a senior, was flagged twice in Friday night’s regional win over Freeport for what the officials said was taunting and unsportsmanlike conduct, resulting in a one game suspension.

The first flag came after a touchdown when Sheets stopped just across the goal line. An official alleged that Sheets taunted the player by standing over him.

But video footage (see YouTube video at top of page) shows Sheets stood over the Freeport player only while the Freeport player had his arms around Sheets’ legs. The video shows Sheets stepping across the goal line for the touchdown with a Freeport defender holding his legs in an attempted tackle. Sheets, not brought down by the tackle, looks down at the Freeport player as the Freeport player continues to hold his legs. When the Freeport defender releases his grip, Sheets almost immediately turns and walks away.

As a referee was explaining the flag to coach Sid Wheatley on the Chiefs’ sideline, Sheets ran back on the field to run the extra point play. That’s when Sheets allegedly mocked a referee by looking at him and clapping.

Northview coach Sid Wheatley said following the game that Sheets, a senior, was not ejected from the game, according to the referee. Rather, he voluntarily substituted Kevin Vaughan at quarterback for the remainder of the game. On Monday, the school learned that the FHSAA had suspended Sheets for one game.

If the FHSAA does not overturn the one game suspension on appeal, Vaughan will start as quarterback for the Chiefs Friday night against Chipley.

Pictured below: Northview QB Brandon Sheets (#8, far right) runs the ball in for a touchdown that led to him being flagged for taunting last Friday night against Freeport. Pictured inset: A referee explains the flag to Northview Coach Sid Wheatley. photos, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “No Word Yet On Northview Quarterback’s Suspension (With Video Of Play)”

  1. Brian Belle on December 1st, 2011 10:54 am

    wow! that is soo weak! how do you take a team this close to going to state and eject there QB for this. Football is an emotional game, ESPECIALLY this deep in the playoffs. seems unfair and i hope whoever can right this wrong,gets it done!

  2. Northview parent on December 1st, 2011 10:41 am

    Same old story! Years ago when I went to Century High we always had to fight to win not just the game but the officials too! Seems like our schools on the northend gets the bad end of everything! Our boys have fought hard to get where they are and to let false accusations take it away is just disgusting. Give our kids a fair chance like every other school gets for petes sake!!!!!!!! Go Chiefs show them that they cannot knock you down you are way better than this!!!!!!!!

  3. FHSAA Official on December 1st, 2011 10:35 am

    Im official of the sport of football and I had a chance to ref a Northview game. I think they players are respectful and well coached. Football is an aggressive sport and the kids taunt each other every play. But this call was unnessacary. The ref that flagged the player for this should turn in his whistle. LET THE KID PLAY.

  4. ProudArmyParent on December 1st, 2011 10:22 am

    Question did the Offical ever go to the field and make an annouce an offical ruling? I wasn’t there so it is just something I thought had to be done.

  5. 429SCJ on December 1st, 2011 9:59 am

    There is no evidence of misconduct, but there is evidence of an agenda. I think simple communication and reasoning, is the key resolving this matter. I am sure emotions are high, but a clear head, focus and resolve are a must.

  6. charlie w. on December 1st, 2011 9:46 am

    I have a question for anyone that can or will answer it. Who called this “man” a offical?
    It seems this “man” is as inept as the fhsaa.

    Let the kid play.

  7. jennifer on December 1st, 2011 9:38 am

    kindof can see what the ref seen.. i was looking at #8 and when he crossed the line he was looking down at the player in a stance as if “get up now” kindof stance…..then it appears his players are nudging him to walk away. so i hope this video is not the one seen by whoever to overturn. BUT, then it also looks like he is waiting for the guy to release his leg. problem is was his lips moving that the ref seen. ref couldnt hear him for sure being a yard or so back but he could see the lips moving???????????? whatever they have 11 other players plus many more on the sidelines wanting to play.. and a back up quarter back. so good luck to you guys make many many memories

  8. Viewer on December 1st, 2011 9:04 am

    I am sorry but he should have got a penalty. Any time you stand over a player starring at them like he did you will get a flag. The Freeport player did not hold on to his feet as long as it seems. The dropping the ball was just icing on the cake.

  9. M on December 1st, 2011 8:51 am

    The Ref should be suspended for that call! How rediculous.

  10. Unbiased on December 1st, 2011 8:44 am

    I can see where the refs would have considered this as taunting by the way the player holds his arms out and looks down on the player. However, I do not feel that the quarterback was taunting the other player, he was just waiting for him to let go of his legs.

    Go Chiefs!

  11. my two cents on December 1st, 2011 8:20 am

    If I was a betting person I would say the refs called taunting for droping the ball on the freeport players head.( or close to it)
    The refs seen that as a in your face jester.

  12. Chief on December 1st, 2011 8:06 am

    When Brandon clapped he wasn’t even looking at the ref. He was clapping because he said that the touchdown still stands. He wasn’t mocking him in any way. You cant clap when something good happens any more?

  13. parent on December 1st, 2011 8:05 am

    There was no unsportsman like conduct come on! Looks like they were looking for reasons to kick Brandon out. This is football not ballet class. Whatever happens we need to support the other quarterback! Go Chiefs!!!

  14. laughing but not funny on December 1st, 2011 7:25 am

    Unless there was something said that we can’t hear…I do not see the infraction…the clapping however, …well – lesson learned?

  15. Angie on December 1st, 2011 7:15 am

    I watched the video and didn’t see him do any wrong there.

  16. justafan on December 1st, 2011 7:14 am

    look at the o-line destroying freeports d-line

    I didnt see any taunting either

  17. BRigby on December 1st, 2011 6:46 am

    Hadn’t seen the video till now..Wow….how ridiculous the call was.
    But totally agree with Aaron!! Let’s Go Chiefs!!!

  18. Mrs. Spence on December 1st, 2011 6:42 am

    We will support our team regardless who is in the quarterback position… they both do a good job. Go Chiefs! See you at the pep rally tonight.

  19. thankful on December 1st, 2011 6:32 am

    Looks to me some people don’t want Northview to win. This quaterback did nothing but wait until the other guy released him. What is he suppose to do? Step on the guys arms and hands so he will release him after the fact. Sheets you made a great play and the team don’t lose your fight and spirit. Go get them team you all have done a great job this year………

  20. Aaron on December 1st, 2011 5:18 am

    Good thing this is not a one man team.

    They will survive, beat chipley, and then Brandon and the rest of the team can win a state title.

    GO CHIEFS!!!!!!

  21. Molino girl on December 1st, 2011 1:27 am

    I’m no expert but I don’t see any unsportsman like conduct! Just let the boys play football!