NHS Students Receive DCT Awards

December 14, 2011

The Northview High School DCT class recently took part in the District 1 CECF/DCT competition held at the University of West Florida.

Northview winners were:

  • DCT Chapter Brochure – Darwin Robinson, 1st
  • Color Photography – Wesley Sirmon, 3rd
  • Black and White Photography – Christina Donald, 5th
  • Customer Service – Jacob Munro, 3rd
  • Information Technology – Darwin Robinson, 5th
  • Medical Office Procedures – Charla Stark, 2nd;  Raylin Spence, 3rd;  Savannah Singleton, 4th
  • Automotive Technology – Jonathan Moretz, 2nd; Wes Chancery, 3rd; Ryan Walker, 4th;  Mason Coleman, 5th

In the DCT class, students work outside the classroom along with taking their core classes. They received the salary from their job, along with school credit for their on the job training. Northview’s DCT coordinator is Tommy Weaver.


One Response to “NHS Students Receive DCT Awards”

  1. NHS DCT MEMBER (: on December 14th, 2011 12:11 pm

    Way To Go DCT Class (: I am so proud of each and everyone of you! Especially the Medical Office Procedures girls! Mr. Weaver should be proud of them too! I hope everyone has a great rest of the year. Keep up the good work, this year is coming to the end quite fast!