Molino Man Pleads No Contest To Ripping Off Vacationing Couple

December 8, 2011

An 18-year that allegedly ripped off a vacationing Molino couple while watching their home has entered a no contest plea to the grand theft charges against him.

Nicholas Allen Jones of Molino entered the plea before Judge Terry Terrell. He will be back in court December 27 for a sentencing hearing and the results of a pre-sentencing investigation. Meanwhile, Jones remains free on $18,500 bond.

A Molino couple told Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies that Jones was watching their property and collecting their mail while they were on a two-week vacation this summer. When the couple returned home, the wife noticed her iPod was gone. After checking the house, she found the couple was missing $7,080 worth of jewelry.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, there was no sign of forced entry, and the wife said Jones was the only person with a key to the house.

Deputies were able to determine that many of the items were pawned at The Gold Xchange, Elite Jewelers and Kernel Enterprises in Pensacola. When asked why he took the items and pawned them, Jones told deputies “I don’t know”, according to the arrest report.


24 Responses to “Molino Man Pleads No Contest To Ripping Off Vacationing Couple”

  1. mom on December 12th, 2011 12:47 pm

    Thanks to all for your support .He is trying to get his self back together.He needs help.Thanks ben,cmm and jbs.

  2. 429SCJ on December 12th, 2011 7:26 am

    The loss of one’s integrity is a terrible thing.

  3. mick on December 10th, 2011 11:44 am

    Good that he’s a hard working guy… he can apply that good work ethic doing some manual labor in an escambia county work camp prison.

  4. David Huie Green on December 10th, 2011 11:08 am

    “For him to say “i dont know” he may be trying to protect someone or he really doesnt know what happened.”

    He didn’t say he didn’t know who stole and pawned them, he said he didn’t know why he stole and pawned them.

    When he pled no contest, he was saying to the court that he did not disagree with the charge that he had done those things, legally an admission of guilt.

    Please consider your statement, “Nick would bring someone with him when he came to trim my horses feet and they looked like some shady people” and ask yourself why he might have been keeping such company.

    It’s good that he’s polite. It’s good that he’s hard working. It’s not so good if he chooses to hang with “shady people.” We don’t pick our kin, but we DO pick our friends.

    And we decide whether or not to steal. Our decisions and actions define us.

    David for reality,
    good company
    and good people

  5. David Huie Green on December 10th, 2011 10:57 am

    “If he goes to state prison he will learn to be a worse person a real criminal not a kid that made a bad judgment”

    So you think being around criminals is what makes people criminals? It’s a good thing criminals in jail are failed criminals, not smart enough to avoid getting caught, so they will teach others how to be failures as criminals.

    Nonetheless, a person who commits crimes IS a real criminal just as a person who cuts hair IS a barber. He may or may or may not be a competent criminal just as a barber may or may not be good at cutting hair.

    Further, bad barbers either get better or get out of the business. He can stop being a criminal in the future if he decides, but it will be harder if people keep telling him just because he commits crimes doesn’t mean he’s a REAL criminal.

    David thinking we can’t change what we are
    until we accept what we are,
    hoping he does

  6. cmm on December 10th, 2011 8:08 am

    Ive know Nick for quite some time now. He’s my horses farrier. My niece brought this to my attention and I could not believe it and I still do not. He is nice and courteous, always saying yes ma’am no ma’am, very helpful and reliable and a very hard worker. He’s also an apprentice to another farrier who I know and he’s a great farrier and honest man. He would have know if something was up with Nick. I do have to say that sometimes Nick would bring someone with him when he came to trim my horses feet and they looked like some shady people. Maybe you should question them as well. It could have been them people if they rode with him to the house and He didnt know that they stole stuff. For him to say “i dont know” he may be trying to protect someone or he really doesnt know what happened. He comes off to me as a shy, polite, hard working gentleman. But its definetly not the Nick I know. I shall pray for him and his family

  7. ben on December 9th, 2011 9:47 pm

    It amazes me how people throw down on a family, that they evidently do not know, for something done by a member of their family. The young man will pay for what he done, but it’s not his family’s fault. They didn’t teach him or instruct him to do this so please quit being ignorant by implying this. These are good ,hard working, honest folks that I do know . Personally, I think some people have something to say……..& then some people, like bob or hawghead,….. just wanna say something!!!

  8. Baebae on December 9th, 2011 3:14 pm

    If he had stuck to house watching everything would be OK…he just decided to go into the house cleaning buisness while he was watching it….now he will be cleaning up the jail houses..and someone else will be watching him for a little while

  9. RHONDA on December 9th, 2011 2:09 pm

    YOU PEOPLE ARE TO EAGER TO THROW AWAY APERSON THATS CRYING OUT FOR HELP AND NO-ONE IS LISTENING.Yes he is 18 but did you or your kids know everything even if you know right from wrong you still think things are easy and there not.GOD says forgive the sinners and teach them to be better. You cant blame parents for someone making mistakes.Lets hope he will learn to be a better person.If he goes to state prison he will learn to be a worse person a real criminal not a kid that made a bad judgement.

  10. SAM on December 9th, 2011 9:22 am


  11. hawghead on December 9th, 2011 7:37 am

    I don’t care what kind of family he comes from, this guy is a criminal. Stop making excuses for him..He was well aware of what he did and that is why he made no excuse for it..He should be sentenced just like anyone else would..What kind of society do we live in anyway? It never ceases to amaze me at all the comments that are posted on stories like this..I understand that people are connected with some of these criminals but that doesn’t excuse the crime..If people were really concerned with this man’s behavior they would hope he would get some help and not downplay what he did..Stop making excuses for this man…I’m sure a lot of criminals come from good familes but that doen’t take away from what they do…..

  12. ben on December 8th, 2011 10:43 pm

    Nick comes from a great family, so ease up people. He made some bad decisions, like we all have, & will learn from them, like we all have…….

  13. B.Bunny on December 8th, 2011 6:57 pm

    @David I’m with you on the whole name change and @oldmarine it just goes to prove how easily people can be fooled into thinking what they want to believe. Ever notice when a murderer,molester,kidnappers,etc get arrested his neighbor always says what a great guy he was? I wonder if the victims see them in the same light?

  14. David Huie Green on December 8th, 2011 5:24 pm

    “they should give him probation.hes a good boy.he just turned in the wrong direction.”

    And he should consider changing his name because someone with the same name has been racking up a mess of charges for a number of infractions such as good people don’t do, especially over and over. This will avoid confusion.

    David for a good name
    and good people

  15. OldMarine on December 8th, 2011 5:21 pm

    strange how all these criminals have been “such great people” lately

  16. MissMe on December 8th, 2011 1:48 pm

    I agree with the above comments. He is 18 year old. Even though it is true his parents can’t “watch” him, they shouldn’t have to. He is an 18 year old adult. Legally, he knows right from wrong by now. Some blame to the parents, maybe, but all blame pointing at the one person who is charged for the crime. It’s time to take ownership of your actions and stop making excuses these days.

  17. Kyle D Fields on December 8th, 2011 12:35 pm

    I’ve known Nick for quite some time now, I even went to school with the guy.
    To see him do something as narcistic as this.. wow.

    FREE N.A.J!

  18. Terri Sanders on December 8th, 2011 8:51 am

    The scripture quoted is correct but we fail to realize that it says “when they are OLD’ which implies that the children could be trained right but sometie in their youth they will depart but eventually come back.Is it just me or do most of these mus shots look like a angry or defiant person?

  19. TJ on December 8th, 2011 8:14 am

    You can teach your kids right from wrong for 18 plus years,, But then they think they know everyting,, like I will not get caught, Well oneday you will,, and he did just 18 so he didn’t know everything,, Don’t think just bc the parents done a great job the kid will turn out good too,

  20. Fairlane63 on December 8th, 2011 7:40 am

    I disagree, rhm. Thieves are absolute low-lifes, regardless of home or parents. This person is an 18-year-old adult who knows right from wrong. Like all thieves, he consciously decided to commit a crime and deserves real punishment. Hopefully, he will have a long time in prison to realize the error of his villainous ways.

  21. jbs on December 8th, 2011 7:38 am

    This is not the character of the Nick I know. In all the dealings I have had with him he has been polite, courteous and helpful. Praying for him and his family.

  22. Bob on December 8th, 2011 7:36 am

    This worked for me and I am sure it will still work for parents in the year of 2011 and forever more. The scripture simply says “Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” Wake up parents.

  23. Sandra on December 8th, 2011 6:26 am

    Later on at sentencing, when Jones asks the judge why he recieved a 10 year sentence, the judge replies in a goofy voice “I dont know”. LOL

  24. rhm on December 8th, 2011 4:19 am

    they shouls give him probation.hes a good boy.he just turned in the wrong direction.he does come a good home but the parents cant watch him all the time.