‘Memory Line’ Remembers Northview Student Wade Jernigan

December 10, 2011

Northview High School students remembered classmate Wade Jernigan with a “memory line” Friday morning.

Dozens of Northview students met before school at the Travis M. Nelson Park on West Highway 4 and drove their vehicles in a continuous motorcade to the school campus. Jernigan, 16, died Thursday as a result of an accident on the way school Wednesday morning.

Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “‘Memory Line’ Remembers Northview Student Wade Jernigan”

  1. Angi B. on December 11th, 2011 10:11 am

    Aw! I can see that Wade had lots and lots of friends that cared about him; and I am sure that he was a really great friend to all as well…
    May he rest in peace… This is so sad.

  2. beloved friend of wades on December 10th, 2011 5:36 pm

    I was so proud to be apart of this! Everyone who came is soooo wonderful. Everyone knew what we were doing. We signed our cars with KWJ and he will never be forgotten

  3. dollie rainwater on December 10th, 2011 11:25 am

    wow i dont know what to say this is a very sad time for wades family and friends!! my thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope yall the best!!!

  4. Well on December 10th, 2011 9:57 am

    Sounds like Wade had great friends and was a great friend.

    I bet he would also want you all to learn from his tragic accident.

  5. David Burkett on December 10th, 2011 1:52 am

    This is one of many ways we could show how great of a friend he was and how many friends he had. From all the times he made everyone of us smile, im sure he was smiling down over us this morning. love you buddy.

  6. Northview student on December 10th, 2011 12:13 am

    We did this memory line for our best friend wade I know he was smiling down on us this moring for what we did. Wade was a really good person to be around I played baseball with him for many years a he was a good sport about everything and would give you the shirt off his back. We love you wade and will always miss you bro.