Man That Opened Fire Because Business Was Out Of Crawfish Gets Prison Time

December 16, 2011

A man who fired an AK-47 into an Escambia County seafood business because they were out of crawfish was sentenced to prison Thursday.

Larry Wayne Kelly was sentenced to 146.5 months in state prison  by Circuit Court Judge Jan Shackelford. Kelly had entered a straight up plea to 11 counts of shooting into a building, one count of shooting from a  vehicle, and one count of fleeing to elude a law enforcement officer at high speed.

On May 29, 2011, Kelly called L&Ts Seafood about picking up an order of crawfish. Upon being informed that L&Ts did not have any crawfish to sell that day, Kelly became irrate – cursing at the employee and calling back 10 times in a matter of minutes. After the business closed Kelly traveled to the business on Highway 29 in Ensley and fire 11 AK-47 rounds into the building. The shots were fired at around 6:30 p.m. on a Sunday evening.

Multiple 911 calls from motorists and business owners up and down Highway 29 provided law enforcement with a description of Kelly and the truck he was driving.

When Kelly was located by law enforcement a short distance away he fled in his vehicle. During the pursuit Kelly rounded a corner in the wrong lane and had a head-on collision with another vehicle. Four firearms and approximately 200 additional rounds of ammunition were recovered in the vehicle.


20 Responses to “Man That Opened Fire Because Business Was Out Of Crawfish Gets Prison Time”

  1. Everett on December 20th, 2011 1:24 am

    No crawfish for him for awhile.

  2. Molino Man on December 17th, 2011 3:08 pm

    12 yrs or so should make him think some about his anger problem. To bad our tax $’s have to go to feed & house this guy all over him not getting crawfish. If he would’ve driven downtown to Joe Patti’s he could’ve saved him alot of “time”.

  3. Doug on December 17th, 2011 9:59 am

    David this is the first time that I have to disagree with you….boiled is better than fried crawfish!

  4. David Huie Green on December 17th, 2011 8:23 am

    ” Is Me saying this is the first time this person has done anything wrong?”

    One would assume so. The clerk of the circuit court sees things differently

    Only consider the ones named Larry Wayne. Understand nobody gets caught and charged with every infraction, so it’s likely there was at least one other not charged, but still enough to consider whether or not this was the very first. Also there are people who don’t consider things like theft or traffic infractions as bad things, despite the fact that they kill. That’s why so many are killed by bad driving and so many are robbed.

    Even so, his record’s fairly clean compared to many, right up until his meltdown.

    David favoring fried crawfish

  5. fl on December 16th, 2011 5:32 pm

    Me says ‘What he did was very bad. But, he is not bad.’ My question is: How much bad stuff does a person have to do to be ‘bad’? Is Me saying this is the first time this person has done anything wrong?

  6. Doug on December 16th, 2011 2:22 pm

    True…if this was my relative I probably wouldn’t want to hear anyone bashing on him. Then again, if I was his relative I probably wouldn’t log on here to read all of the comments if I knew they weren’t all positive. Extenuating circumstances or not…the fact of the matter is he chose to fire a weapon in public with the intent to harm and/or destroy property. I understand he has a family and that he may feel guilty about it now but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s people like this that make these decisions that constantly make it harder for people like me. We have so many groups that try to take away our rights to Keep and Bear Arms that will look at this case to prove their point.

  7. Patriot on December 16th, 2011 12:13 pm

    Don’t blame the inanimate object for this guy’s actions. An AK-47 is just a tool, no different in that respect than a 30-30, a nail gun, or a lawnmower.

  8. Bama Lama Ding Dong on December 16th, 2011 11:38 am

    Larry Wayne shoulda never had that AK-47 in the first place!!!

    Ain’t no good gonna come out of owning an AK-47!

  9. DDKL on December 16th, 2011 11:28 am

    family, friends, whoever knows the truth….please stop commenting on this board. It is useless and futile and I don’t care to hear what anyone thinks on hear. the boys and the rest of us are grieving. please stop

  10. laughing but not funny on December 16th, 2011 11:14 am

    Come on people – this is exactly what the family was asking not to
    happen. I was there – there were extenuating circumstances that I
    don’t feel free to share – was he wrong YES – was he wrong – YES – did
    he admit it – YES – is he being punished – YES
    if it was your Brother, Dad, Uncle, Cousin, or Son would you
    appreciate all of the junk posted about someone you care about? The
    saddest part is that 40 plus years of good are wiped out by 30 minutes
    of bad – instead of railing – you should be thanking God that it isn’t
    you or your loved ones going through this.

  11. David Huie Green on December 16th, 2011 10:01 am

    funny, Doug

    David amused

  12. Doug on December 16th, 2011 7:50 am

    @ Me….were you the one who sent him to town for the crawfish? Was that the rest of the story or was it that he was ticked off that they built a seafood store on his old shooting range?

  13. crawdaddy on December 16th, 2011 7:21 am

    now that there’s a man who loves him some crawfish…

  14. Molino-Anon on December 16th, 2011 7:13 am

    I do not care how you justify it, firing an assault rifle out of your truck at a business all over something stupid… no words, other than he got what he deserved. I’d say the same thing if it were my own family member who done it.

    If the dude is that far off his nut he needs to be in a psych ward, not jail, and if he were that mentally incompetent the judge wouldn’t have allowed him to stand trial for the shooting

    Say whatever you have to say to sleep better at night.

  15. me2 on December 16th, 2011 6:37 am

    Amen – I am praying for Larry and family.

  16. DB on December 16th, 2011 5:54 am

    Me, Stress or not there is NO excuse for him firing an automatic weapon into a building. Someone could have been killed. Looks like he will have 12 years to work on anger management……

  17. David Huie Green on December 16th, 2011 5:33 am

    “All you get from news sources is how it appeared from the outside. If you knew- – - We know what and why. You do not.”

    If you think it matters, you who know could share what you know to allow us to understand how it was reasonable given the circumstances. All the rest of us ignorant people know is that he shot up a store with apparent disregard for the lives of hundreds of people. We are also grateful none of us were killed in his rampage and hope when he is released he will no longer do such things.

    David for filling the blanks
    and continuous thanksgivings

  18. me too on December 16th, 2011 5:26 am

    Everyone else has a right to voice their opinion just as you did. I think its funny how you assume that everyone is ignorant and insensitive. Maybe you think that you and the folks involved in thus story are the only compassionate people in “North Escambia”.

  19. Patriot on December 16th, 2011 3:02 am

    My opinion, I’m glad that this maniac is going to prison for 12 years. Feel free to share “the rest of the story” if you feel that it’s important. The man fired 11 rounds from a rifle, then ran, then crashed into someone else. He deserves what he got.

  20. Me on December 16th, 2011 2:25 am

    I know that everyone will have an opinion. It is just sad that everyone with an opinion was not at the sentencing to hear “the rest of the story.” All you get from news sources is how it appeared from the outside. If you knew “the rest of the story”and had a heart at all, you would keep your opinions to yourself. Remember, this could be someone YOU love one day, I hope not, but it is possible in this stressful world in which we live. This man has family, including children, who love him very much. We know what and why. You do not. It is bad enough. Trust me. He IS being punished. What he did was very bad. But, he is not bad. He has no criminal rap sheet. Thank God, no one was hurt, and God can bring good out of anything, and He is, and will out of this. I do hope and pray that all the chatter that went on before, will not go on this time, for the sake of the innocent ones who are suffering enough. I promise. I would thank you to honor this hope. Believe me, if you knew all about it, and have any decency, you would be quiet or just pray. Thank you.