Man Accused Of Molesting Underage Tate High Student

December 12, 2011

A 48-year old Cantonment man is behind bars, accused of molesting a Tate High School student in an off-campus incident.

Marcus Eugene Stone is charged with lewd or lascivious behavior with a victim age 12-16. He remained in the Escambia County Jail early Monday morning with bond set at $20,000.

The Tate student contacted the school resource office and reported that an “uncomfortable situation” had occurred.  The resource officer immediately contacted an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigator and the Department of Children and Families.

The juvenile female told investigators that Stone would routinely enter her room and give her back massages in order to wake her up each morning for school. On the morning of her report, said told investigators that back massage progressed with Stone inappropriately touching her.

Upon his arrest, Stone told deputies that he wanted to speak to an attorney before he said anything, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.


46 Responses to “Man Accused Of Molesting Underage Tate High Student”

  1. dad on December 14th, 2011 10:44 am

    Thanks Char. I’m sure everyone does have a story. This was so long ago. Don’t know about the girl but everyone else is long gone.
    I hope in this case the truth is found what ever it is.

  2. aa on December 14th, 2011 10:08 am

    RE: Jack

    Turn the light on.

  3. jack ruby on December 14th, 2011 9:04 am

    Anybody that takes a lie detector test for any reason is very much in the dark about their reliability.

  4. Char on December 14th, 2011 8:36 am

    @ Dad
    Thank you for telling your story. I’m sure that must have been hard for you
    since it also was so negative about your mother. Sometimes stories
    must be told to help others understand how many people prey on little
    children and hide behind the Church, Boy Scouts or whatever.

    Many of us have stories to tell. Don’t feel to bad about your mother,
    that was in a different time, and women didn’t have the courage to go
    against men respected in town. Thanks again.

    I hope the truth comes out and I do like the idea of the lie detectors, but I think I would take it somewhere else, so no one had a dog in this fight. Just to many friends, relatives and people who are just to prepared to look the other way to save a GOOD MANS REPUTATION.

  5. dad on December 14th, 2011 7:41 am

    None of us know what happened for sure. If he did it he isn’t going to say “oh sure I did”. This happens so much because it’s the childs word against an adult.
    Could she be lieing? Sure. Could he be lieing? Sure.
    I remember as a small elementary student being at my grandma’s neighbors house. The little girl next door was pulled into the neighbor mans lap and fondeled. I didn’t really understand it but felt uneasy. I told my mom. She scolded me and told me not to tell anyone because he was important in the Church and his wife was my grandma’s friend and it would be embarassing to them. She just told my sister and I to stay away from him. Now as a adult I realize what was going on and am horrified that my mother and others covered this up and didn’t stand up for that defensless little girl, and I wonder how many others this nice old church man molested and what did he do when no-one was around.
    My point being, you don’t know what someone will do no matter how much you think you know them.

  6. 429SCJ on December 14th, 2011 5:49 am

    If Mr Stone is cleared of these charges, will the news coverage equal or exceed the coverage of this accusation?

  7. Everett on December 13th, 2011 9:59 pm

    Agree with aa

    Put them both on the polygraph. It can’t be used in court but it will clear this matter up quickly for the families.

  8. justme on December 13th, 2011 4:38 pm

    to “a friend” – I am am making no assumptions as to who is guilty or not and certainly pray for all of those involved. You are correct in that God does not need our help judging & he is the final judge in regards to life eternal. However, in His Word, He certainly calls us to use discernment in regards to those around us and their actions, particularly those who claim to be His followers & to hold them accountable. Praying this is what will take place in this situation – whatever the outcome may be.

  9. Joe on December 13th, 2011 12:28 pm

    Let me say this, with the laws of this country being so arrogant, I pray that this is not true. But to all of you who has already pass judgement consider all the facts before froming an opinion. It is not right what he did if it is true and you can bet the crazy sex laws of this nation will handle him even though I think the sex laws of Florida and Alabama are unconstitutional. Remember it may be him today and possble you tomorrow. No one is exempt from someone saying something about you.

  10. aa on December 13th, 2011 11:04 am

    Here is my solution: Have them both take lie detector tests. I know they are not allowed in court. You can bet if my name is slandered I will be getting one to prove to my wife and close friends my word is my bond.

  11. dnutjob on December 13th, 2011 8:54 am

    In this country and as most of you have forgotten, you are innocent until proven guilty. I hope this is not true, but no matter the outcome lives will be distroyed, so sad.

  12. 429SCJ on December 13th, 2011 6:55 am

    Let the evidence be presented to the jury, their decision will decide this matter,

  13. DanaLee on December 12th, 2011 10:25 pm

    We dont know the truth. All I ask is people stop talking about things they dont know. Whether you lean towards Marks side or the teenagers, more then likely they are not reading these post. The ones reading them are the confused, shocked, or hurt family and friends of both partys. Everyone involved are fighting battles right now. Stop with the hate.

  14. Country Gurl on December 12th, 2011 6:23 pm

    To all you out there claiming he is innocent. Step back and say what if this was my child. Think before you speak walk and day in this childs shoes along with the parents and tell me what it would do to you. This happened to my daughter at 8yrs old and believe me today she is 12 and this is something that she will never get over. This has scarred her for life. Oh by the way this man was a family man to. He would never do anything to hurt a child. If this is true I hope he gets what he deserves. I guess him being a family man and giving his time to the kids at parks makes him not want to hurt other kids. Wrong. As someone stated earlier usually the ones to do this is a good friend of close to the family.

  15. A Friend on December 12th, 2011 4:18 pm

    I would like to say to Kristy & family, coming from a situation that occurred with a family member of mine & dealing with the negative comments from these people who obviously don’t have God in their life & watching people totally stab at a person who hasn’t even had a chance to defend themselves & ruin the reputation of a person they only read about through the news or media postings from people who aren’t even involved in the case or only one side is all they heard or read. You know him better than any one else and the comments & opinions from those who don’t know him or those who feel the need to Judge him obviously have nothing better to do than to post negative comments about people they don’t even know & hurt them because they aren’t role model type people & need stop and think, “What If This Was Happening To One Of Their Family Members”? There is only one Judge and correct me if I’m wrong, but I do believe there is a book that holds rules we are to follow that was written by a man who specifically stated he is the only Judge and we are not to act as a Judge nor does he need our help judging people as he is able to do this solo and is known to us as GOD. Keep your head up and this all shall pass. Love ya girl. Do’s Do’s Ex

  16. A girl on December 12th, 2011 4:08 pm

    On Dr Phil today, he said 95 percent of sexually abused people were abused by someone they know. 35 percent of those people were abused by a family member….

  17. PRISON CO on December 12th, 2011 2:50 pm

    Being that I work and have worked in the prison system for about 9 years now and I see and deal with child molestors…they come from all walks of life…even those you would never suspect…those you would defend until your last breath because you know that person so well and you know without a shadow of doubt that this person would never do such a thing. Trust me, there are plenty of people like that in prison. He and she know the truth…and if he did it, then he has to live with it eating him up inside and it will…if he didn’t do it, then she will have to live with herself knowing that she lied. If both parties involved are as good of people that everyone says they are, then they have a conscience and only the TRUTH shall set them free… in his case, even in jail or prison.

  18. The Victim's Dad on December 12th, 2011 2:16 pm

    I can totally understand not wanting to believe this happened but whether or not you know Mark Stone or not you were not there. It makes me sick to know that people have chose sides without knowing the truth. If there were no evidence then he would not be in jail. Think of the problems that this has caused our families. What if this was your daughter what would you be saying?? This is my daughter, please pray for everyone involved. The only difference between the people in prison and everyone else is one bad decision, regardless how you have lived your life.

  19. REALLY? on December 12th, 2011 1:42 pm

    No one but those two know what happened! So do not presume to lay blame on either person! GOD knows the truth! and who ever is lying will get their just Judgement in front of God himself! Secondly let the person who has not sinned throw the 1st stone! And Don’t say you have never sinned!!!!

  20. Bill on December 12th, 2011 1:11 pm

    I hope that all truths and justice be done, From reading these posts I truly believe his innocence. In today’s world, children are taught by a vicious, cruel and hateful parent to turn on the other in tough times. Coerced into betrayal. It’s been going on since time began, now so more prevelant and obvious than in the past. Love and loyalty to God, Family and Country are almost non-existent. I’ll add to my pray list tonight, hope all ends well.

  21. Doug on December 12th, 2011 12:05 pm

    Mark broke one of the basic rules of adult/child interaction. Unless it’s absolutely necessary (tending to an injury, for security/discipline reasons, etc), never touch a child – whether it’s your child or not. I was taught that by my parents as a teenager. It’s good to take it one step further and never put yourself in a position to be charged like this. If at all possible, he should have let one of the other kids wake her up or took one of them into the room as a witness. He did the right thing by asking for a lawyer. With all the pedophiles being exposed in the news right now, the mind-state of our society is to shoot first and ask questions later – guilty or not.

  22. MOLINO MOM on December 12th, 2011 12:01 pm

    Everyone is so quick to say that he is innocent and the girl is lying. Were you there, do you know the details?? Just because someone is young does not mean that they are lying. Apparently, they have evidence or he would not be in jail. Before you decide whether or not someone is guilty or innocent you need to get both sides of the story. If it did happen then he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I personally know this young lady and she is an exceptional student that was raised in church and knows right from wrong, She would not intentionally wreck someone’s life if it were not the truth. Come on, there are hundreds of people arrested everyday and you hear the same thing from their friends and family. I would never have expected this from them, they are a deacon or an elder or a Boy Scout Leader. All it takes is one bad decision!!! So before you decide whether he is innocent or guilty get the facts!!

  23. Sharlee on December 12th, 2011 11:49 am

    I have known mark for a long time! There is no way this is true! We are praying for the stone family!

  24. RuthAnne on December 12th, 2011 11:47 am

    It’s almost always the ones you would never suspect. I know from experience. Kids are afraid to tell because, just like this instance, “he is a good person” and people will believe him over the child.

  25. Praying on December 12th, 2011 11:46 am

    I know this family and love this family. Even my kids know and admire this man. There are only 3 amongst us who know the truth…Mark, the child, and God. I pray that the truth will be revealed and God will be glorified, even in this situation. To the party who is falsifying information (whether it be Mark or the child), remember that you serve a merciful and forgiving God. Admit, Confess, and make this right….it is never too late. To the victim in this situation (again, whether it is Mark or the child) remember that God has instructed us to forgive as He forgives us….no matter how hard that may be. I am praying for this family. To Mark…time to be a “Paul”…be the Jesus those inmates need to see. Be on your knees thanking Him for this situation for we know that ALL things work together for them that love the Lord! Our family is praying that the truth be evident. Love you all!

  26. dnl on December 12th, 2011 11:02 am

    Terrible situation for everyone involved. Mark, know that you have friends that are standing in and praying for you and your family.

  27. Kristy on December 12th, 2011 10:07 am

    The support on here is awesome. Everyone knows my dad is a great man of God. Also know that this is totally ridiculous. There is noway on God’s green earth you could ever make me believe this. But now that his name is being dragged threw the mud. We can just pray the truth comes out. It is so easy to ask why? God has a reason. Praying my dad is strong enough to keep his faith, and for lots of support. Thanks for the support. For those who don’t know him. Please don’t be so quick to pass judgement.

  28. A on December 12th, 2011 9:57 am

    He might be a nice man but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have done this. If he did do this to the girl shame on him and I hope he stays in jail. Everybody is so quick to think the girl is not speaking the truth I don’t know either one but I’m for the girl till the truth comes out. I hope he didn’t do it for the girl sake and his family.

  29. jimmywangyang on December 12th, 2011 9:38 am

    People are so quick to holler that he’s a good person and he couldn’t have done it, but you know what I bet people said the same thing about Sandusky…..come on folks this could very well be true

  30. Whitney on December 12th, 2011 9:27 am

    I love this family, they are the first ones to show up when your in need. They have been a part of my church family for years. All I know to say at this point is please pray for this family and what they are going through because if there is one thing I do KNOW its that if roles were reversed, they WOULD be praying for your family.

  31. Davy on December 12th, 2011 9:26 am

    Mark my friend stay strong u are a good person!

  32. AL on December 12th, 2011 9:12 am

    I know Mark and hope and pray the charges are false. As a molested child myself, I hope if it is true he gets the highest punishment out there. Don’t say “never”…. that’s why my molester is still on the streets molesting kids today, he is a “good guy” and would “never” hurt a child.

  33. Michelle on December 12th, 2011 9:08 am

    He is a good man and I don’t believe this!! Praying for this family and dear friend.

  34. Cantonement Cowboys on December 12th, 2011 8:57 am

    I do not beleive this i have known him for a long time and grew up around Cantonment ball park were he was always at voluntering his hours. He is a very nice man i hope everything gets worked out

  35. let's get real. on December 12th, 2011 8:56 am

    Just pray for truth to reveal itself, and stop being so dang ignorant.

    If a child molester can be a priest, it can also be the godly man sitting next to you at church.

  36. Jackie on December 12th, 2011 8:48 am

    I don’t believe this. My daughter has spent hours around Mark & his family and I don’t believe for one moment this happened!

  37. family friend on December 12th, 2011 8:37 am

    Mark is a wonderful man of God and I believe these charges are ment to shake his faith. My kids both boy and girl have been with him alone and have never had any cause for alarm they love this man. He has been a great example of how a man should conduct himself and what God can do when a man believes and surrenders to God.Job withstood great torment from the devil, he lost everything (home, family and worldly goods and kept his faith. I pray Mark will also.Sometimes children are not alone in making accusations when they have been promised rewards for their lies.

  38. Crying Wolf! on December 12th, 2011 8:17 am

    I don’t even know this man but to see everyone already taking up for him, he must be a likeable person that somebody is out to get. Sad Sad for them to use this tactic. These days a child can be put on restrictions or get in some trouble and all they have to do is holler rape or something to the effect and all heck breaks loose. Sad to say, but the ones who do it for attention and “cry wolf” are the reason why the public steps back for a minute and second guesses when these types of stories come out. Until all the facts come out, noone can put blame on a person, in this type of case. If he did it, then he must suffer the consequence but if he didn’t then what happens… He is still left with his name in the mud and a question of what if… My heart aches for the abused and it makes me sick to know that their credibility is being second guessed because of kids who “cry wolf” for attention. Shame Shame!!

  39. molino jim on December 12th, 2011 8:09 am

    I’m with the others—please wait before you say hang him. I remember the music teacher who had a student say this about him. Turned out she just wanted to change schools so she could be with her friends. The emotional cost and the dollar cost to that man and his family was a heavy load as it will be in this case. Please don’t rush to judge.

  40. sarah on December 12th, 2011 7:56 am

    Please no one start with the acusations about this man and trying to bad mouth him. We are not here to judge nor place blame. As Heather E. Said the truth will come out and the liars should be held accountable. I pray for Mark and his family that God give them the strength to get through this troubling time.

  41. Char on December 12th, 2011 7:56 am

    They have to look into a complaint by a child, but let me tell you
    it could be either way. I thought I knew my husband also, but
    I didn’t. It’s a terrible shock sometimes how people fool you. Bad People do not walk up and tell you they’re a pedophile, just like Children do not tell you
    when they lie.

    I hope the truth comes out quickly and the right thing is done here.

  42. extra on December 12th, 2011 7:27 am

    + 1 Mark is a good man

  43. Heather E. on December 12th, 2011 7:20 am

    I have been friends with Mark’s daughter for12 years and I can tell you that these charges are completely and totally ridiculus. I pray for their family to be strong and weather through this. The truth will come out and I hope that the people responsible for spreading these lies are held accountable in the end.

  44. NOT KIDDING on December 12th, 2011 7:17 am


  45. Kathy on December 12th, 2011 7:09 am

    YOU cannot say for sure that he did or he didnt, now can you? YOU dont know!!!!

  46. are you kidding me on December 12th, 2011 6:40 am

    This story already makes Mark sound guilty from the beginning….almost like someone exaggerated the story….hmmm.wonder who that could have been? I have known Mark for many years & he has been around my family & I promise you, he would have never done anything inappropriate with anyone’s child!!!!