Local Soldiers Headed Home In Time For Christmas

December 15, 2011

Members of a local National Guard unit are headed home from Afghanistan just in time for Christmas.

The 170 members of the 1165th Military Police Company based in Fairhope and Brewton are set to arrive back in Fairhope for a homecoming celebration on December 23. Supporters are asked to line Veterans Drive, Section Street and Fairhope Avenue prior to a welcome home ceremony at 10 a.m. at the Fairhope Civic Center.

The soldiers, several of which live in the North Escambia area, deployed for Afghanistan in January.

Sgt. Chester Tolbert, a Jay resident assigned to the 1165th, was recently awarded for his actions while in Afghanistan. Click here for a earlier NorthEscambia.com story about  the Century Correctional Institution employee.

Two Brewton natives in  the 1165th assigned to NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan also  received awards a few days ago  for actions taken in early August when their team successfully combated an insurgent attack in Kabul.

U.S. Army Spcs. Daniel Fowler (pictured left) and Brandon Hammack helped defeat a multiphased attack in which insurgents used small-arms and improvised explosive devices to attack the British Council Building, a base located in a relatively upscale area of the country’s capital used for education and helping Afghanistan’s civil society groups. Although no U.S. service members were harmed, twelve people died in the attack.

Commander, Task Force Yankee Army Brig. Gen. John Hammond presented 10 soldiers with Joint Service Achievement Medals and combat action badges, one soldier with a Joint Service Commendation Medal and a combat medical badge, one soldier with an Army Commendation Medal and one soldier with a combat action badge.

Pictured top: Sgt. Chest Tolbert of Jay, a member of the 1165th Military Police Company, helps an Afghan National Police officer detect vehicle threat indications in the heart of downtown Kabul last early last month. Pictured inset: U.S. Army Spc. Daniel Fowler of Brewton, also a member of the 1165th, receives a Joint Service Achievement Medal and a combat action badge. Pictured below: U.S. Army Spc. Brandon Hammock of Brewton was also awarded the medals. Photos by Petty Officer 1st Class Chris Fahey for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Local Soldiers Headed Home In Time For Christmas”

  1. ProudArmyParent on December 18th, 2011 11:01 am

    It is a beautiful Sunday morning in America!
    the last US Troops crossed the border into Kuwait and OUT of Iraq at dawn. That’s right the 82nd Airborne 1st Calvary is out, (this means my son!) One very HAPPY Momma is smiling and PRAISING GOD FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS! GOD is so GREAT!

  2. scooter on December 15th, 2011 7:53 pm

    So glad to see you guys make it home safe. Hope your Christmas is the best ever. God Bless each one of you and your families. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  3. ProudArmyParent on December 15th, 2011 6:05 pm

    Congratulations to the Troops that are headed home! But, please remember there are over 4,000 Tropps still in Iraq and my son is one of them! Here is hoping the US Government gives them more for Christmas than they did for Thanksgiving, (a pork MRE!)
    God Bless all OUR Troops, we love you and wish you a VERY Merry Chriatmas!

  4. Safebear on December 15th, 2011 3:04 pm

    WOW Bama Lama Ding Dong – I’ll bet you’re a hoot at parties! Way to turn good news into a political depressant – event though it is the truth.

    Glad to have everyone back and safe travels home. Thanks for your service

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Nancy Helton on December 15th, 2011 9:55 am

    So glad they will be home. We do as JJ said need to remember our service members still serving everywhere.

  6. Becky on December 15th, 2011 9:04 am

    Welcome Home, 1165th, may your Christmas be full of Family, Love, and Peace. God Bless you all.

  7. Jackie Johnson on December 15th, 2011 9:00 am

    I’m thankful to all the soilders who have served and died for our freedom here in the United States of America. Let us pray for the ones coming home from Iraq and for the ones still presenet in Afghanistan. We have just had a very close friend’s husband injured in Afghanistan last Friday, he is now in the hospital in Germany where he underwent multiple surgeries and hopefully, will be flown out tomorrow to Walter Reid. Please pray for his family.

  8. Bama Lama Ding Dong on December 15th, 2011 6:50 am

    After 9 years, 4,500 American dead, 32,000 wounded and more than $800 billion spent, U.S. closes its role in Iraq.

    Afghanistan will doubtless leave a similar “legacy”.

    Does anybody wish to discuss the Federal deficit now?