Lawmaker: Go Ahead, Pry Cell Phone From ‘My Cold Dead Fingers’

December 15, 2011

A day after a federal agency suggested every state should ban or limit cell phone use while driving, Florida lawmakers began reacting.

Sen. Jack Latvala, a Pinellas County Republican, told WTSP in Tampa that he wouldn’t support the proposed bans that are filed with the Legislature.

“You can take it out of my cold dead fingers,” Latvala said of his cell phone. He said he talks and drives all the time.

One bill has already been filed that would ban texting and driving, while another bill would prohibit minors from using the cell phone in any way while driving.

Sen. Nancy Detert, R-Venice told WTSP that the texting ban is common sense. “It’s not limiting anyone’s personal freedom,” she said. “It’s a safety issue.”

For more on this story and the NTSB opinion that cell phone use should be banned for drivers, click here.


21 Responses to “Lawmaker: Go Ahead, Pry Cell Phone From ‘My Cold Dead Fingers’”

  1. SHO-NUFF on December 15th, 2011 9:37 pm

    I remember years ago, following weaving cars down the highway numerous times.
    It appeared that the driver was unable to carry on a conversation with the passenger without looking them in the eye during the chat.
    I have ridden in an automobile with the same type of person, and learned to be quite or tell them to keep their eyes on the road!

    I personally will answer a call and talk on my cell phone, behind the wheel. I never dial a number, and texting is out of the question! I don’t “text” period, nor answer them. If you need to tell me something, CALL me! It is easier than typing what you need, or think you need to say.

    Talking on a phone while driving might not be as dangerous as talking to someone that is riding with you. At least you can keep you’re eyes on the road.

    Texting should be against the law. It is one of the biggest distractions that younger drivers have, as most of the older crowd don’t text anyway.

  2. Kari on December 15th, 2011 9:07 pm

    We need more laws because people are too irresponsible for us to let them make their own decisions. Cell phone usage while driving kills, so do guns and tobacco. I mean, you’ve got applying make-up, eating, and having children in the car that are also distracting activities. This suggestion by the federal agency to control cell phone usage is well-founded, as all of these things are extremely dangerous and should be outlawed. You are all right, we need to get this guy out of office and elect someone that will pass some more laws to keep us safe because we can’t seem to do it ourselves!

  3. BOGIAN on December 15th, 2011 7:53 pm

    Hello government of Florida. I know you aren’t very good at paying attention to anything that isn’t the flavor of the week in the news, but I think it would be a good idea to take a look at some of the laws you have on the books already. Here are some statutes to get you started.

    316.192 Reckless driving
    316.1925 Careless driving

    I’m thinking that maybe if someone’s cell phone usage becomes a problem it might be covered by one of these laws that you already have on the books.

    Okay, now that I’ve cleared that up for you, do you think you could get started on bringing some industry to the state that doesn’t involve uglying up the beaches with hotels?

  4. Devastating Dave on December 15th, 2011 5:12 pm

    Sen. Jack Latvala: “You can take it out of my cold dead fingers.”

    A member of the Aristocracy has spoken. ’nuff said.

    I lost the first car that I bought with my own money to a girl who was talking on her cell phone. Totaled my car and hurt my back while I was sitting at a red light. Her daddy’s insurance didn’t give me enough to buy a new car so I had to borrow to buy another to make it to work and keep my job.

    Texting while driving is just plain criminal. Lock ‘em up!

  5. molino jim on December 15th, 2011 4:19 pm

    This a/m at appx. 7:00 a/m a young woman came south on 97— made a fast rolling turn south on 29. The stop sign was of no concern. She had a phone up to her left ear and was still going about 20-25 in the turn. she crossed over into the left hand lane in front of a log truck. ( I’m guess he said some ugly thing about her while putting down some skid rubber on the road) She never saw him I guess. Last time I saw her she was hauling south bound. A law will not solve all of the problems –but could help. Think back to the seat belt law– it has helped save lives and a lot of people is the same thing about “government taking away my freedoms”. There was another law that called for vehicle inspection that was latter repealed, now you have vehicles with one head light/light or lights that blind you/no brake lights/ and other assorted problems. As one person said if it’s so important pull over out of traffic and talk.

  6. Bob Hudson on December 15th, 2011 1:07 pm

    So if all ya’ll do not want a new law about cell phones,quite using them(hand held) while you drive, or use a hands free device. But no, Total Ban on texting while driving. Texting while driving is as stupid as it gets. You see , my cell phone rings and records who calls( and which one does not?) If it is hand held,pull over, and call them back. There is nothing in your life, that is important enough , to put my life and many others in danger. And I mean nothing.

  7. Friction against the machine on December 15th, 2011 12:14 pm

    Does anyone think that we don’t have enough laws as it is? I mean really…it’s just government getting their finger in your face and their hand in your wallet. And I bet those folks supporting the ban will be the first ones to get a ticket for violating it. Government can’t regulate responsible behavior. The government that governs best is the government that governs least!

  8. Bob hudson on December 15th, 2011 12:06 pm

    Look, you are driving down the road, holding a cell phone to your ear, or texting,(still do not know how that works) but, your front tire blows out, what do you think will happen? You have lost the time to correct what has just gone wrong. Proper driving, calls for the 10 o’clock left hand, 2 o’clock right hand. And this is to maintain control of what you are driving. It is a time proven way to drive.Nascar has proven that it is possible to drive with a hands free devise. Hey they do it all the time. But they do not text or hold this devise to their ear. They are also not concerned, about all the problems that go with every day life,and talking about something that they can not control any way. Remember, we are driving and that should be the most important focus of all.Cell phones are great, BUT, once again we take some thing good, and make some thing dangerous out of it. All because we can not control ourselves.

  9. Bob Hudson on December 15th, 2011 10:33 am

    Simple, pass a law against talking or texting on cell phone while driving. If it is proven that either caused a accident, First fine 1500.00, second fine 3000.00, third fine loss of licence for 6 months, 6000.00. I say this because yesterday , while in town , this young lady was so intent on talking on her phone , she pulled out in front of me.Hey, I am all for personal freedom, BUT, when your bad habits, put me in danger, it is no longer personal freedom. Want to use use your cell phone? Pull over. Its my highway to.

  10. just plain country on December 15th, 2011 10:03 am

    I hope some of these comments were not posted while driving down the road!

  11. Bama Lama Ding Dong on December 15th, 2011 9:59 am

    “Any business transacted on a cell phone while driving will only result in later misunderstandings and exactly what phone call is worth a life?”

    This makes no sense whatsoever and is patently false.

    Take a deep breath, relax and try to come up with a better response next time.

  12. vey9 on December 15th, 2011 9:37 am

    “I do not understand why talking on a phone is so different from talking to a passenger.”

    Because a passenger can see that things are getting a little dicey and shut up. Any business transacted on a cell phone while driving will only result in later misunderstandings and exactly what phone call is worth a life?

  13. shae on December 15th, 2011 9:29 am

    Why single out just cell phone usage? Consider applying makeup, smoking, eating, drinking etc. So, is this worth the effort when there are so many other things that cause the same amount of threat. The way I see it is that we are still going to have to rely on the conscience of people to do the right thing, because how can you inforce these bans effectively? I just don’t see it working.

  14. Spoon Champion on December 15th, 2011 9:13 am

    While I understand the prevalence of cell phones in American’s lives, I fail understand why we must be on the phone all the time. Have your cell phone on your person, but texting while driving in ludicrous and dangerous. Some people’s proficiency driving is already questionable. Would you want that same person sending texts, not paying attention to the road, while driving. Texting while driving is just as dangerous, in my opinion, as drinking/substance abusing/medicated and driving or sleep deprivation and driving.

  15. laughing but not funny on December 15th, 2011 8:18 am

    Sorry, I am more in agreement with him than the ban….banning all cell phone usage for drivers is akin to banning guns – you can ban them, but good luck enforcing it.

    It would set business back 20 years as well.

  16. John Mang on December 15th, 2011 8:01 am

    Everyone please remember what this elected official said, and give him your response by voting for someone else the next time he comes up for re-election. A person with this mentality has no business representing us in our government; and it is our government.

  17. Kathy Cohen on December 15th, 2011 7:48 am

    Phone to ear blocks part of vision to the side when you are changing lanes. I have been run into the center lane more then once by people with phones to their ears that change lanes and cannot see me. Also some people who cannot control their selves when talking and physically react to their conversations. Example: Driving down Saufley Field Road: Woman in front of me slammed on her brakes and came to a full stop as she was in a very heated argument with someone on the phone. As I passed her, she was still sitting there holding up traffic and arguing. So, we may not all be this bad, some of us are not safe as we think. Those who use hands free devises are safer but we all don’t and there is a safety issue. Once again we all pay for what the unthinking do but there is a problem. Maybe hands free only.

  18. alice harris on December 15th, 2011 7:17 am

    I do not understand why talking on a phone is so different from talking to a passenger. Will they ban conversation in cars next? This proposed talking ban is just plain stupid. I do not believe there is any valid reason for it. Just one more effort by government to take over every aspect of life. Damn, people.

  19. Bama Lama Ding Dong on December 15th, 2011 6:39 am

    “One bill has already been filed that would ban texting and driving, while another bill would prohibit minors from using the cell phone in any way while driving.”

    They already have this in Georgia, this (and only this) makes sense.

  20. Phillip Ware-Ehlers on December 15th, 2011 5:31 am

    Well this just goes to show that some Senators are total idiots. Making statements “You can take it out of my cold dead fingers” Yeah, he’s probably one of those cell phone users that talk on his phone all the time as he stated, in the left hand lane and cuts everyone off. He needs to be voted out, along with his idiotic comments.

  21. David Huie Green on December 15th, 2011 5:26 am

    ” “You can take it out of my cold dead fingers,” Latvala said”

    And, of course, that’s a real possibility if he is concentrating too much on his conversations and not enough on his driving.

    David for warm fingers
    mine and others