Items Worth Thousands Taken During Cantonment Burglaries

December 30, 2011

Residents in a quiet Cantonment subdivision have been rattled by a break-ins over the past couple of weeks in which thieves have made off with thousands of dollars worth of goods.

The break-ins were reported in Saverna Park subdivision, off Well Line Road near Santa Rosa Road.

Wednesday afternoon, someone used a brick to smash through a window of one of about  dozen homes in the neighborhood. About $6,000 worth of items — many recently opened Christmas presents — were taken, including a big screen TV, laptops, other electronics and money. About two weeks ago, almost $10,000 worth of possessions including TV’s, cameras and firearms were stolen from another home in the subdivision. A brick was also used to smash a windows in that burglary.

Residents say the burglars are approaching the homes from the rear from nearby wooded areas then making their getaway back into the woods.

Anyone with information on the burglaries is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


13 Responses to “Items Worth Thousands Taken During Cantonment Burglaries”

  1. Char on December 31st, 2011 9:24 am

    Sometimes It’s not a kid, or their just the look outs and it’s really the ADULTS
    (neighbors) that NOBODY including the police will believe did the robbery.

    You really can’t trust anyone these days. I have begun to realize that some
    of the people who over protect their delinquent’s are the very one’s who
    taught them every thing they KNOW.

    The problem with these kind of things, your innocent until something
    like this happens to you, then suddenly, you don’t trust people.
    When the police are told who did it, and they won’t listen and poo poo
    what you tell them, then you don’t trust them anymore either.

    The victim is victimized over and over by everyone, including the
    very insurance companies who are supposed to be there for you.

    @LAURA I feel your pain. I’m so very sorry this happened to someone
    struggling so hard. Creeps like to look for victims who can’t fight back
    if their caught at the house. I hope the holiday gets better for you

  2. Jane on December 31st, 2011 6:57 am

    Start a Neighborhood Watch group there. The ESCO will help you learn how to protect yourself and your possessions. Everyone saays they don’t need one until something like this happens!

  3. just saying on December 31st, 2011 1:23 am

    anyone from that area knows its loaded with a lot of young adults/teenagers who are drug abusers, if their coming through the woods and going back through the woods, odds are they live right through the woods. try watching your neighbors.

  4. A. Wisenheimer on December 30th, 2011 10:43 pm

    These thefts are probably being done by a couple of teenagers. Shouldn’t be hard to catch. They’ll probably accidentally shoot themselves with the guns they stole. Or maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll point one at a police officer. There ya go.

  5. laura on December 30th, 2011 6:48 pm

    I was a victum of one of these breakins I live off pine top just down from this neighborhood. I live infront of woods as well… I’m a single mom and have been thru a lot this holiday season including the death of my mom :( this was not something I needed!

  6. southern by choice on December 30th, 2011 2:43 pm

    These thieves have to have a vehicle of some sort parked somewhere on the other side of these woods in order to get away with the stolen loot. I’m afraid it’ll take all the citizens of the area to be on the lookout in order to catch these fools. Everyone should pay close attention and don’t hesitate to call the police if you even( think) you see something suspicious going on. A lot of the time thieves are caught because of a tip from a citizen.

  7. Darko Sladovic on December 30th, 2011 2:03 pm

    I can’t wait until someone is arrested for these crimes. Then all the family and friends will be telling people not to judge them and pray for them because we “don’t know the whole story.” I know the story: they [if more than one] broke into the homes of working people and stole stuff that did not belong to them. End of story. How about prayers and sympathy for the people who were victimized? We’ll never know the full story on how their lives chaged as a result unless the same thing happens to us [God forbid].

  8. David Huie Green on December 30th, 2011 12:17 pm

    “What does the beach have to do with Cantonment burglaries?”

    He said, “quit worrying about the beach all the time and worry about the county..” The clear idea is that some are being ignored while others get attention.

    Right or wrong, it should be clear he thinks too much attention is paid to beach matters and not enough to the poorer, drier parts of the county.

    Clearly if a small area of Cantonment is seeing a large increase in crime, that area warrants closer scrutiny than some other areas not seeing so much. All need watching lest criminals just go elsewhere.

    This particular set of crimes seem to be dependent on approaches from the woods in the rear, thus it wouldn’t just be some random, “Let’s rob that place while we’re driving through,” type of crime.

    David for law enforcement catching law breakers

  9. paul on December 30th, 2011 11:49 am

    I have a large wolf/hybred that keeps lowlifes from even thinkin about coming into my house..

  10. law man on December 30th, 2011 11:41 am

    250 Square miles is the size of the cantonment, Molino. That is a lot to patrol. Those officers can’t be everywhere and catch every criminal. Especially since that area is really easy to get in and out no problem, but remember that bad guy will slip up and get caught.

  11. cottagehill guy on December 30th, 2011 11:22 am

    more and more deputies are being hired, but that is to replace many of those who are retired or retiring. still doesnt change the amount of deputies assigned to the cantonment area which is only a few

  12. What? on December 30th, 2011 9:57 am

    Stupied, what are you talking about? What does the beach have to do with Cantonment burglaries? Wasn’t there more deputies hired not too long ago? anyone?

  13. stupied on December 30th, 2011 6:11 am

    cops cant control everything around because there are no jobs here and its gona keep happening.the commissioners need to try and get industries in here to pay good money instead of min.wage.quit worrying about the beach all the time and worry about the county.sure they paving afew roads but thats not getting jobs in here.we pay taxes so hire more cops for protection instead of an 80,000 rodeo job.