Gulf Power Rate Hike Hearing Ends, Decision Soon

December 19, 2011

The Florida Public Service Commission could decide February 27 whether Gulf Power Company customers will pay $93.5 million more a year for electricity — partially to fund the purchase of 4,000 acres of land for a possible nuclear power plant near McDavid.

The commission has wrapped up a nearly four-day hearing on the Pensacola-based utility’s request for an increase in base rates. The hearing centered on issues such as how much potential investor earnings should be included in the rates. Attorneys for consumer and business groups argued that the rate proposal should be dramatically scaled back, with some arguing Gulf has justified only a $16.2 million increase.

Currently, a Gulf Power residential customer who uses 1,000 kilowatt hours a month of electricity pays $127.16. That number will drop slightly to $125.80 in January because of lower fuel and environmental costs. But if the PSC approves Gulf Power’s base-rate proposal, the customer bill would jump to $133.46 in April.


5 Responses to “Gulf Power Rate Hike Hearing Ends, Decision Soon”

  1. David Huie Green on December 20th, 2011 4:42 pm

    Yep, I was just getting ready to put up a multimillion dollar electricity generating wind turbine in my back yard but must have misplaced my millions. Better check my other billfold. Wait a minute; I don’t HAVE another billfold and this one’s empty – - – ?

    David confused

  2. Jane on December 20th, 2011 8:50 am

    Time to go solar people! Install wind turbines, solar panels, then sell the excess back to Gulf Power!

  3. just the facts on December 19th, 2011 9:05 am

    Its a good thing to see people donating there time and money for our kids at christmas as i have done so every year.Reference the article about Gulf Power employees donating 10,000 and 150 bikes,sounds like the employees are well taken care of and anyone knowing GP employees, know that they are, because i do.Its a great company to work for with great pay and excellent benifits with a low turnover rate.I am not in favor of any increase, if anything, our bills need to be close to where they were in 2003 per kwh.

  4. charlie w. on December 19th, 2011 6:37 am

    Maybe if GP can get their increase, they can put out more ads, as if they were not a monoply. We need a choice in who we get electricity from.

  5. EJ on December 19th, 2011 3:55 am

    These people lie as much as our politicians. I received that Home Energy Report that accused me of using 15% more electricity than my neighbors over the last two months. My kitchen was being remodeled the last two months so I had no stove, no ovens, no microwave, no cooking. Tell me how I used more than my neighbors with me cooking outside on the grill. When I called them on it, they checked my account and said they were missing some readings or some other such lie. The only HIKE they deserve is them TAKING A HIKE.