Funeral Services Set For Wade Jernigan; His Organ Donation Allows Others To Live

December 10, 2011

A heart of gold, always a smile, always positive, always there, and always giving of himself.  Those are just some of the ways Wade Jernigan’s friends described him in the hours following a tragic wreck Wednesday morning not far from Northview High School. And, even in his death, he continued to give of himself.

“Wade was truly a sweetheart, he was the best friend a girl could have. I was so shocked and overwhelmed about the passing I broke down in to tears,” a friend wrote on  “But later on in the day i realized this is a time not mourn and grieve but to mainly honor how great of a guy he was.”

“I’ve never in my time being at Northview witnessed the halls so empty of emotion and noise. Silence had overwhelmed us completely. This tells you how great of a guy he was. It hurts us all to think the guy you surrounded yourself with in case you were having a bad day, is gone. In return, we will all grow stronger, and learn from this,” another student wrote about the Northview sophomore.

After doctors did all they could do, Wade was kept on life support at Sacred Heart Hospital in order to donate his organs.

“Through his unselfish, giving spirit he chose to be an organ donor, and even though we greatly grieve his passing, through it he gave eight people and their families life and in this way he lives on through them,” the family said.

Funeral services for 16-year old Kenneth Wade Jernigan will be held Sunday, December 11 at 1 p.m. at Faith Chapel Funeral Home North inCantonment with Rev. Jeff Howard and Rev. Doug Hogg officiating. Interment will follow at Bayview Memorial Park Cemetery.

The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 5-8 p.m. on Saturday, December 10, 2011.

For the complete obituary, click here.


11 Responses to “Funeral Services Set For Wade Jernigan; His Organ Donation Allows Others To Live”

  1. stephen on July 8th, 2020 8:25 pm

    i often watch the video of Wade’s Dad speaking about his love for his Son.its inspiring and so sad at the same time. They should be fishing!!

    God Bless you all and i pray for everyone never to text and drive. Wade was truly loved and we are from Canada and did not know the family, but send our deepest condolences.Thank you for your time.

  2. Michelle on December 12th, 2011 3:34 pm

    I have had the pleasure of watching this young man grow up into one of the most handsome, kind, and loving man that he had turned out to be. When I heard of his passing it was a day that I will never forget. My heart immediatly went out to his family and friends. I knew Wade when he was just a little guy, and to see what a well rounded young man that he turned out to be was something that gave me great pleasure. To hear of his passing was a reality check for me and my own. His father got up and spoke at his funeral, and said that he always told his son that he loved him, and that morning little did he know that would be the last time that he would ever speek to his son. He talked about telling your loved ones that you love them. You never know when tragedy will come into your life.Wade made the unselfish desicion to be an organ donor when he got his lisence, and because of that he lives on. My thoughts and prayers are with the Jernigan family in there time of sorrow. May god bless you, and the family and many friends that this young man had in his 16 years of life.

  3. nene on December 11th, 2011 10:51 am

    I’m so sorry for your loss. May God bless you and give you peace in your time of sorrow.

  4. Angi B. on December 11th, 2011 9:24 am

    May this young man rest in peace.
    Thanks to his decision of being a donor, he will give others life; and continue to live through them.
    May his family, friends and loved ones be blessed with the strength to live from day to day.

  5. pjp on December 10th, 2011 9:04 pm

    What a precious smile and handsome young man! As a mother that knows this pain all to well, my sincere prayers are with this mother and father who as I know should not have had to say goodbye so soon. But I wish you to know this; God is so merciful to us at this time and gives us enormous strength to get thru. I once asked a friend ” does God think I am weak because I miss my son and grieve so for him?” My friend responded to me that the Savior’s mother Mary stood at the foot of the cross and weeped greatly for her son even though she knew God’s plan for him and that he would live again! So if the Savior’s mother’s grief was understood then he understands ours! As Christians the knowledge that our children are with our Lord eases some of the pain, but the grace of God will help see us thru until the day we see these precious smiles we have missed for a season. I pray God give you peace and comfort in this time of sorrow.

  6. Mary Denham on December 10th, 2011 4:43 pm

    What a hero…. I know he will be missed so very much, this is such a tragedy but to be able to know that he wanted to be able organ donate his organs at such a young age made him wise beyond his years. My husband is an organ recipient, and has been so blesssed to have had a second chance at life. I commend his parents for being able to honor him and his wish to help others in such a sorrowful time in their life. My prayers are with you in the days ahead.

  7. charlie on December 10th, 2011 10:24 am

    As one who is an organ recipient, I thank Wade’s family for giving the gift of life to a stranger.My donor helped five people fifteen years ago.You made a hard decision at a hard time and may you be blessed for it. Again I say thank you..

  8. people-r-crazy on December 10th, 2011 10:01 am

    Praying for the Jernigan family in this difficult time. I did not know Wade, but from all that I have seen on this sight and on facebook from people we both knew he was a great guy and has touched many people. I think that being an organ donor is a honorable thing. Its hard for the ones that lost their loved one, but I think of him as a hero. He saved 8 people, most people never save even one. I don’t know who these people are, but I like to think that one of them may have been a teen just like him, a single mom with 2 kids, or someone who has been sick along time because theirs never worked right. Who ever they are I hope they know that the person who saved their life has a lot of people that love and miss him, and that they live every day like its there last. God has a plan and Wade was a big part of it for eight people. Remember him as the giving, loving person that he was and may God bless you.

  9. Skye on December 10th, 2011 9:56 am

    Wade , you was my bestfriend and have been since we’ve met in the 8th grade ! you always did anything you could to make me smile and to make my days better . Nhs without is jus not the same and i dont think it will ever be . i love you and i’ll see you again someday , i know i will . Rest In Peace my sweet bestfriend , K.W.J. <3

  10. Sam on December 10th, 2011 8:36 am


  11. Delmer Tew on December 10th, 2011 7:28 am

    Seeing him at the Panhandle through the years, I was always impressed with his quiet and polite manners. Our extended family has been touched by this tragedy. I know that in the days and years ahead, youall will be reminded of his giving and unselfish spirit as you interact with those families who received the gift of better quality lives because of Wade. God Bless youall.