Fallen Marine Travis Nelson’s Family Gives Back For Christmas

December 26, 2011

Scott and Beckie Nelson of Bratt just could not stand the thought of their first Christmas without their son LCpl. Travis M. Nelson who was killed in action in Afghanistan back in August. To take their minds off a Christmas without Travis in the house, they decided to give back to the communities that had supported them so much following his death.

The Nelson family, along with a small army of volunteers, prepared and delivered about 125 Christmas meals Sunday for elderly, shut-in and needy people in the Bratt, Atmore and surrounding areas.

“We wanted to do something to give back and wanted take our minds off Travis not being here,” Beckie said as she worked on getting the flavor just right on a sweet potato casserole. “We thought about volunteering at the Waterfront Rescue Mission. Then Scott said we should try to put back into this community and see if there was enough need.”

They initially planned to find about 70 individuals that needed Christmas lunch. But, before it was over, about 125 were on the list. For Beckie, it was her first time cooking a big Christmas lunch.

“We usually go to my mother-in-laws’ for Christmas lunch,” she said.

The recipients of the Nelson’s generosity ranged from the elderly to a family of 13, including eight children, that would have otherwise done without a traditional Christmas lunch.

Plans are already in the works to repeat the Christmas lunches next year in a program they are calling “Operation Enduring Loss”.

“We are continuing to endure the loss of Travis,” Beckie said. “For 19 years, he was here with us opening presents on Christmas. But he’s not coming home this time,” she said, pausing. “Or the next time. That chapter in our lives is closed.”

That’s been tough for the Nelson family, she said, where Christmas always meant family time and presents around the Christmas tree. The family put up a tree this year, but this time it’s a real tree with all brand new ornaments.

“I just couldn’t bear to open the box of our other ornaments,” she said. “There are so many special ornaments in there that belonged to Travis. It’s just never going to be the same.”

Pictured top: Beckie Nelson (left) and volunteer Sandy Brown work on a sweet potato casserole. Pictured inset: Beckie Nelson with a finished sweet potato casserole, one of many used in 125 Christmas lunches. Pictured below: Travis Nelson’s sister Anna Nelson (left) and friend McShane Ingalls prepare fresh string beans. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Fallen Marine Travis Nelson’s Family Gives Back For Christmas”

  1. Diane Gallivan on December 30th, 2011 12:01 pm

    To the Nelson family: Becky, Scott & Anna and all the wonderful volunteers who gave so freely and lovingly with their time and energy to show the love of Christ to others on Christmas Day—Thank You! What a wonderful way to remember Travis and the sacrifice he made for our Country. Becky, I love you and your family is still in my prayers. Travis is looking down from Heaven and is so proud of all of you.

  2. meemee on December 27th, 2011 5:27 pm

    true meaning of christmas god bless this family thanks for caring lol…..

  3. Billy Gates on December 27th, 2011 4:07 pm

    When Scott and Beckie had this idea, I thought is was such a great plan. Scott came to our last VFW meeting to present their family plans and asked for input from our post members to ID any that may need help. I task the Post chaplain to handle this request and he delivered the list to the Nelson family. Scott and Beckie thank you for your thoughtfulness. BGates

  4. JUDY NELSON LACY on December 27th, 2011 3:53 pm

    …@..Dawn and Nicholas…@..Chris and Paul Wenzel…It is truly people like you that gives the rest of us hope that people like you are still out there. I remember you all being there and feel bad that introductions were not properly made by me and my husband. I asked Beckie who you were and she said ” they didn’t know us” and came anyway to be a part of this. It is you who gave Scott, Beckie and Anna a real Christmas Gift. And of course many other family and friends who think we are the ones who received a Christmas Gift also…so everyone felt the warmth and love of Travis there with us. Looking forward to seeing you all next year. Have a safe and blessed New Year.

  5. siobaun on December 27th, 2011 10:48 am


  6. Char on December 27th, 2011 8:40 am

    Every time this young mans name and family comes up I can’t post for
    the tears in my eyes.

  7. Chris & Paul Wenzel on December 26th, 2011 6:50 pm

    Just moving to Florida in Oct. We were not looking forward to Christmas this year without having family around. Then we saw your story, and offered to help. We delivered 14 meals to a apartment complex of elderly. We came home on such a high. We have never done anything like this before. It was wonderful. What you have started to honor your son is above anything I have known anyone to do. We will be back next year to help if you will have us. You are such a strong family. You might not feel like it at times but what you pulled off in a month was outstanding. It was so organized. What a honor to be part of it. I feel Travis is Smiling down on you and is so so Proud of what you have done in his name. God Bless

  8. Swamp Willow on December 26th, 2011 4:55 pm

    Wow…hearts born for service. What a tribute to Travis…it shows the good, nay, GREAT family from which he learned his desire to serve others. May God bless all of you and keep you safe, and may God’s Perpetual Light shine upon Travis.

  9. Carolyn on December 26th, 2011 4:49 pm

    Becky and Scott there should be more people like you .God Bless you and I am so sorry for your loss.What you are doing is really GREAT.If you will allow me to help you next year with the Christmas meals I make a mean carrot cake and I would like to donate as many as you need.

  10. Kayla on December 26th, 2011 1:34 pm

    I am a student at Northview very active in the NJROTC unit, and this story really did break my heart and made me push more toward my goal to becoming a United States Marine, I had already signed up and started my paper work when this happen! This makes me push myself harder, because I shouldnt give up on myself!!! Motivate Motivate, Dedicate, Dedicate!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SEMPER FI TRAVIS!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Dawn ZaBelle on December 26th, 2011 1:29 pm

    My son Nicholas and I were there to be a part of this. We had never met Beckie and Scott until Christmas Day, but I just felt this was something we needed to do. We helped prepare the meals for delivery and delivered 10 of the meals for Beckie and Scott. This was a wonderful experience and something we look forward to helping with every year. Thank you Nelson family!

  12. Mel Langhham on December 26th, 2011 10:44 am

    I was a patriot guard rider in Travis’s funeral possession. This is truly a wonderful and caring family and my prayers are with them always.

  13. Vicki Baggett on December 26th, 2011 8:46 am

    What a great testimony of faith and hope! This is a wonderful thing. Thank you for doing this for this area!

  14. Shawn Ray Rudd on December 26th, 2011 7:07 am

    So awesome, the Nelson’s are a true inspiration!

  15. Mary Ann Spence on December 26th, 2011 6:04 am

    Thank You. Scott, Beckie, Anna we appreciate and love you guys. The grief over Travis is being born by the whole community.

  16. nsomch on December 26th, 2011 5:52 am

    This is so touching to me, and I know that a lot of hurting people’s lives were touched by this loving gift at Christmas. My heart and prayers go out to the Nelson family during this time in their lives. It inspires me also to help others.

  17. MALYNDA on December 26th, 2011 12:37 am