Deputies Interupt Would-be Robbery

December 22, 2011

Two would-be robbers were arrested two would-be robbers hiding in a dumpster this morning near the former University Mall.

Deputy Kegan Berry was patrolling America’s Best Value Inn on Plantation Rd. when he observed two black males approaching a citizen from behind who was loading his
vehicle in the parking lot of the hotel. The two males ran as they spotted the deputy.

As other deputies arrived and began to search for the two males, they located two guns — a .40 caliber and a .380 caliber — on the ground along with a mask and gloves on the ground where the suspects ran.

Witnesses observed the two males jump in a dumpster behind The Ticket Sports Bar to hide. Both males were located in the dumpster and arrested.

The males were identified as 20-year old Kendall Jones and 18-year old Demicheous Brown, both of Pensacola. Both suspects were charged with loitering and prowling, trespassing and obstruction of justice. Both were out of jail on bond for aggravated battery and aggravated assault at the time of their arrest.


7 Responses to “Deputies Interupt Would-be Robbery”

  1. knows kendell on December 25th, 2011 11:46 pm

    I’ve known Kendell for about the last 12 years or so. He and my son hung out years ago. He WAS raised right, but a parent can only do so much, the rest is up to the child. Thank God no one was hurt and the crime was not worse. He will have a long time to think about his actions and hopefully can turn his life around.

  2. Char on December 23rd, 2011 10:37 am

    TWO STUPID YOUTHS, just looking for trouble and they found it.
    Thank heaven for that deputy being in the right place at the right time.
    Both these guys had guns and it is hard telling how this would have
    turned out.

    I suppose tho since nothing was done then these kids will learn NO LESSON and the next guy may be murdered.

  3. Hard Times on December 22nd, 2011 9:12 pm

    Seems like everyone gets emotional this time of year. They start wanting what others have and they don’t. If someone isn’t thankful for what they have, then they should get a job and change their future……not take what someone else has worked for. It’s not just the young – there are stories on here of the old doing the same thing. So, sad….so sad.

  4. jcellops on December 22nd, 2011 4:35 pm

    i know that this will NEVER happen, but….20 year old jones and 18 year old brown should get on their knees someday (AFTER theyve matured) and THANK deputy berry for being the catalyst who diverted what could very well have been a DRAMATICALLY life-changing event in their young lives- stupid kids using a gun during an intended robbery!…had they killed that man (intentionallly or UNintentionally), they would have been locked up in prison for very, very long time…..a little “scared straight” therapy would do them a world of good!

  5. Dan on December 22nd, 2011 1:24 pm

    Great Work Deputy Berry !!!

    We’re proud of you. Good eyes!

  6. molino jim on December 22nd, 2011 11:38 am

    The officers made one mistake—- they should have locked the dumpster and left these two bad boy in it for about two weeks. They could have eaten what was in the dumpster. They would have had to washed off real good before they were charged, but letting them run back and forth in a car wash a couple of times would have taken care of that.

  7. Angi B. on December 22nd, 2011 10:59 am

    Great Job Deputy Berry, Thank God No One Was Hurt…