County Crews Working On Morgan Cemetery And Kansas Roads

December 19, 2011

Escambia County Road Department projects are underway at two locations in North Escambia:

Morgan Cemetery Road — the county’s asphalt crew is overlaying the road due to deterioration of the open grade cold mix material. Morgan Cemetery Road is a short road located in Molino off Highway 29 just north of Highway 97.

Kansas Road — the county’s shoulder crew is adding material to the shoulders as necessary to repair drop-offs and to allow proper drainage along the roadway. Kansas Road is located in Walnut Hill between Highway 97 and Arthur Brown Road. It is about five miles in length.


One Response to “County Crews Working On Morgan Cemetery And Kansas Roads”

  1. stupie on December 20th, 2011 3:40 am

    see county workers know what roads to be paved without a 228,000 dollar company to tell them.its just another stupied way of spending tax payers dollars.whos pockets are getting padded.