Chet Truett Named Ernest Ward Teacher Of The Year

December 27, 2011

Eighth grade science teacher Chet Truett has been named the Ernest Ward Middle School Teacher of the Year.

Teachers of the year are chosen by the faculty and staff at each school in the county. The Escambia County Teacher of the Year will be announced at the annual Golden Apple Awards Dinner in February 2012.

Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Chet Truett Named Ernest Ward Teacher Of The Year”

  1. Beegee on December 27th, 2011 11:30 am

    I have worked at EW for two wonderful years and have found not one of the teachers there unworthy of this honor!!!!! I have come to know each one and have enjoyed it,too!!!! When it comes time to vote for this{which is not allowed for the noninstructional at some schools} I count it a blessing to be included !!!!! As a custodian, I see a great deal of the character,ethics and workmanship of these precious teachers….sometimes they may not realize it,but I see a lot of what goes on in their classroom….and have never been dismayed by what I saw!!!!
    To Mr.Truett: it couldn’t have happened to a better”fun” teacher!! I also watch the students that have you and have never heard anything derogatory spoken about you or your teaching!!! Believe me,I would hear it,too!!!!! :-) You and your sweet family are an asset to EWMS and we love you!!!!!!

  2. Your mom. on December 27th, 2011 9:11 am

    Go Mr. Truett!
    I had him last year and he was my favorite teacher by far!
    He definitely derserves this, no doubt!
    Miss you Mr. Truett!

  3. ECSD Mom on December 27th, 2011 7:01 am

    My now 10th grade son absolutely hated science in 7th grade. When he moved to 8th grade and had Mr. Truett for science, it became his favorite subject. It really does make a difference in who is doing the teaching. Mr. Truett made it fun and interesting for my child and he loved it. What a difference a good teacher can make. Thank you, Mr. Truett, for making 8th grade a little more bearable than 7th grade was.