Chavers Withdraws From Sheriff’s Race

December 5, 2011

William (Bill) Chavers, NPA, withdrew today from the Escambia County Sheriff’s race for the 2012 General Election, according to Escambia County Supervisor of Elections David Stafford. Chavers was formerly the chief deputy for current Sheriff David Morgan.

Currently, Morgan, the Republican incumbent, remains in the race along with Rex Blackburn (NPA) and Republican John Powell.


9 Responses to “Chavers Withdraws From Sheriff’s Race”

  1. Obe Swan Kanobi on January 10th, 2012 10:38 pm

    John Powell is a very honorable and sincere LAW ENFORCEMENT officer.
    Escambia County will be lucky if we can vote him in, and stop the Morgan General Nonsense.
    Morgan really wants to be County Commissioner, or Director ofFDLE, which is a joke.

  2. devotedemployee on December 6th, 2011 5:43 pm

    John Powell is an outstanding leader and escambia county sheriff’s office will become a professional and well respected agency under his leadership.

  3. Ken Repine on December 6th, 2011 10:00 am

    I have known John Powell since he began his law enforcement career. I like Ann Bruton had the privilege to see John Powell mature both personally and professionally. John is an extremely motivated individual. He is also a very caring person. Anyone who knows John will tell you the same thing. I had the privilege to see much of this 1st hand while he rose through the ranks at the Escambia county sheriff’s office. I first met John while I was working in the investigation division then shortly thereafter when I was promoted to sergeant I had the privilege of having him on the shift I was on. I recognized his dedication and his willingness to take on any task to better both himself and the Escambia county sheriff’s office. I sensed John’s ultimate goal even then was to become sheriff of his home county and he went about preparing himself to do just that. John has displayed his caring manner every step along the way during his career to the citizens he has served as well as those who worked with him and for him. John has prepared himself well to assume the monumental task of being the Sheriff of Escambia county and would already be sheriff had it not been for hurricane Ivan which came upon our county when John 1st ran for sheriff. He was unable to campaign during that time frame which was a critical time just prior to the election. He also felt uncomfortable about soliciting financial support from citizens because he knew that most were struggling and needed all the finances they had available. He sacrificed his goal and dream to be sheriff at that time ( my opinion ) because of his caring. Escambia county needs this kind of caring person along with the law enforcement credentials John possess.

  4. Resident on December 6th, 2011 9:38 am

    Is this the latest forum for running for office? A politician should
    project what he or she can offer to the constituents. When the
    sheriff is doing a magnificent job the populace should be
    appreciative enough to support HIM and refrain from offering
    remarks that may not be altogether true. I believe his actions in
    the county are exceptional(!) and if given more time to execute
    his plans, Escambia County will be a better and a safer place
    in which to live. Yes, he could familiarize himself with the county
    but more important is that he made the groundbreaking whether
    he needed to be present or not. I admire his ability to be present
    at as many places as he is. I believe he is in the job for the
    betterment of the people and not for the salary or glory involved,
    as might be indicated.

  5. JW on December 6th, 2011 4:51 am

    Northend Voter, I would have used Google Maps to find some of the schools on the north end. Actually he should have called up to Century SO and had them help him out. Oh well, I beileve he’s on his way out anyways.

  6. bigk on December 5th, 2011 10:35 pm

    Sheriff Morgan has repeatedly shown fiscal blunders during his tenure , run the department by intimidation similar to the new mayor and ignores whats important to his constituents. His admin staff cost more than the prior sheriff Mcnesby which he criticised for being top heavy. He has five public relations personnel (some related to his admin staff) which shows that he is more interested in publicity than budget responsibilty. He has neglected the north end citizens until now and is trying to show he cares by showing up to any north end function that has news media. He is not even a certified law enforcement officer with the State of Florida. He has stated the gang level in Escambia County is at an exceptable level. What is exceptable only 2-3 shooting a week? He only has 5 property crimes detectives (including supervisor) for the whole county , Santa Rosa has 9 and half the citizens and they solve crimes. It’s time for real law enforcement for this not a Bolivian General looking for his next photo op. I believe John Powell is the proper direction for the citizens if we want true law enforcement in this county

  7. Northend Voter on December 5th, 2011 8:14 pm

    I would like the Molino area voters to know that the reason that Sheriff Morgan was late to the Molino School dedication the other day was because he did not know where it was. He went to Ernest Ward Middle School and had to go in and ask for directions. I personally think it is a shame that the Sheriff does not even know his own county.

  8. Ann Bruton on December 5th, 2011 7:39 pm

    Having retired from the SO I know all of the participants in the
    Sheriff’s race with the exception of Sheriff Morgan.

    In my estimation, having known John Powell for many years,
    I believe he would be an excellent Sheriff.

  9. jay of molino on December 5th, 2011 3:16 pm

    I am for Morgan he has been a great Sheriff!!!! But i have not see any signs for him?